
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. pm80x_request_irq
  2. pm80x_free_irq
  3. pm80x_dev_suspend
  4. pm80x_dev_resume

 * Marvell 88PM80x Interface
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Marvell International Ltd.
 * Qiao Zhou <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_88PM80X_H
#define __LINUX_MFD_88PM80X_H

#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>
#include <linux/atomic.h>

enum {
        CHIP_INVALID = 0,

enum {
        PM800_ID_BUCK1 = 0,


#define PM800_MAX_REGULATOR     PM800_ID_RG_MAX /* 5 Bucks, 19 LDOs */
#define PM800_NUM_BUCK (5)      /*5 Bucks */
#define PM800_NUM_LDO (19)      /*19 Bucks */

/* page 0 basic: slave adder 0x60 */

#define PM800_STATUS_1                  (0x01)
#define PM800_ONKEY_STS1                (1 << 0)
#define PM800_EXTON_STS1                (1 << 1)
#define PM800_CHG_STS1                  (1 << 2)
#define PM800_BAT_STS1                  (1 << 3)
#define PM800_VBUS_STS1                 (1 << 4)
#define PM800_LDO_PGOOD_STS1    (1 << 5)
#define PM800_BUCK_PGOOD_STS1   (1 << 6)

#define PM800_STATUS_2                  (0x02)
#define PM800_RTC_ALARM_STS2    (1 << 0)

/* Wakeup Registers */
#define PM800_WAKEUP1           (0x0D)

#define PM800_WAKEUP2           (0x0E)
#define PM800_WAKEUP2_INV_INT           (1 << 0)
#define PM800_WAKEUP2_INT_CLEAR         (1 << 1)
#define PM800_WAKEUP2_INT_MASK          (1 << 2)

#define PM800_POWER_UP_LOG      (0x10)

/* Referance and low power registers */
#define PM800_LOW_POWER1                (0x20)
#define PM800_LOW_POWER2                (0x21)
#define PM800_LOW_POWER_CONFIG3 (0x22)
#define PM800_LOW_POWER_CONFIG4 (0x23)

/* GPIO register */
#define PM800_GPIO_0_1_CNTRL            (0x30)
#define PM800_GPIO0_VAL                         (1 << 0)
#define PM800_GPIO0_GPIO_MODE(x)        (x << 1)
#define PM800_GPIO1_VAL                         (1 << 4)
#define PM800_GPIO1_GPIO_MODE(x)        (x << 5)

#define PM800_GPIO_2_3_CNTRL            (0x31)
#define PM800_GPIO2_VAL                         (1 << 0)
#define PM800_GPIO2_GPIO_MODE(x)        (x << 1)
#define PM800_GPIO3_VAL                         (1 << 4)
#define PM800_GPIO3_GPIO_MODE(x)        (x << 5)
#define PM800_GPIO3_MODE_MASK           0x1F
#define PM800_GPIO3_HEADSET_MODE        PM800_GPIO3_GPIO_MODE(6)

#define PM800_GPIO_4_CNTRL                      (0x32)
#define PM800_GPIO4_VAL                         (1 << 0)
#define PM800_GPIO4_GPIO_MODE(x)        (x << 1)

#define PM800_HEADSET_CNTRL             (0x38)
#define PM800_HEADSET_DET_EN            (1 << 7)
#define PM800_HSDET_SLP                 (1 << 1)
/* PWM register */
#define PM800_PWM1              (0x40)
#define PM800_PWM2              (0x41)
#define PM800_PWM3              (0x42)
#define PM800_PWM4              (0x43)

/* RTC Registers */
#define PM800_RTC_CONTROL               (0xD0)
#define PM800_RTC_MISC1                 (0xE1)
#define PM800_RTC_MISC2                 (0xE2)
#define PM800_RTC_MISC3                 (0xE3)
#define PM800_RTC_MISC4                 (0xE4)
#define PM800_RTC_MISC5                 (0xE7)
/* bit definitions of RTC Register 1 (0xD0) */
#define PM800_ALARM1_EN                 (1 << 0)
#define PM800_ALARM_WAKEUP              (1 << 4)
#define PM800_ALARM                     (1 << 5)
#define PM800_RTC1_USE_XO               (1 << 7)

/* Regulator Control Registers: BUCK1,BUCK5,LDO1 have DVC */

/* buck registers */
#define PM800_SLEEP_BUCK1       (0x30)

/* BUCK Sleep Mode Register 1: BUCK[1..4] */
#define PM800_BUCK_SLP1         (0x5A)
#define PM800_BUCK1_SLP1_SHIFT  0
#define PM800_BUCK1_SLP1_MASK   (0x3 << PM800_BUCK1_SLP1_SHIFT)

/* page 2 GPADC: slave adder 0x02 */
#define PM800_GPADC_MEAS_EN1            (0x01)
#define PM800_MEAS_EN1_VBAT         (1 << 2)
#define PM800_GPADC_MEAS_EN2            (0x02)
#define PM800_MEAS_EN2_RFTMP        (1 << 0)
#define PM800_MEAS_GP0_EN                       (1 << 2)
#define PM800_MEAS_GP1_EN                       (1 << 3)
#define PM800_MEAS_GP2_EN                       (1 << 4)
#define PM800_MEAS_GP3_EN                       (1 << 5)
#define PM800_MEAS_GP4_EN                       (1 << 6)

#define PM800_GPADC_MISC_CONFIG1        (0x05)
#define PM800_GPADC_MISC_CONFIG2        (0x06)
#define PM800_GPADC_MISC_GPFSM_EN       (1 << 0)
#define PM800_GPADC_SLOW_MODE(x)        (x << 3)

#define PM800_GPADC_MISC_CONFIG3                (0x09)
#define PM800_GPADC_MISC_CONFIG4                (0x0A)

#define PM800_GPADC_PREBIAS1                    (0x0F)
#define PM800_GPADC0_GP_PREBIAS_TIME(x) (x << 0)
#define PM800_GPADC_PREBIAS2                    (0x10)

#define PM800_GP_BIAS_ENA1                              (0x14)
#define PM800_GPADC_GP_BIAS_EN0                 (1 << 0)
#define PM800_GPADC_GP_BIAS_EN1                 (1 << 1)
#define PM800_GPADC_GP_BIAS_EN2                 (1 << 2)
#define PM800_GPADC_GP_BIAS_EN3                 (1 << 3)

#define PM800_GP_BIAS_OUT1              (0x15)
#define PM800_BIAS_OUT_GP0              (1 << 0)
#define PM800_BIAS_OUT_GP1              (1 << 1)
#define PM800_BIAS_OUT_GP2              (1 << 2)
#define PM800_BIAS_OUT_GP3              (1 << 3)

#define PM800_GPADC0_LOW_TH             0x20
#define PM800_GPADC1_LOW_TH             0x21
#define PM800_GPADC2_LOW_TH             0x22
#define PM800_GPADC3_LOW_TH             0x23
#define PM800_GPADC4_LOW_TH             0x24

#define PM800_GPADC0_UPP_TH             0x30
#define PM800_GPADC1_UPP_TH             0x31
#define PM800_GPADC2_UPP_TH             0x32
#define PM800_GPADC3_UPP_TH             0x33
#define PM800_GPADC4_UPP_TH             0x34

#define PM800_VBBAT_MEAS1               0x40
#define PM800_VBBAT_MEAS2               0x41
#define PM800_VBAT_MEAS1                0x42
#define PM800_VBAT_MEAS2                0x43
#define PM800_VSYS_MEAS1                0x44
#define PM800_VSYS_MEAS2                0x45
#define PM800_VCHG_MEAS1                0x46
#define PM800_VCHG_MEAS2                0x47
#define PM800_TINT_MEAS1                0x50
#define PM800_TINT_MEAS2                0x51
#define PM800_PMOD_MEAS1                0x52
#define PM800_PMOD_MEAS2                0x53

#define PM800_GPADC0_MEAS1              0x54
#define PM800_GPADC0_MEAS2              0x55
#define PM800_GPADC1_MEAS1              0x56
#define PM800_GPADC1_MEAS2              0x57
#define PM800_GPADC2_MEAS1              0x58
#define PM800_GPADC2_MEAS2              0x59
#define PM800_GPADC3_MEAS1              0x5A
#define PM800_GPADC3_MEAS2              0x5B
#define PM800_GPADC4_MEAS1              0x5C
#define PM800_GPADC4_MEAS2              0x5D

#define PM800_GPADC4_AVG1               0xA8
#define PM800_GPADC4_AVG2               0xA9

/* 88PM805 Registers */
#define PM805_MAIN_POWERUP              (0x01)
#define PM805_INT_STATUS0               (0x02)  /* for ena/dis all interrupts */

#define PM805_STATUS0_INT_CLEAR         (1 << 0)
#define PM805_STATUS0_INV_INT           (1 << 1)
#define PM800_STATUS0_INT_MASK          (1 << 2)

#define PM805_INT_STATUS1               (0x03)

#define PM805_INT1_HP1_SHRT             (1 << 0)
#define PM805_INT1_HP2_SHRT             (1 << 1)
#define PM805_INT1_MIC_CONFLICT         (1 << 2)
#define PM805_INT1_CLIP_FAULT           (1 << 3)
#define PM805_INT1_LDO_OFF                      (1 << 4)
#define PM805_INT1_SRC_DPLL_LOCK        (1 << 5)

#define PM805_INT_STATUS2               (0x04)

#define PM805_INT2_MIC_DET                      (1 << 0)
#define PM805_INT2_SHRT_BTN_DET         (1 << 1)
#define PM805_INT2_VOLM_BTN_DET         (1 << 2)
#define PM805_INT2_VOLP_BTN_DET         (1 << 3)
#define PM805_INT2_RAW_PLL_FAULT        (1 << 4)
#define PM805_INT2_FINE_PLL_FAULT       (1 << 5)

