
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 * OMAP GPIO handling defines and functions
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation
 * Written by Juha Yrjölä <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>

#define OMAP1_MPUIO_BASE                        0xfffb5000

 * These are the omap15xx/16xx offsets. The omap7xx offset are
 * OMAP_MPUIO_ / 2 offsets below.
#define OMAP_MPUIO_INPUT_LATCH          0x00
#define OMAP_MPUIO_OUTPUT               0x04
#define OMAP_MPUIO_IO_CNTL              0x08
#define OMAP_MPUIO_KBR_LATCH            0x10
#define OMAP_MPUIO_KBC                  0x14
#define OMAP_MPUIO_GPIO_EVENT_MODE      0x18
#define OMAP_MPUIO_GPIO_INT_EDGE        0x1c
#define OMAP_MPUIO_KBD_INT              0x20
#define OMAP_MPUIO_GPIO_INT             0x24
#define OMAP_MPUIO_KBD_MASKIT           0x28
#define OMAP_MPUIO_GPIO_MASKIT          0x2c
#define OMAP_MPUIO_LATCH                0x34

#define OMAP34XX_NR_GPIOS               6

 * OMAP1510 GPIO registers
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_DATA_INPUT        0x00
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_DATA_OUTPUT       0x04
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_DIR_CONTROL       0x08
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_INT_CONTROL       0x0c
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_INT_MASK          0x10
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_INT_STATUS        0x14
#define OMAP1510_GPIO_PIN_CONTROL       0x18

#define OMAP1510_IH_GPIO_BASE           64

 * OMAP1610 specific GPIO registers
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_REVISION          0x0000
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_SYSCONFIG         0x0010
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_SYSSTATUS         0x0014
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_IRQSTATUS1        0x0018
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_IRQENABLE1        0x001c
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_WAKEUPENABLE      0x0028
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_DATAIN            0x002c
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_DATAOUT           0x0030
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_DIRECTION         0x0034
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_EDGE_CTRL1        0x0038
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_EDGE_CTRL2        0x003c
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_CLEAR_IRQENABLE1  0x009c
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_CLEAR_WAKEUPENA   0x00a8
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_CLEAR_DATAOUT     0x00b0
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_SET_IRQENABLE1    0x00dc
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_SET_WAKEUPENA     0x00e8
#define OMAP1610_GPIO_SET_DATAOUT       0x00f0

 * OMAP7XX specific GPIO registers
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_DATA_INPUT         0x00
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_DATA_OUTPUT        0x04
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_DIR_CONTROL        0x08
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_INT_CONTROL        0x0c
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_INT_MASK           0x10
#define OMAP7XX_GPIO_INT_STATUS         0x14

 * omap2+ specific GPIO registers
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_REVISION          0x0000
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_IRQSTATUS1        0x0018
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_IRQSTATUS2        0x0028
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_IRQENABLE2        0x002c
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_IRQENABLE1        0x001c
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_WAKE_EN           0x0020
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_CTRL              0x0030
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_OE                0x0034
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_DATAIN            0x0038
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_DATAOUT           0x003c
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_LEVELDETECT0      0x0040
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_LEVELDETECT1      0x0044
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_RISINGDETECT      0x0048
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_FALLINGDETECT     0x004c
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_EN       0x0050
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_VAL      0x0054
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_SETIRQENABLE1     0x0064
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_CLEARWKUENA       0x0080
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_SETWKUENA         0x0084
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT      0x0090
#define OMAP24XX_GPIO_SETDATAOUT        0x0094

#define OMAP4_GPIO_REVISION             0x0000
#define OMAP4_GPIO_EOI                  0x0020
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSRAW0        0x0024
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSRAW1        0x0028
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUS0           0x002c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUS1           0x0030
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSSET0        0x0034
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSSET1        0x0038
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSCLR0        0x003c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUSCLR1        0x0040
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQWAKEN0            0x0044
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQWAKEN1            0x0048
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQENABLE1           0x011c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_WAKE_EN              0x0120
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQSTATUS2           0x0128
#define OMAP4_GPIO_IRQENABLE2           0x012c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_CTRL                 0x0130
#define OMAP4_GPIO_OE                   0x0134
#define OMAP4_GPIO_DATAIN               0x0138
#define OMAP4_GPIO_DATAOUT              0x013c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_LEVELDETECT0         0x0140
#define OMAP4_GPIO_LEVELDETECT1         0x0144
#define OMAP4_GPIO_RISINGDETECT         0x0148
#define OMAP4_GPIO_FALLINGDETECT        0x014c
#define OMAP4_GPIO_DEBOUNCENABLE        0x0150
#define OMAP4_GPIO_DEBOUNCINGTIME       0x0154
#define OMAP4_GPIO_CLEARIRQENABLE1      0x0160
#define OMAP4_GPIO_SETIRQENABLE1        0x0164
#define OMAP4_GPIO_CLEARWKUENA          0x0180
#define OMAP4_GPIO_SETWKUENA            0x0184
#define OMAP4_GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT         0x0190
#define OMAP4_GPIO_SETDATAOUT           0x0194

#define OMAP_MAX_GPIO_LINES             192

#define OMAP_MPUIO(nr)          (OMAP_MAX_GPIO_LINES + (nr))

struct omap_gpio_dev_attr {
        int bank_width;         /* GPIO bank width */
        bool dbck_flag;         /* dbck required or not - True for OMAP3&4 */

struct omap_gpio_reg_offs {
        u16 revision;
        u16 direction;
        u16 datain;
        u16 dataout;
        u16 set_dataout;
        u16 clr_dataout;
        u16 irqstatus;
        u16 irqstatus2;
        u16 irqstatus_raw0;
        u16 irqstatus_raw1;
        u16 irqenable;
        u16 irqenable2;
        u16 set_irqenable;
        u16 clr_irqenable;
        u16 debounce;
        u16 debounce_en;
        u16 ctrl;
        u16 wkup_en;
        u16 leveldetect0;
        u16 leveldetect1;
        u16 risingdetect;
        u16 fallingdetect;
        u16 irqctrl;
        u16 edgectrl1;
        u16 edgectrl2;
        u16 pinctrl;

        bool irqenable_inv;

struct omap_gpio_platform_data {
        int bank_type;
        int bank_width;         /* GPIO bank width */
        int bank_stride;        /* Only needed for omap1 MPUIO */
        bool dbck_flag;         /* dbck required or not - True for OMAP3&4 */
        bool loses_context;     /* whether the bank would ever lose context */
        bool is_mpuio;          /* whether the bank is of type MPUIO */
        u32 non_wakeup_gpios;

        struct omap_gpio_reg_offs *regs;

        /* Return context loss count due to PM states changing */
        int (*get_context_loss_count)(struct device *dev);

extern void omap2_gpio_prepare_for_idle(int off_mode);
extern void omap2_gpio_resume_after_idle(void);
extern void omap_set_gpio_debounce(int gpio, int enable);
extern void omap_set_gpio_debounce_time(int gpio, int enable);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */