
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 * include/linux/mfd/wl1273-core.h
 * Some definitions for the wl1273 radio receiver/transmitter chip.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation
 * Author: Matti J. Aaltonen <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA

#ifndef WL1273_CORE_H
#define WL1273_CORE_H

#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/mfd/core.h>

#define WL1273_FM_DRIVER_NAME   "wl1273-fm"
#define RX71_FM_I2C_ADDR        0x22

#define WL1273_STEREO_GET               0
#define WL1273_RSSI_LVL_GET             1
#define WL1273_IF_COUNT_GET             2
#define WL1273_FLAG_GET                 3
#define WL1273_RDS_SYNC_GET             4
#define WL1273_RDS_DATA_GET             5
#define WL1273_FREQ_SET                 10
#define WL1273_AF_FREQ_SET              11
#define WL1273_MOST_MODE_SET            12
#define WL1273_MOST_BLEND_SET           13
#define WL1273_DEMPH_MODE_SET           14
#define WL1273_SEARCH_LVL_SET           15
#define WL1273_BAND_SET                 16
#define WL1273_MUTE_STATUS_SET          17
#define WL1273_RDS_PAUSE_LVL_SET        18
#define WL1273_RDS_PAUSE_DUR_SET        19
#define WL1273_RDS_MEM_SET              20
#define WL1273_RDS_BLK_B_SET            21
#define WL1273_RDS_MSK_B_SET            22
#define WL1273_RDS_PI_MASK_SET          23
#define WL1273_RDS_PI_SET               24
#define WL1273_RDS_SYSTEM_SET           25
#define WL1273_INT_MASK_SET             26
#define WL1273_SEARCH_DIR_SET           27
#define WL1273_VOLUME_SET               28
#define WL1273_AUDIO_ENABLE             29
#define WL1273_PCM_MODE_SET             30
#define WL1273_I2S_MODE_CONFIG_SET      31
#define WL1273_POWER_SET                32
#define WL1273_INTX_CONFIG_SET          33
#define WL1273_PULL_EN_SET              34
#define WL1273_HILO_SET                 35
#define WL1273_SWITCH2FREF              36
#define WL1273_FREQ_DRIFT_REPORT        37

#define WL1273_PCE_GET                  40
#define WL1273_FIRM_VER_GET             41
#define WL1273_ASIC_VER_GET             42
#define WL1273_ASIC_ID_GET              43
#define WL1273_MAN_ID_GET               44
#define WL1273_TUNER_MODE_SET           45
#define WL1273_STOP_SEARCH              46
#define WL1273_RDS_CNTRL_SET            47

#define WL1273_WRITE_HARDWARE_REG       100
#define WL1273_CODE_DOWNLOAD            101
#define WL1273_RESET                    102

#define WL1273_FM_POWER_MODE            254
#define WL1273_FM_INTERRUPT             255

/* Transmitter API */

#define WL1273_CHANL_SET                        55
#define WL1273_SCAN_SPACING_SET                 56
#define WL1273_REF_SET                          57
#define WL1273_POWER_ENB_SET                    90
#define WL1273_POWER_ATT_SET                    58
#define WL1273_POWER_LEV_SET                    59
#define WL1273_AUDIO_DEV_SET                    60
#define WL1273_PILOT_DEV_SET                    61
#define WL1273_RDS_DEV_SET                      62
#define WL1273_PUPD_SET                         91
#define WL1273_AUDIO_IO_SET                     63
#define WL1273_PREMPH_SET                       64
#define WL1273_MONO_SET                         66
#define WL1273_MUTE                             92
#define WL1273_MPX_LMT_ENABLE                   67
#define WL1273_PI_SET                           93
#define WL1273_ECC_SET                          69
#define WL1273_PTY                              70
#define WL1273_AF                               71
#define WL1273_DISPLAY_MODE                     74
#define WL1273_RDS_REP_SET                      77
#define WL1273_RDS_CONFIG_DATA_SET              98
#define WL1273_RDS_DATA_SET                     99
#define WL1273_RDS_DATA_ENB                     94
#define WL1273_TA_SET                           78
#define WL1273_TP_SET                           79
#define WL1273_DI_SET                           80
#define WL1273_MS_SET                           81
#define WL1273_PS_SCROLL_SPEED                  82
#define WL1273_TX_AUDIO_LEVEL_TEST              96
#define WL1273_RX_ANTENNA_SELECT                87
#define WL1273_I2C_DEV_ADDR_SET                 86
#define WL1273_REF_ERR_CALIB_PARAM_SET          88
#define WL1273_SOC_INT_TRIGGER                  52
#define WL1273_SOC_AUDIO_PATH_SET               83
#define WL1273_SOC_PCMI_OVERRIDE                84
#define WL1273_SOC_I2S_OVERRIDE                 85
#define WL1273_RSSI_BLOCK_SCAN_FREQ_SET         95
#define WL1273_RSSI_BLOCK_SCAN_START            97
#define WL1273_RSSI_BLOCK_SCAN_DATA_GET         5
#define WL1273_READ_FMANT_TUNE_VALUE            104

#define WL1273_RDS_OFF          0
#define WL1273_RDS_ON           1
#define WL1273_RDS_RESET        2

#define WL1273_AUDIO_DIGITAL    0
#define WL1273_AUDIO_ANALOG     1

#define WL1273_MODE_RX          BIT(0)
#define WL1273_MODE_TX          BIT(1)
#define WL1273_MODE_OFF         BIT(2)
#define WL1273_MODE_SUSPENDED   BIT(3)

#define WL1273_RADIO_CHILD      BIT(0)
#define WL1273_CODEC_CHILD      BIT(1)

#define WL1273_RX_MONO          1
#define WL1273_RX_STEREO        0
#define WL1273_TX_MONO          0
#define WL1273_TX_STEREO        1

#define WL1273_MAX_VOLUME       0xffff
#define WL1273_DEFAULT_VOLUME   0x78b8

/* I2S protocol, left channel first, data width 16 bits */
#define WL1273_PCM_DEF_MODE             0x00

/* Rx */
#define WL1273_AUDIO_ENABLE_I2S         BIT(0)
#define WL1273_AUDIO_ENABLE_ANALOG      BIT(1)

/* Tx */
#define WL1273_AUDIO_IO_SET_ANALOG      0
#define WL1273_AUDIO_IO_SET_I2S         1

#define WL1273_PUPD_SET_OFF             0x00
#define WL1273_PUPD_SET_ON              0x01
#define WL1273_PUPD_SET_RETENTION       0x10

/* I2S mode */
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_32     0x0
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_40     0x1
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_22_23  0x2
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_23_22  0x3
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_48     0x4
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_50     0x5
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_60     0x6
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_64     0x7
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_80     0x8
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_96     0x9
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_128    0xa
#define WL1273_IS2_WIDTH        0xf

#define WL1273_IS2_FORMAT_STD   (0x0 << 4)
#define WL1273_IS2_FORMAT_LEFT  (0x1 << 4)
#define WL1273_IS2_FORMAT_RIGHT (0x2 << 4)
#define WL1273_IS2_FORMAT_USER  (0x3 << 4)

#define WL1273_IS2_MASTER       (0x0 << 6)
#define WL1273_IS2_SLAVEW       (0x1 << 6)

#define WL1273_IS2_TRI_AFTER_SENDING    (0x0 << 7)
#define WL1273_IS2_TRI_ALWAYS_ACTIVE    (0x1 << 7)

#define WL1273_IS2_SDOWS_RR     (0x0 << 8)
#define WL1273_IS2_SDOWS_RF     (0x1 << 8)
#define WL1273_IS2_SDOWS_FR     (0x2 << 8)
#define WL1273_IS2_SDOWS_FF     (0x3 << 8)

#define WL1273_IS2_TRI_OPT      (0x0 << 10)
#define WL1273_IS2_TRI_ALWAYS   (0x1 << 10)

#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_48K     (0x0 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_44_1K   (0x1 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_32K     (0x2 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_22_05K  (0x4 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_16K     (0x5 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_12K     (0x8 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_11_025  (0x9 << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE_8K      (0xa << 12)
#define WL1273_IS2_RATE         (0xf << 12)

#define WL1273_I2S_DEF_MODE     (WL1273_IS2_WIDTH_32 | \
                                 WL1273_IS2_FORMAT_STD | \
                                 WL1273_IS2_MASTER | \
                                 WL1273_IS2_TRI_AFTER_SENDING | \
                                 WL1273_IS2_SDOWS_RR | \
                                 WL1273_IS2_TRI_OPT | \

#define SCHAR_MIN (-128)
#define SCHAR_MAX 127

#define WL1273_FR_EVENT                 BIT(0)
#define WL1273_BL_EVENT                 BIT(1)
#define WL1273_RDS_EVENT                BIT(2)
#define WL1273_BBLK_EVENT               BIT(3)
#define WL1273_LSYNC_EVENT              BIT(4)
#define WL1273_LEV_EVENT                BIT(5)
#define WL1273_IFFR_EVENT               BIT(6)
#define WL1273_PI_EVENT                 BIT(7)
#define WL1273_PD_EVENT                 BIT(8)
#define WL1273_STIC_EVENT               BIT(9)
#define WL1273_MAL_EVENT                BIT(10)
#define WL1273_POW_ENB_EVENT            BIT(11)
#define WL1273_SCAN_OVER_EVENT          BIT(12)
#define WL1273_ERROR_EVENT              BIT(13)

#define TUNER_MODE_STOP_SEARCH          0
#define TUNER_MODE_PRESET               1
#define TUNER_MODE_AUTO_SEEK            2
#define TUNER_MODE_AF                   3
#define TUNER_MODE_AUTO_SEEK_PI         4

#define RDS_BLOCK_SIZE  3

struct wl1273_fm_platform_data {
        int (*request_resources) (struct i2c_client *client);
        void (*free_resources) (void);
        void (*enable) (void);
        void (*disable) (void);

        u8 forbidden_modes;
        unsigned int children;

#define WL1273_FM_CORE_CELLS    2

#define WL1273_BAND_OTHER       0
#define WL1273_BAND_JAPAN       1

#define WL1273_BAND_JAPAN_LOW   76000
#define WL1273_BAND_JAPAN_HIGH  90000
#define WL1273_BAND_OTHER_LOW   87500
#define WL1273_BAND_OTHER_HIGH  108000

#define WL1273_BAND_TX_LOW      76000
#define WL1273_BAND_TX_HIGH     108000

struct wl1273_core {
        struct mfd_cell cells[WL1273_FM_CORE_CELLS];
        struct wl1273_fm_platform_data *pdata;

        unsigned int mode;
        unsigned int i2s_mode;
        unsigned int volume;
        unsigned int audio_mode;
        unsigned int channel_number;
        struct mutex lock; /* for serializing fm radio operations */

        struct i2c_client *client;

        int (*read)(struct wl1273_core *core, u8, u16 *);
        int (*write)(struct wl1273_core *core, u8, u16);
        int (*write_data)(struct wl1273_core *core, u8 *, u16);
        int (*set_audio)(struct wl1273_core *core, unsigned int);
        int (*set_volume)(struct wl1273_core *core, unsigned int);

#endif  /* ifndef WL1273_CORE_H */

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