#define PM805_INT_MASK1                 (0x05)
#define PM805_INT_MASK2                 (0x06)
#define PM805_SHRT_BTN_DET              (1 << 1)

/* number of status and int reg in a row */
#define PM805_INT_REG_NUM               (2)

#define PM805_MIC_DET1                  (0x07)
#define PM805_MIC_DET_EN_MIC_DET (1 << 0)
#define PM805_MIC_DET2                  (0x08)
#define PM805_MIC_DET_STATUS1   (0x09)

#define PM805_MIC_DET_STATUS3   (0x0A)
#define PM805_AUTO_SEQ_STATUS1  (0x0B)
#define PM805_AUTO_SEQ_STATUS2  (0x0C)

#define PM805_ADC_SETTING1              (0x10)
#define PM805_ADC_SETTING2              (0x11)
#define PM805_ADC_SETTING3              (0x11)
#define PM805_ADC_GAIN1                 (0x12)
#define PM805_ADC_GAIN2                 (0x13)
#define PM805_DMIC_SETTING              (0x15)
#define PM805_DWS_SETTING               (0x16)
#define PM805_MIC_CONFLICT_STS  (0x17)

#define PM805_PDM_SETTING1              (0x20)
#define PM805_PDM_SETTING2              (0x21)
#define PM805_PDM_SETTING3              (0x22)
#define PM805_PDM_CONTROL1              (0x23)
#define PM805_PDM_CONTROL2              (0x24)
#define PM805_PDM_CONTROL3              (0x25)

#define PM805_HEADPHONE_SETTING                 (0x26)
#define PM805_HEADPHONE_GAIN_A2A                (0x27)
#define PM805_HEADPHONE_SHORT_STATE             (0x28)
#define PM805_EARPHONE_SETTING                  (0x29)
#define PM805_AUTO_SEQ_SETTING                  (0x2A)

struct pm80x_rtc_pdata {
        int             vrtc;
        int             rtc_wakeup;

struct pm80x_subchip {
        struct i2c_client *power_page;  /* chip client for power page */
        struct i2c_client *gpadc_page;  /* chip client for gpadc page */
        struct regmap *regmap_power;
        struct regmap *regmap_gpadc;
        unsigned short power_page_addr; /* power page I2C address */
        unsigned short gpadc_page_addr; /* gpadc page I2C address */

struct pm80x_chip {
        struct pm80x_subchip *subchip;
        struct device *dev;
        struct i2c_client *client;
        struct i2c_client *companion;
        struct regmap *regmap;
        struct regmap_irq_chip *regmap_irq_chip;
        struct regmap_irq_chip_data *irq_data;
        int type;
        int irq;
        int irq_mode;
        unsigned long wu_flag;
        spinlock_t lock;

struct pm80x_platform_data {
        struct pm80x_rtc_pdata *rtc;
         * For the regulator not defined, set regulators[not_defined] to be
         * NULL. num_regulators are the number of regulators supposed to be
         * initialized. If all regulators are not defined, set num_regulators
         * to be 0.
        struct regulator_init_data *regulators[PM800_ID_RG_MAX];
        unsigned int num_regulators;
        int irq_mode;           /* Clear interrupt by read/write(0/1) */
        int batt_det;           /* enable/disable */
        int (*plat_config)(struct pm80x_chip *chip,
                                struct pm80x_platform_data *pdata);

extern const struct dev_pm_ops pm80x_pm_ops;
extern const struct regmap_config pm80x_regmap_config;

static inline int pm80x_request_irq(struct pm80x_chip *pm80x, int irq,
                                     irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags,
                                     const char *name, void *data)
        if (!pm80x->irq_data)
                return -EINVAL;
        return request_threaded_irq(regmap_irq_get_virq(pm80x->irq_data, irq),
                                    NULL, handler, flags, name, data);

static inline void pm80x_free_irq(struct pm80x_chip *pm80x, int irq, void *data)
        if (!pm80x->irq_data)
        free_irq(regmap_irq_get_virq(pm80x->irq_data, irq), data);

#ifdef CONFIG_PM
static inline int pm80x_dev_suspend(struct device *dev)
        struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
        struct pm80x_chip *chip = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
        int irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);

        if (device_may_wakeup(dev))
                set_bit((1 << irq), &chip->wu_flag);

        return 0;

static inline int pm80x_dev_resume(struct device *dev)
        struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
        struct pm80x_chip *chip = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
        int irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);

        if (device_may_wakeup(dev))
                clear_bit((1 << irq), &chip->wu_flag);

        return 0;

extern int pm80x_init(struct i2c_client *client);
extern int pm80x_deinit(void);
#endif /* __LINUX_MFD_88PM80X_H */

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