
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ata_id_has_hipm
  2. ata_id_has_dipm
  3. ata_id_has_fua
  4. ata_id_has_flush
  5. ata_id_flush_enabled
  6. ata_id_has_flush_ext
  7. ata_id_flush_ext_enabled
  8. ata_id_logical_sector_size
  9. ata_id_log2_per_physical_sector
  10. ata_id_logical_sector_offset
  11. ata_id_has_lba48
  12. ata_id_lba48_enabled
  13. ata_id_hpa_enabled
  14. ata_id_has_wcache
  15. ata_id_has_pm
  16. ata_id_rahead_enabled
  17. ata_id_wcache_enabled
  18. ata_id_major_version
  19. ata_id_is_sata
  20. ata_id_has_tpm
  21. ata_id_has_dword_io
  22. ata_id_has_unload
  23. ata_id_has_wwn
  24. ata_id_form_factor
  25. ata_id_rotation_rate
  26. ata_id_has_ncq_send_and_recv
  27. ata_id_has_trim
  28. ata_id_has_zero_after_trim
  29. ata_id_current_chs_valid
  30. ata_id_is_cfa
  31. ata_id_is_ssd
  32. ata_id_pio_need_iordy
  33. ata_drive_40wire
  34. ata_drive_40wire_relaxed
  35. atapi_cdb_len
  36. atapi_command_packet_set
  37. atapi_id_dmadir
  38. ata_id_is_lba_capacity_ok
  39. ata_id_to_hd_driveid
  40. ata_set_lba_range_entries
  41. ata_ok
  42. lba_28_ok
  43. lba_48_ok

 *  Copyright 2003-2004 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 *  Copyright 2003-2004 Jeff Garzik
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 *  libata documentation is available via 'make {ps|pdf}docs',
 *  as Documentation/DocBook/libata.*
 *  Hardware documentation available from

#ifndef __LINUX_ATA_H__
#define __LINUX_ATA_H__

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>

/* defines only for the constants which don't work well as enums */
#define ATA_DMA_BOUNDARY        0xffffUL
#define ATA_DMA_MASK            0xffffffffULL

enum {
        /* various global constants */
        ATA_MAX_DEVICES         = 2,    /* per bus/port */
        ATA_MAX_PRD             = 256,  /* we could make these 256/256 */
        ATA_SECT_SIZE           = 512,
        ATA_MAX_SECTORS_128     = 128,
        ATA_MAX_SECTORS         = 256,
        ATA_MAX_SECTORS_LBA48   = 65535,/* TODO: 65536? */
        ATA_MAX_SECTORS_TAPE    = 65535,

        ATA_ID_WORDS            = 256,
        ATA_ID_CONFIG           = 0,
        ATA_ID_CYLS             = 1,
        ATA_ID_HEADS            = 3,
        ATA_ID_SECTORS          = 6,
        ATA_ID_SERNO            = 10,
        ATA_ID_BUF_SIZE         = 21,
        ATA_ID_FW_REV           = 23,
        ATA_ID_PROD             = 27,
        ATA_ID_MAX_MULTSECT     = 47,
        ATA_ID_DWORD_IO         = 48,
        ATA_ID_CAPABILITY       = 49,
        ATA_ID_OLD_PIO_MODES    = 51,
        ATA_ID_OLD_DMA_MODES    = 52,
        ATA_ID_FIELD_VALID      = 53,
        ATA_ID_CUR_CYLS         = 54,
        ATA_ID_CUR_HEADS        = 55,
        ATA_ID_CUR_SECTORS      = 56,
        ATA_ID_MULTSECT         = 59,
        ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY     = 60,
        ATA_ID_SWDMA_MODES      = 62,
        ATA_ID_MWDMA_MODES      = 63,
        ATA_ID_PIO_MODES        = 64,
        ATA_ID_EIDE_DMA_MIN     = 65,
        ATA_ID_EIDE_DMA_TIME    = 66,
        ATA_ID_EIDE_PIO         = 67,
        ATA_ID_EIDE_PIO_IORDY   = 68,
        ATA_ID_QUEUE_DEPTH      = 75,
        ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY_2        = 77,
        ATA_ID_FEATURE_SUPP     = 78,
        ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER        = 80,
        ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_1    = 82,
        ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2    = 83,
        ATA_ID_CFSSE            = 84,
        ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_1     = 85,
        ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_2     = 86,
        ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT      = 87,
        ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES       = 88,
        ATA_ID_HW_CONFIG        = 93,
        ATA_ID_SPG              = 98,
        ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY_2   = 100,
        ATA_ID_SECTOR_SIZE      = 106,
        ATA_ID_WWN              = 108,
        ATA_ID_LOGICAL_SECTOR_SIZE      = 117,  /* and 118 */
        ATA_ID_LAST_LUN         = 126,
        ATA_ID_DLF              = 128,
        ATA_ID_CSFO             = 129,
        ATA_ID_CFA_POWER        = 160,
        ATA_ID_CFA_KEY_MGMT     = 162,
        ATA_ID_CFA_MODES        = 163,
        ATA_ID_DATA_SET_MGMT    = 169,
        ATA_ID_ROT_SPEED        = 217,
        ATA_ID_PIO4             = (1 << 1),

