
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */

 * struct gpio_tilt_axis - Axis used by the tilt switch
 * @axis:               Constant describing the axis, e.g. ABS_X
 * @min:                minimum value for abs_param
 * @max:                maximum value for abs_param
 * @fuzz:               fuzz value for abs_param
 * @flat:               flat value for abs_param
struct gpio_tilt_axis {
        int axis;
        int min;
        int max;
        int fuzz;
        int flat;

 * struct gpio_tilt_state - state description
 * @gpios:              bitfield of gpio target-states for the value
 * @axes:               array containing the axes settings for the gpio state
 *                      The array indizes must correspond to the axes defined
 *                      in platform_data
 * This structure describes a supported axis settings
 * and the necessary gpio-state which represent it.
 * The n-th bit in the bitfield describes the state of the n-th GPIO
 * from the gpios-array defined in gpio_regulator_config below.
struct gpio_tilt_state {
        int gpios;
        int *axes;

 * struct gpio_tilt_platform_data
 * @gpios:              Array containing the gpios determining the tilt state
 * @nr_gpios:           Number of gpios
 * @axes:               Array of gpio_tilt_axis descriptions
 * @nr_axes:            Number of axes
 * @states:             Array of gpio_tilt_state entries describing
 *                      the gpio state for specific tilts
 * @nr_states:          Number of states available
 * @debounce_interval:  debounce ticks interval in msecs
 * @poll_interval:      polling interval in msecs - for polling driver only
 * @enable:             callback to enable the tilt switch
 * @disable:            callback to disable the tilt switch
 * This structure contains gpio-tilt-switch configuration
 * information that must be passed by platform code to the
 * gpio-tilt input driver.
struct gpio_tilt_platform_data {
        struct gpio *gpios;
        int nr_gpios;

        struct gpio_tilt_axis *axes;
        int nr_axes;

        struct gpio_tilt_state *states;
        int nr_states;

        int debounce_interval;

        unsigned int poll_interval;
        int (*enable)(struct device *dev);
        void (*disable)(struct device *dev);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */