
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. tps65910_chip_id
  2. tps65910_reg_read
  3. tps65910_reg_write
  4. tps65910_reg_set_bits
  5. tps65910_reg_clear_bits
  6. tps65910_reg_update_bits
  7. tps65910_irq_get_virq

 * tps65910.h  --  TI TPS6591x
 * Copyright 2010-2011 Texas Instruments Inc.
 * Author: Graeme Gregory <>
 * Author: Jorge Eduardo Candelaria <>
 * Author: Arnaud Deconinck <>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 *  under  the terms of the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 *  option) any later version.

#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_TPS65910_H
#define __LINUX_MFD_TPS65910_H

#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>

/* TPS chip id list */
#define TPS65910                        0
#define TPS65911                        1

/* TPS regulator type list */
#define REGULATOR_LDO                   0
#define REGULATOR_DCDC                  1

 * List of registers for component TPS65910

#define TPS65910_SECONDS                                0x0
#define TPS65910_MINUTES                                0x1
#define TPS65910_HOURS                                  0x2
#define TPS65910_DAYS                                   0x3
#define TPS65910_MONTHS                                 0x4
#define TPS65910_YEARS                                  0x5
#define TPS65910_WEEKS                                  0x6
#define TPS65910_ALARM_SECONDS                          0x8
#define TPS65910_ALARM_MINUTES                          0x9
#define TPS65910_ALARM_HOURS                            0xA
#define TPS65910_ALARM_DAYS                             0xB
#define TPS65910_ALARM_MONTHS                           0xC
#define TPS65910_ALARM_YEARS                            0xD
#define TPS65910_RTC_CTRL                               0x10
#define TPS65910_RTC_STATUS                             0x11
#define TPS65910_RTC_INTERRUPTS                         0x12
#define TPS65910_RTC_COMP_LSB                           0x13
#define TPS65910_RTC_COMP_MSB                           0x14
#define TPS65910_RTC_RES_PROG                           0x15
#define TPS65910_RTC_RESET_STATUS                       0x16
#define TPS65910_BCK1                                   0x17
#define TPS65910_BCK2                                   0x18
#define TPS65910_BCK3                                   0x19
#define TPS65910_BCK4                                   0x1A
#define TPS65910_BCK5                                   0x1B
#define TPS65910_PUADEN                                 0x1C
#define TPS65910_REF                                    0x1D
#define TPS65910_VRTC                                   0x1E
#define TPS65910_VIO                                    0x20
#define TPS65910_VDD1                                   0x21
#define TPS65910_VDD1_OP                                0x22
#define TPS65910_VDD1_SR                                0x23
#define TPS65910_VDD2                                   0x24
#define TPS65910_VDD2_OP                                0x25
#define TPS65910_VDD2_SR                                0x26
#define TPS65910_VDD3                                   0x27
#define TPS65910_VDIG1                                  0x30
#define TPS65910_VDIG2                                  0x31
#define TPS65910_VAUX1                                  0x32
#define TPS65910_VAUX2                                  0x33
#define TPS65910_VAUX33                                 0x34
#define TPS65910_VMMC                                   0x35
#define TPS65910_VPLL                                   0x36
#define TPS65910_VDAC                                   0x37
#define TPS65910_THERM                                  0x38
#define TPS65910_BBCH                                   0x39
#define TPS65910_DCDCCTRL                               0x3E
#define TPS65910_DEVCTRL                                0x3F
#define TPS65910_DEVCTRL2                               0x40
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON                      0x41
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON                      0x42
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF                      0x43
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF                      0x44
#define TPS65910_EN1_LDO_ASS                            0x45
#define TPS65910_EN1_SMPS_ASS                           0x46
#define TPS65910_EN2_LDO_ASS                            0x47
#define TPS65910_EN2_SMPS_ASS                           0x48
#define TPS65910_EN3_LDO_ASS                            0x49
#define TPS65910_SPARE                                  0x4A
#define TPS65910_INT_STS                                0x50
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK                                0x51
#define TPS65910_INT_STS2                               0x52
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK2                               0x53
#define TPS65910_INT_STS3                               0x54
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK3                               0x55
#define TPS65910_GPIO0                                  0x60
#define TPS65910_GPIO1                                  0x61
#define TPS65910_GPIO2                                  0x62
#define TPS65910_GPIO3                                  0x63
#define TPS65910_GPIO4                                  0x64
#define TPS65910_GPIO5                                  0x65
#define TPS65910_GPIO6                                  0x66
#define TPS65910_GPIO7                                  0x67
#define TPS65910_GPIO8                                  0x68
#define TPS65910_JTAGVERNUM                             0x80
#define TPS65910_MAX_REGISTER                           0x80

 * List of registers specific to TPS65911
#define TPS65911_VDDCTRL                                0x27
#define TPS65911_VDDCTRL_OP                             0x28
#define TPS65911_VDDCTRL_SR                             0x29
#define TPS65911_LDO1                                   0x30
#define TPS65911_LDO2                                   0x31
#define TPS65911_LDO5                                   0x32
#define TPS65911_LDO8                                   0x33
#define TPS65911_LDO7                                   0x34
#define TPS65911_LDO6                                   0x35
#define TPS65911_LDO4                                   0x36
#define TPS65911_LDO3                                   0x37
#define TPS65911_VMBCH                                  0x6A
#define TPS65911_VMBCH2                                 0x6B

 * List of register bitfields for component TPS65910

/* RTC_CTRL_REG bitfields */
#define TPS65910_RTC_CTRL_STOP_RTC                      0x01 /*0=stop, 1=run */
#define TPS65910_RTC_CTRL_GET_TIME                      0x40

/* RTC_STATUS_REG bitfields */
#define TPS65910_RTC_STATUS_ALARM               0x40

/* RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG bitfields */
#define TPS65910_RTC_INTERRUPTS_EVERY           0x03
#define TPS65910_RTC_INTERRUPTS_IT_ALARM        0x08

/*Register BCK1  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BCK1_BCKUP_MASK                                 0xFF
#define BCK1_BCKUP_SHIFT                                0

/*Register BCK2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BCK2_BCKUP_MASK                                 0xFF
#define BCK2_BCKUP_SHIFT                                0

/*Register BCK3  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BCK3_BCKUP_MASK                                 0xFF
#define BCK3_BCKUP_SHIFT                                0

/*Register BCK4  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BCK4_BCKUP_MASK                                 0xFF
#define BCK4_BCKUP_SHIFT                                0

/*Register BCK5  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BCK5_BCKUP_MASK                                 0xFF
#define BCK5_BCKUP_SHIFT                                0

/*Register PUADEN  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define PUADEN_EN3P_MASK                                0x80
#define PUADEN_EN3P_SHIFT                               7
#define PUADEN_I2CCTLP_MASK                             0x40
#define PUADEN_I2CCTLP_SHIFT                            6
#define PUADEN_I2CSRP_MASK                              0x20
#define PUADEN_I2CSRP_SHIFT                             5
#define PUADEN_PWRONP_MASK                              0x10
#define PUADEN_PWRONP_SHIFT                             4
#define PUADEN_SLEEPP_MASK                              0x08
#define PUADEN_SLEEPP_SHIFT                             3
#define PUADEN_PWRHOLDP_MASK                            0x04
#define PUADEN_PWRHOLDP_SHIFT                           2
#define PUADEN_BOOT1P_MASK                              0x02
#define PUADEN_BOOT1P_SHIFT                             1
#define PUADEN_BOOT0P_MASK                              0x01
#define PUADEN_BOOT0P_SHIFT                             0

/*Register REF  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define REF_VMBCH_SEL_MASK                              0x0C
#define REF_VMBCH_SEL_SHIFT                             2
#define REF_ST_MASK                                     0x03
#define REF_ST_SHIFT                                    0

/*Register VRTC  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VRTC_VRTC_OFFMASK_MASK                          0x08
#define VRTC_VRTC_OFFMASK_SHIFT                         3
#define VRTC_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VRTC_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register VIO  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VIO_ILMAX_MASK                                  0xC0
#define VIO_ILMAX_SHIFT                                 6
#define VIO_SEL_MASK                                    0x0C
#define VIO_SEL_SHIFT                                   2
#define VIO_ST_MASK                                     0x03
#define VIO_ST_SHIFT                                    0

/*Register VDD1  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD1_VGAIN_SEL_MASK                             0xC0
#define VDD1_VGAIN_SEL_SHIFT                            6
#define VDD1_ILMAX_MASK                                 0x20
#define VDD1_ILMAX_SHIFT                                5
#define VDD1_TSTEP_MASK                                 0x1C
#define VDD1_TSTEP_SHIFT                                2
#define VDD1_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VDD1_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register VDD1_OP  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD1_OP_CMD_MASK                                0x80
#define VDD1_OP_CMD_SHIFT                               7
#define VDD1_OP_SEL_MASK                                0x7F
#define VDD1_OP_SEL_SHIFT                               0

/*Register VDD1_SR  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD1_SR_SEL_MASK                                0x7F
#define VDD1_SR_SEL_SHIFT                               0

/*Register VDD2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD2_VGAIN_SEL_MASK                             0xC0
#define VDD2_VGAIN_SEL_SHIFT                            6
#define VDD2_ILMAX_MASK                                 0x20
#define VDD2_ILMAX_SHIFT                                5
#define VDD2_TSTEP_MASK                                 0x1C
#define VDD2_TSTEP_SHIFT                                2
#define VDD2_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VDD2_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register VDD2_OP  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD2_OP_CMD_MASK                                0x80
#define VDD2_OP_CMD_SHIFT                               7
#define VDD2_OP_SEL_MASK                                0x7F
#define VDD2_OP_SEL_SHIFT                               0

/*Register VDD2_SR  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD2_SR_SEL_MASK                                0x7F
#define VDD2_SR_SEL_SHIFT                               0

/*Registers VDD1, VDD2 voltage values definitions */
#define VDD1_2_NUM_VOLT_FINE                            73
#define VDD1_2_NUM_VOLT_COARSE                          3
#define VDD1_2_MIN_VOLT                                 6000
#define VDD1_2_OFFSET                                   125

/*Register VDD3  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDD3_CKINEN_MASK                                0x04
#define VDD3_CKINEN_SHIFT                               2
#define VDD3_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VDD3_ST_SHIFT                                   0
#define VDDCTRL_MIN_VOLT                                6000
#define VDDCTRL_OFFSET                                  125

/*Registers VDIG (0x80) to VDAC register.RegisterDescription */
#define LDO_SEL_MASK                                    0x0C
#define LDO_SEL_SHIFT                                   2
#define LDO_ST_MASK                                     0x03
#define LDO_ST_SHIFT                                    0
#define LDO_ST_ON_BIT                                   0x01
#define LDO_ST_MODE_BIT                                 0x02    

/* Registers LDO1 to LDO8 in tps65910 */
#define LDO1_SEL_MASK                                   0xFC
#define LDO3_SEL_MASK                                   0x7C
#define LDO_MIN_VOLT                                    1000
#define LDO_MAX_VOLT                                    3300

/*Register VDIG1  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDIG1_SEL_MASK                                  0x0C
#define VDIG1_SEL_SHIFT                                 2
#define VDIG1_ST_MASK                                   0x03
#define VDIG1_ST_SHIFT                                  0

/*Register VDIG2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDIG2_SEL_MASK                                  0x0C
#define VDIG2_SEL_SHIFT                                 2
#define VDIG2_ST_MASK                                   0x03
#define VDIG2_ST_SHIFT                                  0

/*Register VAUX1  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VAUX1_SEL_MASK                                  0x0C
#define VAUX1_SEL_SHIFT                                 2
#define VAUX1_ST_MASK                                   0x03
#define VAUX1_ST_SHIFT                                  0

/*Register VAUX2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VAUX2_SEL_MASK                                  0x0C
#define VAUX2_SEL_SHIFT                                 2
#define VAUX2_ST_MASK                                   0x03
#define VAUX2_ST_SHIFT                                  0

/*Register VAUX33  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VAUX33_SEL_MASK                                 0x0C
#define VAUX33_SEL_SHIFT                                2
#define VAUX33_ST_MASK                                  0x03
#define VAUX33_ST_SHIFT                                 0

/*Register VMMC  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VMMC_SEL_MASK                                   0x0C
#define VMMC_SEL_SHIFT                                  2
#define VMMC_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VMMC_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register VPLL  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VPLL_SEL_MASK                                   0x0C
#define VPLL_SEL_SHIFT                                  2
#define VPLL_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VPLL_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register VDAC  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define VDAC_SEL_MASK                                   0x0C
#define VDAC_SEL_SHIFT                                  2
#define VDAC_ST_MASK                                    0x03
#define VDAC_ST_SHIFT                                   0

/*Register THERM  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define THERM_THERM_HD_MASK                             0x20
#define THERM_THERM_HD_SHIFT                            5
#define THERM_THERM_TS_MASK                             0x10
#define THERM_THERM_TS_SHIFT                            4
#define THERM_THERM_HDSEL_MASK                          0x0C
#define THERM_THERM_HDSEL_SHIFT                         2
#define THERM_RSVD1_MASK                                0x02
#define THERM_RSVD1_SHIFT                               1
#define THERM_THERM_STATE_MASK                          0x01
#define THERM_THERM_STATE_SHIFT                         0

/*Register BBCH  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define BBCH_BBSEL_MASK                                 0x06
#define BBCH_BBSEL_SHIFT                                1

/*Register DCDCCTRL  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define DCDCCTRL_VDD2_PSKIP_MASK                        0x20
#define DCDCCTRL_VDD2_PSKIP_SHIFT                       5
#define DCDCCTRL_VDD1_PSKIP_MASK                        0x10
#define DCDCCTRL_VDD1_PSKIP_SHIFT                       4
#define DCDCCTRL_VIO_PSKIP_MASK                         0x08
#define DCDCCTRL_VIO_PSKIP_SHIFT                        3
#define DCDCCTRL_DCDCCKEXT_MASK                         0x04
#define DCDCCTRL_DCDCCKEXT_SHIFT                        2
#define DCDCCTRL_DCDCCKSYNC_MASK                        0x03
#define DCDCCTRL_DCDCCKSYNC_SHIFT                       0