        ATA_ID_SERNO_LEN        = 20,
        ATA_ID_FW_REV_LEN       = 8,
        ATA_ID_PROD_LEN         = 40,
        ATA_ID_WWN_LEN          = 8,

        ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS         = 2,

        ATA_PIO0                = (1 << 0),
        ATA_PIO1                = ATA_PIO0 | (1 << 1),
        ATA_PIO2                = ATA_PIO1 | (1 << 2),
        ATA_PIO3                = ATA_PIO2 | (1 << 3),
        ATA_PIO4                = ATA_PIO3 | (1 << 4),
        ATA_PIO5                = ATA_PIO4 | (1 << 5),
        ATA_PIO6                = ATA_PIO5 | (1 << 6),

        ATA_PIO4_ONLY           = (1 << 4),

        ATA_SWDMA0              = (1 << 0),
        ATA_SWDMA1              = ATA_SWDMA0 | (1 << 1),
        ATA_SWDMA2              = ATA_SWDMA1 | (1 << 2),

        ATA_SWDMA2_ONLY         = (1 << 2),

        ATA_MWDMA0              = (1 << 0),
        ATA_MWDMA1              = ATA_MWDMA0 | (1 << 1),
        ATA_MWDMA2              = ATA_MWDMA1 | (1 << 2),
        ATA_MWDMA3              = ATA_MWDMA2 | (1 << 3),
        ATA_MWDMA4              = ATA_MWDMA3 | (1 << 4),

        ATA_MWDMA12_ONLY        = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2),
        ATA_MWDMA2_ONLY         = (1 << 2),

        ATA_UDMA0               = (1 << 0),
        ATA_UDMA1               = ATA_UDMA0 | (1 << 1),
        ATA_UDMA2               = ATA_UDMA1 | (1 << 2),
        ATA_UDMA3               = ATA_UDMA2 | (1 << 3),
        ATA_UDMA4               = ATA_UDMA3 | (1 << 4),
        ATA_UDMA5               = ATA_UDMA4 | (1 << 5),
        ATA_UDMA6               = ATA_UDMA5 | (1 << 6),
        ATA_UDMA7               = ATA_UDMA6 | (1 << 7),
        /* ATA_UDMA7 is just for completeness... doesn't exist (yet?).  */

        ATA_UDMA24_ONLY         = (1 << 2) | (1 << 4),

        ATA_UDMA_MASK_40C       = ATA_UDMA2,    /* udma0-2 */

        /* DMA-related */
        ATA_PRD_SZ              = 8,
        ATA_PRD_TBL_SZ          = (ATA_MAX_PRD * ATA_PRD_SZ),
        ATA_PRD_EOT             = (1 << 31),    /* end-of-table flag */

        ATA_DMA_TABLE_OFS       = 4,
        ATA_DMA_STATUS          = 2,
        ATA_DMA_CMD             = 0,
        ATA_DMA_WR              = (1 << 3),
        ATA_DMA_START           = (1 << 0),
        ATA_DMA_INTR            = (1 << 2),
        ATA_DMA_ERR             = (1 << 1),
        ATA_DMA_ACTIVE          = (1 << 0),

        /* bits in ATA command block registers */
        ATA_HOB                 = (1 << 7),     /* LBA48 selector */
        ATA_NIEN                = (1 << 1),     /* disable-irq flag */
        ATA_LBA                 = (1 << 6),     /* LBA28 selector */
        ATA_DEV1                = (1 << 4),     /* Select Device 1 (slave) */
        ATA_DEVICE_OBS          = (1 << 7) | (1 << 5), /* obs bits in dev reg */
        ATA_DEVCTL_OBS          = (1 << 3),     /* obsolete bit in devctl reg */
        ATA_BUSY                = (1 << 7),     /* BSY status bit */
        ATA_DRDY                = (1 << 6),     /* device ready */
        ATA_DF                  = (1 << 5),     /* device fault */
        ATA_DSC                 = (1 << 4),     /* drive seek complete */
        ATA_DRQ                 = (1 << 3),     /* data request i/o */
        ATA_CORR                = (1 << 2),     /* corrected data error */
        ATA_IDX                 = (1 << 1),     /* index */
        ATA_ERR                 = (1 << 0),     /* have an error */
        ATA_SRST                = (1 << 2),     /* software reset */
        ATA_ICRC                = (1 << 7),     /* interface CRC error */
        ATA_BBK                 = ATA_ICRC,     /* pre-EIDE: block marked bad */
        ATA_UNC                 = (1 << 6),     /* uncorrectable media error */
        ATA_MC                  = (1 << 5),     /* media changed */
        ATA_IDNF                = (1 << 4),     /* ID not found */
        ATA_MCR                 = (1 << 3),     /* media change requested */
        ATA_ABORTED             = (1 << 2),     /* command aborted */
        ATA_TRK0NF              = (1 << 1),     /* track 0 not found */
        ATA_AMNF                = (1 << 0),     /* address mark not found */
        ATAPI_LFS               = 0xF0,         /* last failed sense */
        ATAPI_EOM               = ATA_TRK0NF,   /* end of media */
        ATAPI_ILI               = ATA_AMNF,     /* illegal length indication */
        ATAPI_IO                = (1 << 1),
        ATAPI_COD               = (1 << 0),

