
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 * Register definitions for the Atmel Image Sensor Interface.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Atmel Corporation
 * Josh Wu, <>
 * Based on previous work by Lars Haring, <>
 * and Sedji Gaouaou
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef __ATMEL_ISI_H__
#define __ATMEL_ISI_H__

#include <linux/types.h>

/* ISI_V2 register offsets */
#define ISI_CFG1                                0x0000
#define ISI_CFG2                                0x0004
#define ISI_PSIZE                               0x0008
#define ISI_PDECF                               0x000c
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0                            0x0010
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1                            0x0014
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0                            0x0018
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1                            0x001C
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2                            0x0020
#define ISI_CTRL                                0x0024
#define ISI_STATUS                              0x0028
#define ISI_INTEN                               0x002C
#define ISI_INTDIS                              0x0030
#define ISI_INTMASK                             0x0034
#define ISI_DMA_CHER                            0x0038
#define ISI_DMA_CHDR                            0x003C
#define ISI_DMA_CHSR                            0x0040
#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR                          0x0044
#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL                          0x0048
#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR                          0x004C
#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR                          0x0050
#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL                          0x0054
#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR                          0x0058

/* Bitfields in CFG1 */
#define ISI_CFG1_HSYNC_POL_ACTIVE_LOW           (1 << 2)
#define ISI_CFG1_VSYNC_POL_ACTIVE_LOW           (1 << 3)
#define ISI_CFG1_PIXCLK_POL_ACTIVE_FALLING      (1 << 4)
#define ISI_CFG1_EMB_SYNC                       (1 << 6)
#define ISI_CFG1_CRC_SYNC                       (1 << 7)
/* Constants for FRATE(ISI_V2) */
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_CAPTURE_ALL      (0 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_2            (1 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_3            (2 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_4            (3 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_5            (4 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_6            (5 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_7            (6 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_8            (7 << 8)
#define         ISI_CFG1_FRATE_DIV_MASK         (7 << 8)
#define ISI_CFG1_DISCR                          (1 << 11)
#define ISI_CFG1_FULL_MODE                      (1 << 12)

/* Bitfields in CFG2 */
#define ISI_CFG2_GRAYSCALE                      (1 << 13)
/* Constants for YCC_SWAP(ISI_V2) */
#define         ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_DEFAULT       (0 << 28)
#define         ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE_1        (1 << 28)
#define         ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE_2        (2 << 28)
#define         ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE_3        (3 << 28)
#define         ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE_MASK     (3 << 28)
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_OFFSET                0
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_OFFSET                16

/* Bitfields in CTRL */
/* Also using in SR(ISI_V2) */
#define ISI_CTRL_EN                             (1 << 0)
#define ISI_CTRL_CDC                            (1 << 8)
/* Also using in SR/IER/IDR/IMR(ISI_V2) */
#define ISI_CTRL_DIS                            (1 << 1)
#define ISI_CTRL_SRST                           (1 << 2)

/* Bitfields in SR */
#define ISI_SR_SIP                              (1 << 19)
/* Also using in SR/IER/IDR/IMR */
#define ISI_SR_VSYNC                            (1 << 10)
#define ISI_SR_PXFR_DONE                        (1 << 16)
#define ISI_SR_CXFR_DONE                        (1 << 17)
#define ISI_SR_P_OVR                            (1 << 24)
#define ISI_SR_C_OVR                            (1 << 25)
#define ISI_SR_CRC_ERR                          (1 << 26)
#define ISI_SR_FR_OVR                           (1 << 27)

/* Bitfields in DMA_C_CTRL & in DMA_P_CTRL */
#define ISI_DMA_CTRL_FETCH                      (1 << 0)
#define ISI_DMA_CTRL_WB                         (1 << 1)
#define ISI_DMA_CTRL_IEN                        (1 << 2)
#define ISI_DMA_CTRL_DONE                       (1 << 3)

/* Bitfields in DMA_CHSR/CHER/CHDR */
#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_P_CH                       (1 << 0)
#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_C_CH                       (1 << 1)

/* Definition for isi_platform_data */
#define ISI_DATAWIDTH_8                         0x01
#define ISI_DATAWIDTH_10                        0x02

struct v4l2_async_subdev;

struct isi_platform_data {
        u8 has_emb_sync;
        u8 emb_crc_sync;
        u8 hsync_act_low;
        u8 vsync_act_low;
        u8 pclk_act_falling;
        u8 full_mode;
        u32 data_width_flags;
        /* Using for ISI_CFG1 */
        u32 frate;
        /* Using for ISI_MCK */
        u32 mck_hz;
        struct v4l2_async_subdev **asd; /* Flat array, arranged in groups */
        int *asd_sizes;         /* 0-terminated array of asd group sizes */

#endif /* __ATMEL_ISI_H__ */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */