
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. sysctl_soft_reset

 * ARM PrimeXsys System Controller SP810 header file
 * Copyright (C) 2009 ST Microelectronics
 * Viresh Kumar <>
 * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
 * warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

#ifndef __AMBA_SP810_H
#define __AMBA_SP810_H

#include <linux/io.h>

/* sysctl registers offset */
#define SCCTRL                  0x000
#define SCSYSSTAT               0x004
#define SCIMCTRL                0x008
#define SCIMSTAT                0x00C
#define SCXTALCTRL              0x010
#define SCPLLCTRL               0x014
#define SCPLLFCTRL              0x018
#define SCPERCTRL0              0x01C
#define SCPERCTRL1              0x020
#define SCPEREN                 0x024
#define SCPERDIS                0x028
#define SCPERCLKEN              0x02C
#define SCPERSTAT               0x030
#define SCSYSID0                0xEE0
#define SCSYSID1                0xEE4
#define SCSYSID2                0xEE8
#define SCSYSID3                0xEEC
#define SCITCR                  0xF00
#define SCITIR0                 0xF04
#define SCITIR1                 0xF08
#define SCITOR                  0xF0C
#define SCCNTCTRL               0xF10
#define SCCNTDATA               0xF14
#define SCCNTSTEP               0xF18
#define SCPERIPHID0             0xFE0
#define SCPERIPHID1             0xFE4
#define SCPERIPHID2             0xFE8
#define SCPERIPHID3             0xFEC
#define SCPCELLID0              0xFF0
#define SCPCELLID1              0xFF4
#define SCPCELLID2              0xFF8
#define SCPCELLID3              0xFFC

#define SCCTRL_TIMERENnSEL_SHIFT(n)     (15 + ((n) * 2))

static inline void sysctl_soft_reset(void __iomem *base)
        /* switch to slow mode */
        writel(0x2, base + SCCTRL);

        /* writing any value to SCSYSSTAT reg will reset system */
        writel(0, base + SCSYSSTAT);

#endif /* __AMBA_SP810_H */

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