/*Register DEVCTRL  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define DEVCTRL_PWR_OFF_MASK                            0x80
#define DEVCTRL_PWR_OFF_SHIFT                           7
#define DEVCTRL_RTC_PWDN_MASK                           0x40
#define DEVCTRL_RTC_PWDN_SHIFT                          6
#define DEVCTRL_CK32K_CTRL_MASK                         0x20
#define DEVCTRL_CK32K_CTRL_SHIFT                        5
#define DEVCTRL_SR_CTL_I2C_SEL_MASK                     0x10
#define DEVCTRL_SR_CTL_I2C_SEL_SHIFT                    4
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_OFF_RST_MASK                        0x08
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_OFF_RST_SHIFT                       3
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_ON_MASK                             0x04
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_ON_SHIFT                            2
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_SLP_MASK                            0x02
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_SLP_SHIFT                           1
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_OFF_MASK                            0x01
#define DEVCTRL_DEV_OFF_SHIFT                           0

/*Register DEVCTRL2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define DEVCTRL2_TSLOT_LENGTH_MASK                      0x30
#define DEVCTRL2_TSLOT_LENGTH_SHIFT                     4
#define DEVCTRL2_SLEEPSIG_POL_MASK                      0x08
#define DEVCTRL2_SLEEPSIG_POL_SHIFT                     3
#define DEVCTRL2_PWON_LP_OFF_MASK                       0x04
#define DEVCTRL2_PWON_LP_OFF_SHIFT                      2
#define DEVCTRL2_PWON_LP_RST_MASK                       0x02
#define DEVCTRL2_PWON_LP_RST_SHIFT                      1
#define DEVCTRL2_IT_POL_MASK                            0x01
#define DEVCTRL2_IT_POL_SHIFT                           0

/*Register SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VDAC_KEEPON_MASK              0x80
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VPLL_KEEPON_MASK              0x40
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VAUX33_KEEPON_MASK            0x20
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VAUX2_KEEPON_MASK             0x10
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VAUX1_KEEPON_MASK             0x08
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VDIG2_KEEPON_MASK             0x04
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VDIG1_KEEPON_MASK             0x02
#define SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON_VMMC_KEEPON_MASK              0x01

/*Register SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_THERM_KEEPON_MASK             0x80
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VRTC_KEEPON_MASK              0x20
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_I2CHS_KEEPON_MASK             0x10
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD3_KEEPON_MASK              0x08
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD3_KEEPON_SHIFT             3
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD2_KEEPON_MASK              0x04
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD2_KEEPON_SHIFT             2
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD1_KEEPON_MASK              0x02
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VDD1_KEEPON_SHIFT             1
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VIO_KEEPON_MASK               0x01
#define SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON_VIO_KEEPON_SHIFT              0

/*Register SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VDAC_SETOFF_MASK              0x80
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VPLL_SETOFF_MASK              0x40
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VAUX33_SETOFF_MASK            0x20
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VAUX2_SETOFF_MASK             0x10
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VAUX1_SETOFF_MASK             0x08
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VDIG2_SETOFF_MASK             0x04
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VDIG1_SETOFF_MASK             0x02
#define SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF_VMMC_SETOFF_MASK              0x01

/*Register SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_DEFAULT_VOLT_MASK             0x80
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_RSVD_MASK                     0x60
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_RSVD_SHIFT                    5
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_SPARE_SETOFF_MASK             0x10
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD3_SETOFF_MASK              0x08
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD3_SETOFF_SHIFT             3
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD2_SETOFF_MASK              0x04
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD2_SETOFF_SHIFT             2
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD1_SETOFF_MASK              0x02
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VDD1_SETOFF_SHIFT             1
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VIO_SETOFF_MASK               0x01
#define SLEEP_SET_RES_OFF_VIO_SETOFF_SHIFT              0

/*Register EN1_LDO_ASS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN1_MASK                       0x80
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN1_SHIFT                      7
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN1_MASK                       0x40
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN1_SHIFT                      6
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN1_MASK                     0x20
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN1_SHIFT                    5
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN1_MASK                      0x10
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN1_SHIFT                     4
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN1_MASK                      0x08
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN1_SHIFT                     3
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN1_MASK                      0x04
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN1_SHIFT                     2
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN1_MASK                      0x02
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN1_SHIFT                     1
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN1_MASK                       0x01
#define EN1_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN1_SHIFT                      0

/*Register EN1_SMPS_ASS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_RSVD_MASK                          0xE0
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_RSVD_SHIFT                         5
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_SPARE_EN1_MASK                     0x10
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_SPARE_EN1_SHIFT                    4
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD3_EN1_MASK                      0x08
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD3_EN1_SHIFT                     3
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD2_EN1_MASK                      0x04
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD2_EN1_SHIFT                     2
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD1_EN1_MASK                      0x02
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VDD1_EN1_SHIFT                     1
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VIO_EN1_MASK                       0x01
#define EN1_SMPS_ASS_VIO_EN1_SHIFT                      0

/*Register EN2_LDO_ASS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN2_MASK                       0x80
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN2_SHIFT                      7
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN2_MASK                       0x40
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN2_SHIFT                      6
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN2_MASK                     0x20
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN2_SHIFT                    5
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN2_MASK                      0x10
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN2_SHIFT                     4
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN2_MASK                      0x08
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN2_SHIFT                     3
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN2_MASK                      0x04
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN2_SHIFT                     2
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN2_MASK                      0x02
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN2_SHIFT                     1
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN2_MASK                       0x01
#define EN2_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN2_SHIFT                      0

/*Register EN2_SMPS_ASS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_RSVD_MASK                          0xE0
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_RSVD_SHIFT                         5
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_SPARE_EN2_MASK                     0x10
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_SPARE_EN2_SHIFT                    4
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD3_EN2_MASK                      0x08
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD3_EN2_SHIFT                     3
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD2_EN2_MASK                      0x04
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD2_EN2_SHIFT                     2
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD1_EN2_MASK                      0x02
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VDD1_EN2_SHIFT                     1
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VIO_EN2_MASK                       0x01
#define EN2_SMPS_ASS_VIO_EN2_SHIFT                      0

/*Register EN3_LDO_ASS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN3_MASK                       0x80
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDAC_EN3_SHIFT                      7
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN3_MASK                       0x40
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VPLL_EN3_SHIFT                      6
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN3_MASK                     0x20
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX33_EN3_SHIFT                    5
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN3_MASK                      0x10
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX2_EN3_SHIFT                     4
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN3_MASK                      0x08
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VAUX1_EN3_SHIFT                     3
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN3_MASK                      0x04
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDIG2_EN3_SHIFT                     2
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN3_MASK                      0x02
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VDIG1_EN3_SHIFT                     1
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN3_MASK                       0x01
#define EN3_LDO_ASS_VMMC_EN3_SHIFT                      0

/*Register SPARE  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define SPARE_SPARE_MASK                                0xFF
#define SPARE_SPARE_SHIFT                               0

#define TPS65910_INT_STS_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MASK                     0x80
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_RTC_PERIOD_IT_SHIFT                    7
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_RTC_ALARM_IT_MASK                      0x40
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_RTC_ALARM_IT_SHIFT                     6
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_HOTDIE_IT_MASK                         0x20
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_HOTDIE_IT_SHIFT                        5
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRHOLD_F_IT_MASK                      0x10
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRHOLD_F_IT_SHIFT                     4
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRON_LP_IT_MASK                       0x08
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRON_LP_IT_SHIFT                      3
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRON_IT_MASK                          0x04
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_PWRON_IT_SHIFT                         2
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_VMBHI_IT_MASK                          0x02
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_VMBHI_IT_SHIFT                         1
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_VMBDCH_IT_MASK                         0x01
#define TPS65910_INT_STS_VMBDCH_IT_SHIFT                        0

#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MSK_MASK                 0x80
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MSK_SHIFT                7
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_RTC_ALARM_IT_MSK_MASK                  0x40
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_RTC_ALARM_IT_MSK_SHIFT                 6
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_HOTDIE_IT_MSK_MASK                     0x20
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_HOTDIE_IT_MSK_SHIFT                    5
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x10
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   4
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRON_LP_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x08
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRON_LP_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  3
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRON_IT_MSK_MASK                      0x04
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_PWRON_IT_MSK_SHIFT                     2
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_VMBHI_IT_MSK_MASK                      0x02
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_VMBHI_IT_MSK_SHIFT                     1
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_VMBDCH_IT_MSK_MASK                     0x01
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK_VMBDCH_IT_MSK_SHIFT                    0

#define TPS65910_INT_STS2_GPIO0_F_IT_SHIFT                      2
#define TPS65910_INT_STS2_GPIO0_F_IT_MASK                       0x02
#define TPS65910_INT_STS2_GPIO0_R_IT_SHIFT                      1
#define TPS65910_INT_STS2_GPIO0_R_IT_MASK                       0x01

#define TPS65910_INT_MSK2_GPIO0_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  2
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK2_GPIO0_F_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x02
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK2_GPIO0_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  1
#define TPS65910_INT_MSK2_GPIO0_R_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x01

/*Register INT_STS  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_STS_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MASK                      0x80
#define INT_STS_RTC_PERIOD_IT_SHIFT                     7
#define INT_STS_RTC_ALARM_IT_MASK                       0x40
#define INT_STS_RTC_ALARM_IT_SHIFT                      6
#define INT_STS_HOTDIE_IT_MASK                          0x20
#define INT_STS_HOTDIE_IT_SHIFT                         5
#define INT_STS_PWRHOLD_R_IT_MASK                       0x10
#define INT_STS_PWRHOLD_R_IT_SHIFT                      4
#define INT_STS_PWRON_LP_IT_MASK                        0x08
#define INT_STS_PWRON_LP_IT_SHIFT                       3
#define INT_STS_PWRON_IT_MASK                           0x04
#define INT_STS_PWRON_IT_SHIFT                          2
#define INT_STS_VMBHI_IT_MASK                           0x02
#define INT_STS_VMBHI_IT_SHIFT                          1
#define INT_STS_PWRHOLD_F_IT_MASK                       0x01
#define INT_STS_PWRHOLD_F_IT_SHIFT                      0

/*Register INT_MSK  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_MSK_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MSK_MASK                  0x80
#define INT_MSK_RTC_PERIOD_IT_MSK_SHIFT                 7
#define INT_MSK_RTC_ALARM_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x40
#define INT_MSK_RTC_ALARM_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  6
#define INT_MSK_HOTDIE_IT_MSK_MASK                      0x20
#define INT_MSK_HOTDIE_IT_MSK_SHIFT                     5
#define INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_R_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x10
#define INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  4
#define INT_MSK_PWRON_LP_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x08
#define INT_MSK_PWRON_LP_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   3
#define INT_MSK_PWRON_IT_MSK_MASK                       0x04
#define INT_MSK_PWRON_IT_MSK_SHIFT                      2
#define INT_MSK_VMBHI_IT_MSK_MASK                       0x02
#define INT_MSK_VMBHI_IT_MSK_SHIFT                      1
#define INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_F_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x01
#define INT_MSK_PWRHOLD_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  0

/*Register INT_STS2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_STS2_GPIO3_F_IT_MASK                        0x80
#define INT_STS2_GPIO3_F_IT_SHIFT                       7
#define INT_STS2_GPIO3_R_IT_MASK                        0x40
#define INT_STS2_GPIO3_R_IT_SHIFT                       6
#define INT_STS2_GPIO2_F_IT_MASK                        0x20
#define INT_STS2_GPIO2_F_IT_SHIFT                       5
#define INT_STS2_GPIO2_R_IT_MASK                        0x10
#define INT_STS2_GPIO2_R_IT_SHIFT                       4
#define INT_STS2_GPIO1_F_IT_MASK                        0x08
#define INT_STS2_GPIO1_F_IT_SHIFT                       3
#define INT_STS2_GPIO1_R_IT_MASK                        0x04
#define INT_STS2_GPIO1_R_IT_SHIFT                       2
#define INT_STS2_GPIO0_F_IT_MASK                        0x02
#define INT_STS2_GPIO0_F_IT_SHIFT                       1
#define INT_STS2_GPIO0_R_IT_MASK                        0x01
#define INT_STS2_GPIO0_R_IT_SHIFT                       0

/*Register INT_MSK2  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO3_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x80
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO3_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   7
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO3_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x40
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO3_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   6
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO2_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x20
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO2_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   5
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO2_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x10
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO2_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   4
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO1_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x08
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO1_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   3
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO1_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x04
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO1_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   2
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO0_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x02
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO0_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   1
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO0_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x01
#define INT_MSK2_GPIO0_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   0

/*Register INT_STS3  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_STS3_PWRDN_IT_MASK                          0x80
#define INT_STS3_PWRDN_IT_SHIFT                         7
#define INT_STS3_VMBCH2_L_IT_MASK                       0x40
#define INT_STS3_VMBCH2_L_IT_SHIFT                      6
#define INT_STS3_VMBCH2_H_IT_MASK                       0x20
#define INT_STS3_VMBCH2_H_IT_SHIFT                      5
#define INT_STS3_WTCHDG_IT_MASK                         0x10
#define INT_STS3_WTCHDG_IT_SHIFT                        4
#define INT_STS3_GPIO5_F_IT_MASK                        0x08
#define INT_STS3_GPIO5_F_IT_SHIFT                       3
#define INT_STS3_GPIO5_R_IT_MASK                        0x04
#define INT_STS3_GPIO5_R_IT_SHIFT                       2
#define INT_STS3_GPIO4_F_IT_MASK                        0x02
#define INT_STS3_GPIO4_F_IT_SHIFT                       1
#define INT_STS3_GPIO4_R_IT_MASK                        0x01
#define INT_STS3_GPIO4_R_IT_SHIFT                       0

/*Register INT_MSK3  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define INT_MSK3_PWRDN_IT_MSK_MASK                      0x80
#define INT_MSK3_PWRDN_IT_MSK_SHIFT                     7
#define INT_MSK3_VMBCH2_L_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x40
#define INT_MSK3_VMBCH2_L_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  6
#define INT_MSK3_VMBCH2_H_IT_MSK_MASK                   0x20
#define INT_MSK3_VMBCH2_H_IT_MSK_SHIFT                  5
#define INT_MSK3_WTCHDG_IT_MSK_MASK                     0x10
#define INT_MSK3_WTCHDG_IT_MSK_SHIFT                    4
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO5_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x08
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO5_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   3
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO5_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x04
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO5_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   2
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO4_F_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x02
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO4_F_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   1
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO4_R_IT_MSK_MASK                    0x01
#define INT_MSK3_GPIO4_R_IT_MSK_SHIFT                   0

/*Register GPIO  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define GPIO_SLEEP_MASK                         0x80
#define GPIO_SLEEP_SHIFT                        7
#define GPIO_DEB_MASK                           0x10
#define GPIO_DEB_SHIFT                          4
#define GPIO_PUEN_MASK                          0x08
#define GPIO_PUEN_SHIFT                         3
#define GPIO_CFG_MASK                           0x04
#define GPIO_CFG_SHIFT                          2
#define GPIO_STS_MASK                           0x02
#define GPIO_STS_SHIFT                          1
#define GPIO_SET_MASK                           0x01
#define GPIO_SET_SHIFT                          0

/*Register JTAGVERNUM  (0x80) register.RegisterDescription */
#define JTAGVERNUM_VERNUM_MASK                          0x0F
#define JTAGVERNUM_VERNUM_SHIFT                         0

/* Register VDDCTRL (0x27) bit definitions */
#define VDDCTRL_ST_MASK                                  0x03
#define VDDCTRL_ST_SHIFT                                 0

/*Register VDDCTRL_OP  (0x28) bit definitios */
#define VDDCTRL_OP_CMD_MASK                              0x80
#define VDDCTRL_OP_CMD_SHIFT                             7
#define VDDCTRL_OP_SEL_MASK                              0x7F
#define VDDCTRL_OP_SEL_SHIFT                             0

/*Register VDDCTRL_SR  (0x29) bit definitions */
#define VDDCTRL_SR_SEL_MASK                              0x7F
#define VDDCTRL_SR_SEL_SHIFT                             0

/* IRQ Definitions */
#define TPS65910_IRQ_VBAT_VMBDCH                        0
#define TPS65910_IRQ_VBAT_VMHI                          1
#define TPS65910_IRQ_PWRON                              2
#define TPS65910_IRQ_PWRON_LP                           3
#define TPS65910_IRQ_PWRHOLD                            4
#define TPS65910_IRQ_HOTDIE                             5
#define TPS65910_IRQ_RTC_ALARM                          6
#define TPS65910_IRQ_RTC_PERIOD                         7
#define TPS65910_IRQ_GPIO_R                             8
#define TPS65910_IRQ_GPIO_F                             9
#define TPS65910_NUM_IRQ                                10

#define TPS65911_IRQ_PWRHOLD_F                          0
#define TPS65911_IRQ_VBAT_VMHI                          1
#define TPS65911_IRQ_PWRON                              2
#define TPS65911_IRQ_PWRON_LP                           3
#define TPS65911_IRQ_PWRHOLD_R                          4
#define TPS65911_IRQ_HOTDIE                             5
#define TPS65911_IRQ_RTC_ALARM                          6
#define TPS65911_IRQ_RTC_PERIOD                         7
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO0_R                            8
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO0_F                            9
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO1_R                            10
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO1_F                            11
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO2_R                            12
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO2_F                            13
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO3_R                            14
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO3_F                            15
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO4_R                            16
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO4_F                            17
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO5_R                            18
#define TPS65911_IRQ_GPIO5_F                            19
#define TPS65911_IRQ_WTCHDG                             20
#define TPS65911_IRQ_VMBCH2_H                           21
#define TPS65911_IRQ_VMBCH2_L                           22
#define TPS65911_IRQ_PWRDN                              23

#define TPS65911_NUM_IRQ                                24

/* GPIO Register Definitions */
#define TPS65910_GPIO_DEB                               BIT(2)
#define TPS65910_GPIO_PUEN                              BIT(3)
#define TPS65910_GPIO_CFG                               BIT(2)
#define TPS65910_GPIO_STS                               BIT(1)
#define TPS65910_GPIO_SET                               BIT(0)

/* Max number of TPS65910/11 GPIOs */
#define TPS65910_NUM_GPIO                               6
#define TPS65911_NUM_GPIO                               9
#define TPS6591X_MAX_NUM_GPIO                           9

/* Regulator Index Definitions */
#define TPS65910_REG_VRTC                               0
#define TPS65910_REG_VIO                                1
#define TPS65910_REG_VDD1                               2
#define TPS65910_REG_VDD2                               3
#define TPS65910_REG_VDD3                               4
#define TPS65910_REG_VDIG1                              5
#define TPS65910_REG_VDIG2                              6
#define TPS65910_REG_VPLL                               7
#define TPS65910_REG_VDAC                               8
#define TPS65910_REG_VAUX1                              9
#define TPS65910_REG_VAUX2                              10
#define TPS65910_REG_VAUX33                             11
#define TPS65910_REG_VMMC                               12
#define TPS65910_REG_VBB                                13

#define TPS65911_REG_VDDCTRL                            4
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO1                               5
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO2                               6
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO3                               7
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO4                               8
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO5                               9
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO6                               10
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO7                               11
#define TPS65911_REG_LDO8                               12

/* Max number of TPS65910/11 regulators */
#define TPS65910_NUM_REGS                               14

/* External sleep controls through EN1/EN2/EN3/SLEEP inputs */
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_CONTROL_EXT_INPUT_EN1            0x1
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_CONTROL_EXT_INPUT_EN2            0x2
#define TPS65910_SLEEP_CONTROL_EXT_INPUT_EN3            0x4
#define TPS65911_SLEEP_CONTROL_EXT_INPUT_SLEEP          0x8

 * Sleep keepon data: Maintains the state in sleep mode
 * @therm_keepon: Keep on the thermal monitoring in sleep state.
 * @clkout32k_keepon: Keep on the 32KHz clock output in sleep state.
 * @i2chs_keepon: Keep on high speed internal clock in sleep state.
struct tps65910_sleep_keepon_data {
        unsigned therm_keepon:1;
        unsigned clkout32k_keepon:1;
        unsigned i2chs_keepon:1;

 * struct tps65910_board
 * Board platform data may be used to initialize regulators.

struct tps65910_board {
        int gpio_base;
        int irq;
        int irq_base;
        int vmbch_threshold;
        int vmbch2_threshold;
        bool en_ck32k_xtal;
        bool en_dev_slp;
        bool pm_off;
        struct tps65910_sleep_keepon_data *slp_keepon;
        bool en_gpio_sleep[TPS6591X_MAX_NUM_GPIO];
        unsigned long regulator_ext_sleep_control[TPS65910_NUM_REGS];
        struct regulator_init_data *tps65910_pmic_init_data[TPS65910_NUM_REGS];

 * struct tps65910 - tps65910 sub-driver chip access routines

struct tps65910 {
        struct device *dev;
        struct i2c_client *i2c_client;
        struct regmap *regmap;
        unsigned long id;

        /* Client devices */
        struct tps65910_pmic *pmic;
        struct tps65910_rtc *rtc;
        struct tps65910_power *power;

        /* Device node parsed board data */
        struct tps65910_board *of_plat_data;

        /* IRQ Handling */
        int chip_irq;
        struct regmap_irq_chip_data *irq_data;

struct tps65910_platform_data {
        int irq;
        int irq_base;

static inline int tps65910_chip_id(struct tps65910 *tps65910)
        return tps65910->id;

static inline int tps65910_reg_read(struct tps65910 *tps65910, u8 reg,
                unsigned int *val)
        return regmap_read(tps65910->regmap, reg, val);

static inline int tps65910_reg_write(struct tps65910 *tps65910, u8 reg,
                unsigned int val)
        return regmap_write(tps65910->regmap, reg, val);

static inline int tps65910_reg_set_bits(struct tps65910 *tps65910, u8 reg,
                u8 mask)
        return regmap_update_bits(tps65910->regmap, reg, mask, mask);

static inline int tps65910_reg_clear_bits(struct tps65910 *tps65910, u8 reg,
                u8 mask)
        return regmap_update_bits(tps65910->regmap, reg, mask, 0);

static inline int tps65910_reg_update_bits(struct tps65910 *tps65910, u8 reg,
                                           u8 mask, u8 val)
        return regmap_update_bits(tps65910->regmap, reg, mask, val);

static inline int tps65910_irq_get_virq(struct tps65910 *tps65910, int irq)
        return regmap_irq_get_virq(tps65910->irq_data, irq);

#endif /*  __LINUX_MFD_TPS65910_H */

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