        /* ATA command block registers */
        ATA_REG_DATA            = 0x00,
        ATA_REG_ERR             = 0x01,
        ATA_REG_NSECT           = 0x02,
        ATA_REG_LBAL            = 0x03,
        ATA_REG_LBAM            = 0x04,
        ATA_REG_LBAH            = 0x05,
        ATA_REG_DEVICE          = 0x06,
        ATA_REG_STATUS          = 0x07,

        ATA_REG_FEATURE         = ATA_REG_ERR, /* and their aliases */
        ATA_REG_CMD             = ATA_REG_STATUS,
        ATA_REG_BYTEL           = ATA_REG_LBAM,
        ATA_REG_BYTEH           = ATA_REG_LBAH,
        ATA_REG_DEVSEL          = ATA_REG_DEVICE,
        ATA_REG_IRQ             = ATA_REG_NSECT,

        /* ATA device commands */
        ATA_CMD_DEV_RESET       = 0x08, /* ATAPI device reset */
        ATA_CMD_CHK_POWER       = 0xE5, /* check power mode */
        ATA_CMD_STANDBY         = 0xE2, /* place in standby power mode */
        ATA_CMD_IDLE            = 0xE3, /* place in idle power mode */
        ATA_CMD_EDD             = 0x90, /* execute device diagnostic */
        ATA_CMD_DOWNLOAD_MICRO  = 0x92,
        ATA_CMD_NOP             = 0x00,
        ATA_CMD_FLUSH           = 0xE7,
        ATA_CMD_FLUSH_EXT       = 0xEA,
        ATA_CMD_ID_ATA          = 0xEC,
        ATA_CMD_ID_ATAPI        = 0xA1,
        ATA_CMD_SERVICE         = 0xA2,
        ATA_CMD_READ            = 0xC8,
        ATA_CMD_READ_EXT        = 0x25,
        ATA_CMD_READ_QUEUED     = 0x26,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE           = 0xCA,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_EXT       = 0x35,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_QUEUED    = 0x36,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_FUA_EXT   = 0x3D,
        ATA_CMD_FPDMA_READ      = 0x60,
        ATA_CMD_FPDMA_WRITE     = 0x61,
        ATA_CMD_FPDMA_SEND      = 0x64,
        ATA_CMD_FPDMA_RECV      = 0x65,
        ATA_CMD_PIO_READ        = 0x20,
        ATA_CMD_PIO_READ_EXT    = 0x24,
        ATA_CMD_PIO_WRITE       = 0x30,
        ATA_CMD_PIO_WRITE_EXT   = 0x34,
        ATA_CMD_READ_MULTI      = 0xC4,
        ATA_CMD_READ_MULTI_EXT  = 0x29,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_MULTI     = 0xC5,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_MULTI_EXT = 0x39,
        ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURES    = 0xEF,
        ATA_CMD_SET_MULTI       = 0xC6,
        ATA_CMD_PACKET          = 0xA0,
        ATA_CMD_VERIFY          = 0x40,
        ATA_CMD_VERIFY_EXT      = 0x42,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_UNCORR_EXT = 0x45,
        ATA_CMD_STANDBYNOW1     = 0xE0,
        ATA_CMD_SLEEP           = 0xE6,
        ATA_CMD_INIT_DEV_PARAMS = 0x91,
        ATA_CMD_SET_MAX         = 0xF9,
        ATA_CMD_SET_MAX_EXT     = 0x37,
        ATA_CMD_READ_LOG_EXT    = 0x2F,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_LOG_EXT   = 0x3F,
        ATA_CMD_READ_LOG_DMA_EXT = 0x47,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_LOG_DMA_EXT = 0x57,
        ATA_CMD_TRUSTED_RCV     = 0x5C,
        ATA_CMD_TRUSTED_SND     = 0x5E,
        ATA_CMD_PMP_READ        = 0xE4,
        ATA_CMD_PMP_READ_DMA    = 0xE9,
        ATA_CMD_PMP_WRITE       = 0xE8,
        ATA_CMD_PMP_WRITE_DMA   = 0xEB,
        ATA_CMD_CONF_OVERLAY    = 0xB1,
        ATA_CMD_SEC_SET_PASS    = 0xF1,
        ATA_CMD_SEC_UNLOCK      = 0xF2,
        ATA_CMD_SEC_ERASE_PREP  = 0xF3,
        ATA_CMD_SEC_ERASE_UNIT  = 0xF4,
        ATA_CMD_CONFIG_STREAM   = 0x51,
        ATA_CMD_SMART           = 0xB0,
        ATA_CMD_MEDIA_LOCK      = 0xDE,
        ATA_CMD_MEDIA_UNLOCK    = 0xDF,
        ATA_CMD_DSM             = 0x06,
        ATA_CMD_CHK_MED_CRD_TYP = 0xD1,
        ATA_CMD_CFA_REQ_EXT_ERR = 0x03,
        ATA_CMD_CFA_WRITE_NE    = 0x38,
        ATA_CMD_CFA_TRANS_SECT  = 0x87,
        ATA_CMD_CFA_ERASE       = 0xC0,
        ATA_CMD_REQ_SENSE_DATA  = 0x0B,

        /* marked obsolete in the ATA/ATAPI-7 spec */
        ATA_CMD_RESTORE         = 0x10,

        /* Subcmds for ATA_CMD_FPDMA_SEND */
        ATA_SUBCMD_FPDMA_SEND_DSM            = 0x00,

        /* READ_LOG_EXT pages */
        ATA_LOG_SATA_NCQ        = 0x10,
        ATA_LOG_NCQ_SEND_RECV     = 0x13,
        ATA_LOG_SATA_ID_DEV_DATA  = 0x30,
        ATA_LOG_SATA_SETTINGS     = 0x08,
        ATA_LOG_DEVSLP_OFFSET     = 0x30,
        ATA_LOG_DEVSLP_SIZE       = 0x08,
        ATA_LOG_DEVSLP_MDAT       = 0x00,
        ATA_LOG_DEVSLP_DETO       = 0x01,
        ATA_LOG_DEVSLP_VALID      = 0x07,

        /* NCQ send and receive log */
        ATA_LOG_NCQ_SEND_RECV_SUBCMDS_DSM       = (1 << 0),
        ATA_LOG_NCQ_SEND_RECV_DSM_OFFSET        = 0x04,
        ATA_LOG_NCQ_SEND_RECV_DSM_TRIM          = (1 << 0),
        ATA_LOG_NCQ_SEND_RECV_SIZE              = 0x10,

        /* READ/WRITE LONG (obsolete) */
        ATA_CMD_READ_LONG       = 0x22,
        ATA_CMD_READ_LONG_ONCE  = 0x23,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_LONG      = 0x32,
        ATA_CMD_WRITE_LONG_ONCE = 0x33,

        /* SETFEATURES stuff */
        SETFEATURES_XFER        = 0x03,
        XFER_UDMA_7             = 0x47,
        XFER_UDMA_6             = 0x46,
        XFER_UDMA_5             = 0x45,
        XFER_UDMA_4             = 0x44,
        XFER_UDMA_3             = 0x43,
        XFER_UDMA_2             = 0x42,
        XFER_UDMA_1             = 0x41,
        XFER_UDMA_0             = 0x40,
        XFER_MW_DMA_4           = 0x24, /* CFA only */
        XFER_MW_DMA_3           = 0x23, /* CFA only */
        XFER_MW_DMA_2           = 0x22,
        XFER_MW_DMA_1           = 0x21,
        XFER_MW_DMA_0           = 0x20,
        XFER_SW_DMA_2           = 0x12,
        XFER_SW_DMA_1           = 0x11,
        XFER_SW_DMA_0           = 0x10,
        XFER_PIO_6              = 0x0E, /* CFA only */
        XFER_PIO_5              = 0x0D, /* CFA only */
        XFER_PIO_4              = 0x0C,
        XFER_PIO_3              = 0x0B,
        XFER_PIO_2              = 0x0A,
        XFER_PIO_1              = 0x09,
        XFER_PIO_0              = 0x08,
        XFER_PIO_SLOW           = 0x00,

        SETFEATURES_WC_ON       = 0x02, /* Enable write cache */
        SETFEATURES_WC_OFF      = 0x82, /* Disable write cache */

        /* Enable/Disable Automatic Acoustic Management */
        SETFEATURES_AAM_ON      = 0x42,
        SETFEATURES_AAM_OFF     = 0xC2,

        SETFEATURES_SPINUP      = 0x07, /* Spin-up drive */

        SETFEATURES_SATA_ENABLE = 0x10, /* Enable use of SATA feature */
        SETFEATURES_SATA_DISABLE = 0x90, /* Disable use of SATA feature */

        /* SETFEATURE Sector counts for SATA features */
        SATA_FPDMA_OFFSET       = 0x01, /* FPDMA non-zero buffer offsets */
        SATA_FPDMA_AA           = 0x02, /* FPDMA Setup FIS Auto-Activate */
        SATA_DIPM               = 0x03, /* Device Initiated Power Management */
        SATA_FPDMA_IN_ORDER     = 0x04, /* FPDMA in-order data delivery */
        SATA_AN                 = 0x05, /* Asynchronous Notification */
        SATA_SSP                = 0x06, /* Software Settings Preservation */
        SATA_DEVSLP             = 0x09, /* Device Sleep */

        /* feature values for SET_MAX */
        ATA_SET_MAX_ADDR        = 0x00,
        ATA_SET_MAX_PASSWD      = 0x01,
        ATA_SET_MAX_LOCK        = 0x02,
        ATA_SET_MAX_UNLOCK      = 0x03,
        ATA_SET_MAX_FREEZE_LOCK = 0x04,

        /* feature values for DEVICE CONFIGURATION OVERLAY */
        ATA_DCO_RESTORE         = 0xC0,
        ATA_DCO_FREEZE_LOCK     = 0xC1,
        ATA_DCO_IDENTIFY        = 0xC2,
        ATA_DCO_SET             = 0xC3,

        /* feature values for SMART */
        ATA_SMART_ENABLE        = 0xD8,
        ATA_SMART_READ_VALUES   = 0xD0,

        /* feature values for Data Set Management */
        ATA_DSM_TRIM            = 0x01,

        /* password used in LBA Mid / LBA High for executing SMART commands */
        ATA_SMART_LBAM_PASS     = 0x4F,
        ATA_SMART_LBAH_PASS     = 0xC2,

        /* ATAPI stuff */
        ATAPI_PKT_DMA           = (1 << 0),
        ATAPI_DMADIR            = (1 << 2),     /* ATAPI data dir:
                                                   0=to device, 1=to host */
        ATAPI_CDB_LEN           = 16,

        /* PMP stuff */
        SATA_PMP_MAX_PORTS      = 15,
        SATA_PMP_CTRL_PORT      = 15,

        SATA_PMP_GSCR_DWORDS    = 128,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_PROD_ID   = 0,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_REV       = 1,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_ERROR     = 32,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_ERROR_EN  = 33,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_FEAT      = 64,
        SATA_PMP_GSCR_FEAT_EN   = 96,

        SATA_PMP_PSCR_STATUS    = 0,
        SATA_PMP_PSCR_ERROR     = 1,
        SATA_PMP_PSCR_CONTROL   = 2,

        SATA_PMP_FEAT_BIST      = (1 << 0),
        SATA_PMP_FEAT_PMREQ     = (1 << 1),
        SATA_PMP_FEAT_DYNSSC    = (1 << 2),
        SATA_PMP_FEAT_NOTIFY    = (1 << 3),

        /* cable types */
        ATA_CBL_NONE            = 0,
        ATA_CBL_PATA40          = 1,
        ATA_CBL_PATA80          = 2,
        ATA_CBL_PATA40_SHORT    = 3,    /* 40 wire cable to high UDMA spec */
        ATA_CBL_PATA_UNK        = 4,    /* don't know, maybe 80c? */
        ATA_CBL_PATA_IGN        = 5,    /* don't know, ignore cable handling */
        ATA_CBL_SATA            = 6,

        /* SATA Status and Control Registers */
        SCR_STATUS              = 0,
        SCR_ERROR               = 1,
        SCR_CONTROL             = 2,
        SCR_ACTIVE              = 3,
        SCR_NOTIFICATION        = 4,

        /* SError bits */
        SERR_DATA_RECOVERED     = (1 << 0), /* recovered data error */
        SERR_COMM_RECOVERED     = (1 << 1), /* recovered comm failure */
        SERR_DATA               = (1 << 8), /* unrecovered data error */
        SERR_PERSISTENT         = (1 << 9), /* persistent data/comm error */
        SERR_PROTOCOL           = (1 << 10), /* protocol violation */
        SERR_INTERNAL           = (1 << 11), /* host internal error */
        SERR_PHYRDY_CHG         = (1 << 16), /* PHY RDY changed */
        SERR_PHY_INT_ERR        = (1 << 17), /* PHY internal error */
        SERR_COMM_WAKE          = (1 << 18), /* Comm wake */
        SERR_10B_8B_ERR         = (1 << 19), /* 10b to 8b decode error */
        SERR_DISPARITY          = (1 << 20), /* Disparity */
        SERR_CRC                = (1 << 21), /* CRC error */
        SERR_HANDSHAKE          = (1 << 22), /* Handshake error */
        SERR_LINK_SEQ_ERR       = (1 << 23), /* Link sequence error */
        SERR_TRANS_ST_ERROR     = (1 << 24), /* Transport state trans. error */
        SERR_UNRECOG_FIS        = (1 << 25), /* Unrecognized FIS */
        SERR_DEV_XCHG           = (1 << 26), /* device exchanged */

enum ata_tf_protocols {
        /* ATA taskfile protocols */
        ATA_PROT_UNKNOWN,       /* unknown/invalid */
        ATA_PROT_NODATA,        /* no data */
        ATA_PROT_PIO,           /* PIO data xfer */
        ATA_PROT_DMA,           /* DMA */
        ATA_PROT_NCQ,           /* NCQ */
        ATAPI_PROT_NODATA,      /* packet command, no data */
        ATAPI_PROT_PIO,         /* packet command, PIO data xfer*/
        ATAPI_PROT_DMA,         /* packet command with special DMA sauce */

enum ata_ioctls {
        ATA_IOC_GET_IO32        = 0x309,
        ATA_IOC_SET_IO32        = 0x324,

/* core structures */

struct ata_bmdma_prd {
        __le32                  addr;
        __le32                  flags_len;

 * id tests
#define ata_id_is_ata(id)       (((id)[ATA_ID_CONFIG] & (1 << 15)) == 0)
#define ata_id_has_lba(id)      ((id)[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY] & (1 << 9))
#define ata_id_has_dma(id)      ((id)[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY] & (1 << 8))
#define ata_id_has_ncq(id)      ((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY] & (1 << 8))
#define ata_id_queue_depth(id)  (((id)[ATA_ID_QUEUE_DEPTH] & 0x1f) + 1)
#define ata_id_removeable(id)   ((id)[ATA_ID_CONFIG] & (1 << 7))
#define ata_id_has_atapi_AN(id) \
        ((((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY] != 0x0000) && \
          ((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY] != 0xffff)) && \
         ((id)[ATA_ID_FEATURE_SUPP] & (1 << 5)))
#define ata_id_has_fpdma_aa(id) \
        ((((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY] != 0x0000) && \
          ((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY] != 0xffff)) && \
         ((id)[ATA_ID_FEATURE_SUPP] & (1 << 2)))
#define ata_id_iordy_disable(id) ((id)[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY] & (1 << 10))
#define ata_id_has_iordy(id) ((id)[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY] & (1 << 11))
#define ata_id_u32(id,n)        \
        (((u32) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | ((u32) (id)[(n)]))
#define ata_id_u64(id,n)        \
        ( ((u64) (id)[(n) + 3] << 48) | \
          ((u64) (id)[(n) + 2] << 32) | \
          ((u64) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | \
          ((u64) (id)[(n) + 0]) )

