
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
/* include/linux/amba/pl080.h
 * Copyright 2008 Openmoko, Inc.
 * Copyright 2008 Simtec Electronics
 *      Ben Dooks <>
 * ARM PrimeCell PL080 DMA controller
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

/* Note, there are some Samsung updates to this controller block which
 * make it not entierly compatible with the PL080 specification from
 * ARM. When in doubt, check the Samsung documentation first.
 * The Samsung defines are PL080S, and add an extra control register,
 * the ability to move more than 2^11 counts of data and some extra
 * OneNAND features.

#ifndef ASM_PL080_H
#define ASM_PL080_H

#define PL080_INT_STATUS                        (0x00)
#define PL080_TC_STATUS                         (0x04)
#define PL080_TC_CLEAR                          (0x08)
#define PL080_ERR_STATUS                        (0x0C)
#define PL080_ERR_CLEAR                         (0x10)
#define PL080_RAW_TC_STATUS                     (0x14)
#define PL080_RAW_ERR_STATUS                    (0x18)
#define PL080_EN_CHAN                           (0x1c)
#define PL080_SOFT_BREQ                         (0x20)
#define PL080_SOFT_SREQ                         (0x24)
#define PL080_SOFT_LBREQ                        (0x28)
#define PL080_SOFT_LSREQ                        (0x2C)

#define PL080_CONFIG                            (0x30)
#define PL080_CONFIG_M2_BE                      (1 << 2)
#define PL080_CONFIG_M1_BE                      (1 << 1)
#define PL080_CONFIG_ENABLE                     (1 << 0)

#define PL080_SYNC                              (0x34)

/* Per channel configuration registers */

#define PL080_Cx_STRIDE                         (0x20)
#define PL080_Cx_BASE(x)                        ((0x100 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080_Cx_SRC_ADDR(x)                    ((0x100 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080_Cx_DST_ADDR(x)                    ((0x104 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080_Cx_LLI(x)                         ((0x108 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080_Cx_CONTROL(x)                     ((0x10C + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080_Cx_CONFIG(x)                      ((0x110 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080S_Cx_CONTROL2(x)                   ((0x110 + (x * 0x20)))
#define PL080S_Cx_CONFIG(x)                     ((0x114 + (x * 0x20)))

#define PL080_CH_SRC_ADDR                       (0x00)
#define PL080_CH_DST_ADDR                       (0x04)
#define PL080_CH_LLI                            (0x08)
#define PL080_CH_CONTROL                        (0x0C)
#define PL080_CH_CONFIG                         (0x10)
#define PL080S_CH_CONTROL2                      (0x10)
#define PL080S_CH_CONFIG                        (0x14)

#define PL080_LLI_ADDR_MASK                     (0x3fffffff << 2)
#define PL080_LLI_ADDR_SHIFT                    (2)
#define PL080_LLI_LM_AHB2                       (1 << 0)

#define PL080_CONTROL_TC_IRQ_EN                 (1 << 31)
#define PL080_CONTROL_PROT_MASK                 (0x7 << 28)
#define PL080_CONTROL_PROT_SHIFT                (28)
#define PL080_CONTROL_PROT_CACHE                (1 << 30)
#define PL080_CONTROL_PROT_BUFF                 (1 << 29)
#define PL080_CONTROL_PROT_SYS                  (1 << 28)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DST_INCR                  (1 << 27)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SRC_INCR                  (1 << 26)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DST_AHB2                  (1 << 25)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SRC_AHB2                  (1 << 24)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DWIDTH_MASK               (0x7 << 21)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DWIDTH_SHIFT              (21)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SWIDTH_MASK               (0x7 << 18)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SWIDTH_SHIFT              (18)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DB_SIZE_MASK              (0x7 << 15)
#define PL080_CONTROL_DB_SIZE_SHIFT             (15)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SB_SIZE_MASK              (0x7 << 12)
#define PL080_CONTROL_SB_SIZE_SHIFT             (12)
#define PL080_CONTROL_TRANSFER_SIZE_MASK        (0xfff << 0)
#define PL080S_CONTROL_TRANSFER_SIZE_MASK       (0x1ffffff << 0)

#define PL080_BSIZE_1                           (0x0)
#define PL080_BSIZE_4                           (0x1)
#define PL080_BSIZE_8                           (0x2)
#define PL080_BSIZE_16                          (0x3)
#define PL080_BSIZE_32                          (0x4)
#define PL080_BSIZE_64                          (0x5)
#define PL080_BSIZE_128                         (0x6)
#define PL080_BSIZE_256                         (0x7)

#define PL080_WIDTH_8BIT                        (0x0)
#define PL080_WIDTH_16BIT                       (0x1)
#define PL080_WIDTH_32BIT                       (0x2)

#define PL080N_CONFIG_ITPROT                    (1 << 20)
#define PL080N_CONFIG_SECPROT                   (1 << 19)
#define PL080_CONFIG_HALT                       (1 << 18)
#define PL080_CONFIG_ACTIVE                     (1 << 17)  /* RO */
#define PL080_CONFIG_LOCK                       (1 << 16)
#define PL080_CONFIG_TC_IRQ_MASK                (1 << 15)
#define PL080_CONFIG_ERR_IRQ_MASK               (1 << 14)
#define PL080_CONFIG_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK          (0x7 << 11)
#define PL080_CONFIG_FLOW_CONTROL_SHIFT         (11)
#define PL080_CONFIG_DST_SEL_MASK               (0xf << 6)
#define PL080_CONFIG_DST_SEL_SHIFT              (6)
#define PL080_CONFIG_SRC_SEL_MASK               (0xf << 1)
#define PL080_CONFIG_SRC_SEL_SHIFT              (1)
#define PL080_CONFIG_ENABLE                     (1 << 0)

#define PL080_FLOW_MEM2MEM                      (0x0)
#define PL080_FLOW_MEM2PER                      (0x1)
#define PL080_FLOW_PER2MEM                      (0x2)
#define PL080_FLOW_SRC2DST                      (0x3)
#define PL080_FLOW_SRC2DST_DST                  (0x4)
#define PL080_FLOW_MEM2PER_PER                  (0x5)
#define PL080_FLOW_PER2MEM_PER                  (0x6)
#define PL080_FLOW_SRC2DST_SRC                  (0x7)

/* DMA linked list chain structure */

struct pl080_lli {
        u32     src_addr;
        u32     dst_addr;
        u32     next_lli;
        u32     control0;

struct pl080s_lli {
        u32     src_addr;
        u32     dst_addr;
        u32     next_lli;
        u32     control0;
        u32     control1;

#endif /* ASM_PL080_H */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */