
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 ST-Ericsson AB
 * License terms: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
 * ABX500 core access functions.
 * The abx500 interface is used for the Analog Baseband chips.
 * Author: Mattias Wallin <>
 * Author: Mattias Nilsson <>
 * Author: Bengt Jonsson <>
 * Author: Rickard Andersson <>

#include <linux/regulator/machine.h>

struct device;

#ifndef MFD_ABX500_H
#define MFD_ABX500_H

 * struct abx500_init_setting
 * Initial value of the registers for driver to use during setup.
struct abx500_init_settings {
        u8 bank;
        u8 reg;
        u8 setting;

/* Battery driver related data */
 * ADC for the battery thermistor.
 * When using the ABx500_ADC_THERM_BATCTRL the battery ID resistor is combined
 * with a NTC resistor to both identify the battery and to measure its
 * temperature. Different phone manufactures uses different techniques to both
 * identify the battery and to read its temperature.
enum abx500_adc_therm {

 * struct abx500_res_to_temp - defines one point in a temp to res curve. To
 * be used in battery packs that combines the identification resistor with a
 * NTC resistor.
 * @temp:                       battery pack temperature in Celcius
 * @resist:                     NTC resistor net total resistance
struct abx500_res_to_temp {
        int temp;
        int resist;

 * struct abx500_v_to_cap - Table for translating voltage to capacity
 * @voltage:            Voltage in mV
 * @capacity:           Capacity in percent
struct abx500_v_to_cap {
        int voltage;
        int capacity;

/* Forward declaration */
struct abx500_fg;

 * struct abx500_fg_parameters - Fuel gauge algorithm parameters, in seconds
 * if not specified
 * @recovery_sleep_timer:       Time between measurements while recovering
 * @recovery_total_time:        Total recovery time
 * @init_timer:                 Measurement interval during startup
 * @init_discard_time:          Time we discard voltage measurement at startup
 * @init_total_time:            Total init time during startup
 * @high_curr_time:             Time current has to be high to go to recovery
 * @accu_charging:              FG accumulation time while charging
 * @accu_high_curr:             FG accumulation time in high current mode
 * @high_curr_threshold:        High current threshold, in mA
 * @lowbat_threshold:           Low battery threshold, in mV
 * @overbat_threshold:          Over battery threshold, in mV
 * @battok_falling_th_sel0      Threshold in mV for battOk signal sel0
 *                              Resolution in 50 mV step.
 * @battok_raising_th_sel1      Threshold in mV for battOk signal sel1
 *                              Resolution in 50 mV step.
 * @user_cap_limit              Capacity reported from user must be within this
 *                              limit to be considered as sane, in percentage
 *                              points.
 * @maint_thres                 This is the threshold where we stop reporting
 *                              battery full while in maintenance, in per cent
 * @pcut_enable:                        Enable power cut feature in ab8505
 * @pcut_max_time:              Max time threshold
 * @pcut_flag_time:             Flagtime threshold
 * @pcut_max_restart:           Max number of restarts
 * @pcut_debounce_time:         Sets battery debounce time
struct abx500_fg_parameters {
        int recovery_sleep_timer;
        int recovery_total_time;
        int init_timer;
        int init_discard_time;
        int init_total_time;
        int high_curr_time;
        int accu_charging;
        int accu_high_curr;
        int high_curr_threshold;
        int lowbat_threshold;
        int overbat_threshold;
        int battok_falling_th_sel0;
        int battok_raising_th_sel1;
        int user_cap_limit;
        int maint_thres;
        bool pcut_enable;
        u8 pcut_max_time;
        u8 pcut_flag_time;
        u8 pcut_max_restart;
        u8 pcut_debounce_time;

 * struct abx500_charger_maximization - struct used by the board config.
 * @use_maxi:           Enable maximization for this battery type
 * @maxi_chg_curr:      Maximum charger current allowed
 * @maxi_wait_cycles:   cycles to wait before setting charger current
 * @charger_curr_step   delta between two charger current settings (mA)
struct abx500_maxim_parameters {
        bool ena_maxi;
        int chg_curr;
        int wait_cycles;
        int charger_curr_step;

 * struct abx500_battery_type - different batteries supported
 * @name:                       battery technology
 * @resis_high:                 battery upper resistance limit
 * @resis_low:                  battery lower resistance limit
 * @charge_full_design:         Maximum battery capacity in mAh
 * @nominal_voltage:            Nominal voltage of the battery in mV
 * @termination_vol:            max voltage upto which battery can be charged
 * @termination_curr            battery charging termination current in mA
 * @recharge_cap                battery capacity limit that will trigger a new
 *                              full charging cycle in the case where maintenan-
 *                              -ce charging has been disabled
 * @normal_cur_lvl:             charger current in normal state in mA
 * @normal_vol_lvl:             charger voltage in normal state in mV
 * @maint_a_cur_lvl:            charger current in maintenance A state in mA
 * @maint_a_vol_lvl:            charger voltage in maintenance A state in mV
 * @maint_a_chg_timer_h:        charge time in maintenance A state
 * @maint_b_cur_lvl:            charger current in maintenance B state in mA
 * @maint_b_vol_lvl:            charger voltage in maintenance B state in mV
 * @maint_b_chg_timer_h:        charge time in maintenance B state
 * @low_high_cur_lvl:           charger current in temp low/high state in mA
 * @low_high_vol_lvl:           charger voltage in temp low/high state in mV'
 * @battery_resistance:         battery inner resistance in mOhm.
 * @n_r_t_tbl_elements:         number of elements in r_to_t_tbl
 * @r_to_t_tbl:                 table containing resistance to temp points
 * @n_v_cap_tbl_elements:       number of elements in v_to_cap_tbl
 * @v_to_cap_tbl:               Voltage to capacity (in %) table
 * @n_batres_tbl_elements       number of elements in the batres_tbl
 * @batres_tbl                  battery internal resistance vs temperature table
struct abx500_battery_type {
        int name;
        int resis_high;
        int resis_low;
        int charge_full_design;
        int nominal_voltage;
        int termination_vol;
        int termination_curr;
        int recharge_cap;
        int normal_cur_lvl;
        int normal_vol_lvl;
        int maint_a_cur_lvl;
        int maint_a_vol_lvl;
        int maint_a_chg_timer_h;
        int maint_b_cur_lvl;
        int maint_b_vol_lvl;
        int maint_b_chg_timer_h;
        int low_high_cur_lvl;
        int low_high_vol_lvl;
        int battery_resistance;
        int n_temp_tbl_elements;
        const struct abx500_res_to_temp *r_to_t_tbl;
        int n_v_cap_tbl_elements;
        const struct abx500_v_to_cap *v_to_cap_tbl;
        int n_batres_tbl_elements;
        const struct batres_vs_temp *batres_tbl;

 * struct abx500_bm_capacity_levels - abx500 capacity level data
 * @critical:           critical capacity level in percent
 * @low:                low capacity level in percent
 * @normal:             normal capacity level in percent
 * @high:               high capacity level in percent
 * @full:               full capacity level in percent
struct abx500_bm_capacity_levels {
        int critical;
        int low;
        int normal;
        int high;
        int full;

 * struct abx500_bm_charger_parameters - Charger specific parameters
 * @usb_volt_max:       maximum allowed USB charger voltage in mV
 * @usb_curr_max:       maximum allowed USB charger current in mA
 * @ac_volt_max:        maximum allowed AC charger voltage in mV
 * @ac_curr_max:        maximum allowed AC charger current in mA
struct abx500_bm_charger_parameters {
        int usb_volt_max;
        int usb_curr_max;
        int ac_volt_max;
        int ac_curr_max;

 * struct abx500_bm_data - abx500 battery management data
 * @temp_under          under this temp, charging is stopped
 * @temp_low            between this temp and temp_under charging is reduced
 * @temp_high           between this temp and temp_over charging is reduced
 * @temp_over           over this temp, charging is stopped
 * @temp_now            present battery temperature
 * @temp_interval_chg   temperature measurement interval in s when charging
 * @temp_interval_nochg temperature measurement interval in s when not charging
 * @main_safety_tmr_h   safety timer for main charger
 * @usb_safety_tmr_h    safety timer for usb charger
 * @bkup_bat_v          voltage which we charge the backup battery with
 * @bkup_bat_i          current which we charge the backup battery with
 * @no_maintenance      indicates that maintenance charging is disabled
 * @capacity_scaling    indicates whether capacity scaling is to be used
 * @abx500_adc_therm    placement of thermistor, batctrl or battemp adc
 * @chg_unknown_bat     flag to enable charging of unknown batteries
 * @enable_overshoot    flag to enable VBAT overshoot control
 * @auto_trig           flag to enable auto adc trigger
 * @fg_res              resistance of FG resistor in 0.1mOhm
 * @n_btypes            number of elements in array bat_type
 * @batt_id             index of the identified battery in array bat_type
 * @interval_charging   charge alg cycle period time when charging (sec)
 * @interval_not_charging charge alg cycle period time when not charging (sec)
 * @temp_hysteresis     temperature hysteresis
 * @gnd_lift_resistance Battery ground to phone ground resistance (mOhm)
 * @n_chg_out_curr              number of elements in array chg_output_curr
 * @n_chg_in_curr               number of elements in array chg_input_curr
 * @chg_output_curr     charger output current level map
 * @chg_input_curr              charger input current level map
 * @maxi                maximization parameters
 * @cap_levels          capacity in percent for the different capacity levels
 * @bat_type            table of supported battery types
 * @chg_params          charger parameters
 * @fg_params           fuel gauge parameters
struct abx500_bm_data {
        int temp_under;
        int temp_low;
        int temp_high;
        int temp_over;
        int temp_now;
        int temp_interval_chg;
        int temp_interval_nochg;
        int main_safety_tmr_h;
        int usb_safety_tmr_h;
        int bkup_bat_v;
        int bkup_bat_i;
        bool autopower_cfg;
        bool ac_enabled;
        bool usb_enabled;
        bool usb_power_path;
        bool no_maintenance;
        bool capacity_scaling;
        bool chg_unknown_bat;
        bool enable_overshoot;
        bool auto_trig;
        enum abx500_adc_therm adc_therm;
        int fg_res;
        int n_btypes;
        int batt_id;
        int interval_charging;
        int interval_not_charging;
        int temp_hysteresis;
        int gnd_lift_resistance;
        int n_chg_out_curr;
        int n_chg_in_curr;
        int *chg_output_curr;
        int *chg_input_curr;
        const struct abx500_maxim_parameters *maxi;
        const struct abx500_bm_capacity_levels *cap_levels;
        struct abx500_battery_type *bat_type;
        const struct abx500_bm_charger_parameters *chg_params;
        const struct abx500_fg_parameters *fg_params;

enum {
        NTC_EXTERNAL = 0,

int ab8500_bm_of_probe(struct device *dev,
                       struct device_node *np,
                       struct abx500_bm_data *bm);

int abx500_set_register_interruptible(struct device *dev, u8 bank, u8 reg,
        u8 value);
int abx500_get_register_interruptible(struct device *dev, u8 bank, u8 reg,
        u8 *value);
int abx500_get_register_page_interruptible(struct device *dev, u8 bank,
        u8 first_reg, u8 *regvals, u8 numregs);
int abx500_set_register_page_interruptible(struct device *dev, u8 bank,
        u8 first_reg, u8 *regvals, u8 numregs);
 * abx500_mask_and_set_register_inerruptible() - Modifies selected bits of a
 *      target register
 * @dev: The AB sub device.
 * @bank: The i2c bank number.
 * @bitmask: The bit mask to use.
 * @bitvalues: The new bit values.
 * Updates the value of an AB register:
 * value -> ((value & ~bitmask) | (bitvalues & bitmask))
int abx500_mask_and_set_register_interruptible(struct device *dev, u8 bank,
        u8 reg, u8 bitmask, u8 bitvalues);
int abx500_get_chip_id(struct device *dev);
int abx500_event_registers_startup_state_get(struct device *dev, u8 *event);
int abx500_startup_irq_enabled(struct device *dev, unsigned int irq);

struct abx500_ops {
        int (*get_chip_id) (struct device *);
        int (*get_register) (struct device *, u8, u8, u8 *);
        int (*set_register) (struct device *, u8, u8, u8);
        int (*get_register_page) (struct device *, u8, u8, u8 *, u8);
        int (*set_register_page) (struct device *, u8, u8, u8 *, u8);
        int (*mask_and_set_register) (struct device *, u8, u8, u8, u8);
        int (*event_registers_startup_state_get) (struct device *, u8 *);
        int (*startup_irq_enabled) (struct device *, unsigned int);
        void (*dump_all_banks) (struct device *);

int abx500_register_ops(struct device *core_dev, struct abx500_ops *ops);
void abx500_remove_ops(struct device *dev);

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