#define ata_id_cdb_intr(id)     (((id)[ATA_ID_CONFIG] & 0x60) == 0x20)
#define ata_id_has_da(id)       ((id)[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY_2] & (1 << 4))
#define ata_id_has_devslp(id)   ((id)[ATA_ID_FEATURE_SUPP] & (1 << 8))

static inline bool ata_id_has_hipm(const u16 *id)
        u16 val = id[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY];

        if (val == 0 || val == 0xffff)
                return false;

        return val & (1 << 9);

static inline bool ata_id_has_dipm(const u16 *id)
        u16 val = id[ATA_ID_FEATURE_SUPP];

        if (val == 0 || val == 0xffff)
                return false;

        return val & (1 << 3);

static inline bool ata_id_has_fua(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CFSSE] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_CFSSE] & (1 << 6);

static inline bool ata_id_has_flush(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & (1 << 12);

static inline bool ata_id_flush_enabled(const u16 *id)
        if (ata_id_has_flush(id) == 0)
                return false;
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_2] & (1 << 12);

static inline bool ata_id_has_flush_ext(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & (1 << 13);

static inline bool ata_id_flush_ext_enabled(const u16 *id)
        if (ata_id_has_flush_ext(id) == 0)
                return false;
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
         * some Maxtor disks have bit 13 defined incorrectly
         * so check bit 10 too
        return (id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_2] & 0x2400) == 0x2400;

static inline u32 ata_id_logical_sector_size(const u16 *id)
        /* T13/1699-D Revision 6a, Sep 6, 2008. Page 128.
         * IDENTIFY DEVICE data, word 117-118.
         * 0xd000 ignores bit 13 (logical:physical > 1)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_SECTOR_SIZE] & 0xd000) == 0x5000)
                return (((id[ATA_ID_LOGICAL_SECTOR_SIZE+1] << 16)
                         + id[ATA_ID_LOGICAL_SECTOR_SIZE]) * sizeof(u16)) ;
        return ATA_SECT_SIZE;

static inline u8 ata_id_log2_per_physical_sector(const u16 *id)
        /* T13/1699-D Revision 6a, Sep 6, 2008. Page 128.
         * IDENTIFY DEVICE data, word 106.
         * 0xe000 ignores bit 12 (logical sector > 512 bytes)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_SECTOR_SIZE] & 0xe000) == 0x6000)
                return (id[ATA_ID_SECTOR_SIZE] & 0xf);
        return 0;

/* Offset of logical sectors relative to physical sectors.
 * If device has more than one logical sector per physical sector
 * (aka 512 byte emulation), vendors might offset the "sector 0" address
 * so sector 63 is "naturally aligned" - e.g. FAT partition table.
 * This avoids Read/Mod/Write penalties when using FAT partition table
 * and updating "well aligned" (FS perspective) physical sectors on every
 * transaction.
static inline u16 ata_id_logical_sector_offset(const u16 *id,
         u8 log2_per_phys)
        u16 word_209 = id[209];

        if ((log2_per_phys > 1) && (word_209 & 0xc000) == 0x4000) {
                u16 first = word_209 & 0x3fff;
                if (first > 0)
                        return (1 << log2_per_phys) - first;
        return 0;

static inline bool ata_id_has_lba48(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        if (!ata_id_u64(id, ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY_2))
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & (1 << 10);

static inline bool ata_id_lba48_enabled(const u16 *id)
        if (ata_id_has_lba48(id) == 0)
                return false;
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_2] & (1 << 10);

static inline bool ata_id_hpa_enabled(const u16 *id)
        /* Yes children, word 83 valid bits cover word 82 data */
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        /* And 87 covers 85-87 */
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        /* Check command sets enabled as well as supported */
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_1] & (1 << 10)) == 0)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_1] & (1 << 10);

static inline bool ata_id_has_wcache(const u16 *id)
        /* Yes children, word 83 valid bits cover word 82 data */
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_1] & (1 << 5);

static inline bool ata_id_has_pm(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_1] & (1 << 3);

static inline bool ata_id_rahead_enabled(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_1] & (1 << 6);

static inline bool ata_id_wcache_enabled(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_CFS_ENABLE_1] & (1 << 5);

 *      ata_id_major_version    -       get ATA level of drive
 *      @id: Identify data
 *      Caveats:
 *              ATA-1 considers identify optional
 *              ATA-2 introduces mandatory identify
 *              ATA-3 introduces word 80 and accurate reporting
 *      The practical impact of this is that ata_id_major_version cannot
 *      reliably report on drives below ATA3.

static inline unsigned int ata_id_major_version(const u16 *id)
        unsigned int mver;

        if (id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER] == 0xFFFF)
                return 0;

        for (mver = 14; mver >= 1; mver--)
                if (id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER] & (1 << mver))
        return mver;

static inline bool ata_id_is_sata(const u16 *id)
         * See if word 93 is 0 AND drive is at least ATA-5 compatible
         * verifying that word 80 by casting it to a signed type --
         * this trick allows us to filter out the reserved values of
         * 0x0000 and 0xffff along with the earlier ATA revisions...
        if (id[ATA_ID_HW_CONFIG] == 0 && (short)id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER] >= 0x0020)
                return true;
        return false;

static inline bool ata_id_has_tpm(const u16 *id)
        /* The TPM bits are only valid on ATA8 */
        if (ata_id_major_version(id) < 8)
                return false;
        if ((id[48] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
                return false;
        return id[48] & (1 << 0);

static inline bool ata_id_has_dword_io(const u16 *id)
        /* ATA 8 reuses this flag for "trusted" computing */
        if (ata_id_major_version(id) > 7)
                return false;
        return id[ATA_ID_DWORD_IO] & (1 << 0);

static inline bool ata_id_has_unload(const u16 *id)
        if (ata_id_major_version(id) >= 7 &&
            (id[ATA_ID_CFSSE] & 0xC000) == 0x4000 &&
            id[ATA_ID_CFSSE] & (1 << 13))
                return true;
        return false;

static inline bool ata_id_has_wwn(const u16 *id)
        return (id[ATA_ID_CSF_DEFAULT] & 0xC100) == 0x4100;

static inline int ata_id_form_factor(const u16 *id)
        u16 val = id[168];

        if (ata_id_major_version(id) < 7 || val == 0 || val == 0xffff)
                return 0;

        val &= 0xf;

        if (val > 5)
                return 0;

        return val;

static inline int ata_id_rotation_rate(const u16 *id)
        u16 val = id[217];

        if (ata_id_major_version(id) < 7 || val == 0 || val == 0xffff)
                return 0;

        if (val > 1 && val < 0x401)
                return 0;

        return val;

static inline bool ata_id_has_ncq_send_and_recv(const u16 *id)
        return id[ATA_ID_SATA_CAPABILITY_2] & BIT(6);

static inline bool ata_id_has_trim(const u16 *id)
        if (ata_id_major_version(id) >= 7 &&
            (id[ATA_ID_DATA_SET_MGMT] & 1))
                return true;
        return false;

static inline bool ata_id_has_zero_after_trim(const u16 *id)
        /* DSM supported, deterministic read, and read zero after trim set */
        if (ata_id_has_trim(id) &&
            (id[ATA_ID_ADDITIONAL_SUPP] & 0x4020) == 0x4020)
                return true;

        return false;

static inline bool ata_id_current_chs_valid(const u16 *id)
        /* For ATA-1 devices, if the INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command
           has not been issued to the device then the values of
           id[ATA_ID_CUR_CYLS] to id[ATA_ID_CUR_SECTORS] are vendor specific. */
        return (id[ATA_ID_FIELD_VALID] & 1) && /* Current translation valid */
                id[ATA_ID_CUR_CYLS] &&  /* cylinders in current translation */
                id[ATA_ID_CUR_HEADS] &&  /* heads in current translation */
                id[ATA_ID_CUR_HEADS] <= 16 &&
                id[ATA_ID_CUR_SECTORS];    /* sectors in current translation */

static inline bool ata_id_is_cfa(const u16 *id)
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CONFIG] == 0x848A) ||    /* Traditional CF */
            (id[ATA_ID_CONFIG] == 0x844A))      /* Delkin Devices CF */
                return true;
         * CF specs don't require specific value in the word 0 anymore and yet
         * they forbid to report the ATA version in the word 80 and require the
         * CFA feature set support to be indicated in the word 83 in this case.
         * Unfortunately, some cards only follow either of this requirements,
         * and while those that don't indicate CFA feature support need some
         * sort of quirk list, it seems impractical for the ones that do...
        return (id[ATA_ID_COMMAND_SET_2] & 0xC004) == 0x4004;

static inline bool ata_id_is_ssd(const u16 *id)
        return id[ATA_ID_ROT_SPEED] == 0x01;

static inline bool ata_id_pio_need_iordy(const u16 *id, const u8 pio)
        /* CF spec. r4.1 Table 22 says no IORDY on PIO5 and PIO6. */
        if (pio > 4 && ata_id_is_cfa(id))
                return false;
        /* For PIO3 and higher it is mandatory. */
        if (pio > 2)
                return true;
        /* Turn it on when possible. */
        return ata_id_has_iordy(id);

static inline bool ata_drive_40wire(const u16 *dev_id)
        if (ata_id_is_sata(dev_id))
                return false;   /* SATA */
        if ((dev_id[ATA_ID_HW_CONFIG] & 0xE000) == 0x6000)
                return false;   /* 80 wire */
        return true;

static inline bool ata_drive_40wire_relaxed(const u16 *dev_id)
        if ((dev_id[ATA_ID_HW_CONFIG] & 0x2000) == 0x2000)
                return false;   /* 80 wire */
        return true;

static inline int atapi_cdb_len(const u16 *dev_id)
        u16 tmp = dev_id[ATA_ID_CONFIG] & 0x3;
        switch (tmp) {
        case 0:         return 12;
        case 1:         return 16;
        default:        return -1;

static inline int atapi_command_packet_set(const u16 *dev_id)
        return (dev_id[ATA_ID_CONFIG] >> 8) & 0x1f;

static inline bool atapi_id_dmadir(const u16 *dev_id)
        return ata_id_major_version(dev_id) >= 7 && (dev_id[62] & 0x8000);

 * ata_id_is_lba_capacity_ok() performs a sanity check on
 * the claimed LBA capacity value for the device.
 * Returns 1 if LBA capacity looks sensible, 0 otherwise.
 * It is called only once for each device.
static inline bool ata_id_is_lba_capacity_ok(u16 *id)
        unsigned long lba_sects, chs_sects, head, tail;

        /* No non-LBA info .. so valid! */
        if (id[ATA_ID_CYLS] == 0)
                return true;

        lba_sects = ata_id_u32(id, ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY);

         * The ATA spec tells large drives to return
         * C/H/S = 16383/16/63 independent of their size.
         * Some drives can be jumpered to use 15 heads instead of 16.
         * Some drives can be jumpered to use 4092 cyls instead of 16383.
        if ((id[ATA_ID_CYLS] == 16383 ||
             (id[ATA_ID_CYLS] == 4092 && id[ATA_ID_CUR_CYLS] == 16383)) &&
            id[ATA_ID_SECTORS] == 63 &&
            (id[ATA_ID_HEADS] == 15 || id[ATA_ID_HEADS] == 16) &&
            (lba_sects >= 16383 * 63 * id[ATA_ID_HEADS]))
                return true;

        chs_sects = id[ATA_ID_CYLS] * id[ATA_ID_HEADS] * id[ATA_ID_SECTORS];

        /* perform a rough sanity check on lba_sects: within 10% is OK */
        if (lba_sects - chs_sects < chs_sects/10)
                return true;

        /* some drives have the word order reversed */
        head = (lba_sects >> 16) & 0xffff;
        tail = lba_sects & 0xffff;
        lba_sects = head | (tail << 16);

        if (lba_sects - chs_sects < chs_sects/10) {
                *(__le32 *)&id[ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY] = __cpu_to_le32(lba_sects);
                return true;    /* LBA capacity is (now) good */

        return false;   /* LBA capacity value may be bad */

static inline void ata_id_to_hd_driveid(u16 *id)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
        /* accessed in struct hd_driveid as 8-bit values */
        id[ATA_ID_MAX_MULTSECT]  = __cpu_to_le16(id[ATA_ID_MAX_MULTSECT]);
        id[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY]    = __cpu_to_le16(id[ATA_ID_CAPABILITY]);
        id[ATA_ID_OLD_PIO_MODES] = __cpu_to_le16(id[ATA_ID_OLD_PIO_MODES]);
        id[ATA_ID_OLD_DMA_MODES] = __cpu_to_le16(id[ATA_ID_OLD_DMA_MODES]);
        id[ATA_ID_MULTSECT]      = __cpu_to_le16(id[ATA_ID_MULTSECT]);

        /* as 32-bit values */
        *(u32 *)&id[ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY] = ata_id_u32(id, ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY);
        *(u32 *)&id[ATA_ID_SPG]          = ata_id_u32(id, ATA_ID_SPG);

        /* as 64-bit value */
        *(u64 *)&id[ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY_2] =
                ata_id_u64(id, ATA_ID_LBA_CAPACITY_2);

 * Write LBA Range Entries to the buffer that will cover the extent from
 * sector to sector + count.  This is used for TRIM and for ADD LBA(S)
static inline unsigned ata_set_lba_range_entries(void *_buffer,
                unsigned buf_size, u64 sector, unsigned long count)
        __le64 *buffer = _buffer;
        unsigned i = 0, used_bytes;

        while (i < buf_size / 8 ) { /* 6-byte LBA + 2-byte range per entry */
                u64 entry = sector |
                        ((u64)(count > 0xffff ? 0xffff : count) << 48);
                buffer[i++] = __cpu_to_le64(entry);
                if (count <= 0xffff)
                count -= 0xffff;
                sector += 0xffff;

        used_bytes = ALIGN(i * 8, 512);
        memset(buffer + i, 0, used_bytes - i * 8);
        return used_bytes;

static inline bool ata_ok(u8 status)
        return ((status & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRDY | ATA_DF | ATA_DRQ | ATA_ERR))
                        == ATA_DRDY);

static inline bool lba_28_ok(u64 block, u32 n_block)
        /* check the ending block number: must be LESS THAN 0x0fffffff */
        return ((block + n_block) < ((1 << 28) - 1)) && (n_block <= 256);

static inline bool lba_48_ok(u64 block, u32 n_block)
        /* check the ending block number */
        return ((block + n_block - 1) < ((u64)1 << 48)) && (n_block <= 65536);

#define sata_pmp_gscr_vendor(gscr)      ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PROD_ID] & 0xffff)
#define sata_pmp_gscr_devid(gscr)       ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PROD_ID] >> 16)
#define sata_pmp_gscr_rev(gscr)         (((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_REV] >> 8) & 0xff)
#define sata_pmp_gscr_ports(gscr)       ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PORT_INFO] & 0xf)

#endif /* __LINUX_ATA_H__ */

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