
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


/* linux/caif_socket.h
 * CAIF Definitions for CAIF socket and network layer
 * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson AB 2010
 * Author:       Sjur Brendeland
 * License terms: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2


#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/socket.h>

 * enum caif_link_selector -    Physical Link Selection.
 * @CAIF_LINK_HIGH_BANDW:       Physical interface for high-bandwidth
 *                              traffic.
 * @CAIF_LINK_LOW_LATENCY:      Physical interface for low-latency
 *                              traffic.
 * CAIF Link Layers can register their link properties.
 * This enum is used for choosing between CAIF Link Layers when
 * setting up CAIF Channels when multiple CAIF Link Layers exists.
enum caif_link_selector {

 * enum caif_channel_priority - CAIF channel priorities.
 * @CAIF_PRIO_MIN:      Min priority for a channel.
 * @CAIF_PRIO_LOW:      Low-priority channel.
 * @CAIF_PRIO_NORMAL:   Normal/default priority level.
 * @CAIF_PRIO_HIGH:     High priority level
 * @CAIF_PRIO_MAX:      Max priority for channel
 * Priority can be set on CAIF Channels in order to
 * prioritize between traffic on different CAIF Channels.
 * These priority levels are recommended, but the priority value
 * is not restricted to the values defined in this enum, any value
 * between CAIF_PRIO_MIN and CAIF_PRIO_MAX could be used.
enum caif_channel_priority {
        CAIF_PRIO_MIN    = 0x01,
        CAIF_PRIO_LOW    = 0x04,
        CAIF_PRIO_NORMAL = 0x0f,
        CAIF_PRIO_HIGH   = 0x14,
        CAIF_PRIO_MAX    = 0x1F

 * enum caif_protocol_type  -   CAIF Channel type.
 * @CAIFPROTO_AT:               Classic AT channel.
 * @CAIFPROTO_DATAGRAM: Datagram channel.
 * @CAIFPROTO_DATAGRAM_LOOP:    Datagram loopback channel, used for testing.
 * @CAIFPROTO_UTIL:             Utility (Psock) channel.
 * @CAIFPROTO_RFM:              Remote File Manager
 * @CAIFPROTO_DEBUG:            Debug link
 * This enum defines the CAIF Channel type to be used. This defines
 * the service to connect to on the modem.
enum caif_protocol_type {

 * enum caif_at_type - AT Service Endpoint
 * @CAIF_ATTYPE_PLAIN:       Connects to a plain vanilla AT channel.
enum caif_at_type {
 * enum caif_debug_type - Content selection for debug connection
 * @CAIF_DEBUG_TRACE_INTERACTIVE: Connection will contain
 *                              both trace and interactive debug.
 * @CAIF_DEBUG_TRACE:           Connection contains trace only.
 * @CAIF_DEBUG_INTERACTIVE:     Connection to interactive debug.
enum caif_debug_type {

 * enum caif_debug_service - Debug Service Endpoint
 * @CAIF_RADIO_DEBUG_SERVICE:   Debug service on the Radio sub-system
 * @CAIF_APP_DEBUG_SERVICE:     Debug for the applications sub-system
enum caif_debug_service {

 * struct sockaddr_caif - the sockaddr structure for CAIF sockets.
 * @family:                  Address family number, must be AF_CAIF.
 * @u:                       Union of address data 'switched' by family.
 * :
 *                    Applies when family = CAIFPROTO_AT.
 *               Type of AT link to set up (enum caif_at_type).
 * @u.util:                  Applies when family = CAIFPROTO_UTIL
 * @u.util.service:          Utility service name.
 * @u.dgm:                   Applies when family = CAIFPROTO_DATAGRAM
 * @u.dgm.connection_id:     Datagram connection id.
 * @u.dgm.nsapi:             NSAPI of the PDP-Context.
 * @u.rfm:                   Applies when family = CAIFPROTO_RFM
 * @u.rfm.connection_id:     Connection ID for RFM.
 * @u.rfm.volume:            Volume to mount.
 * @u.dbg:                    Applies when family = CAIFPROTO_DEBUG.
 * @u.dbg.type:                      Type of debug connection to set up
 *                            (caif_debug_type).
 * @u.dbg.service:            Service sub-system to connect (caif_debug_service
 * Description:
 * This structure holds the connect parameters used for setting up a
 * CAIF Channel. It defines the service to connect to on the modem.
struct sockaddr_caif {
        __kernel_sa_family_t  family;
        union {
                struct {
                        __u8  type;             /* type: enum caif_at_type */
                } at;                           /* CAIFPROTO_AT */
                struct {
                        char      service[16];
                } util;                         /* CAIFPROTO_UTIL */
                union {
                        __u32 connection_id;
                        __u8  nsapi;
                } dgm;                          /* CAIFPROTO_DATAGRAM(_LOOP)*/
                struct {
                        __u32 connection_id;
                        char      volume[16];
                } rfm;                          /* CAIFPROTO_RFM */
                struct {
                        __u8  type;             /* type:enum caif_debug_type */
                        __u8  service;          /* service:caif_debug_service */
                } dbg;                          /* CAIFPROTO_DEBUG */
        } u;

 * enum caif_socket_opts - CAIF option values for getsockopt and setsockopt.
 * @CAIFSO_LINK_SELECT:         Selector used if multiple CAIF Link layers are
 *                              available. Either a high bandwidth
 *                              link can be selected (CAIF_LINK_HIGH_BANDW) or
 *                              or a low latency link (CAIF_LINK_LOW_LATENCY).
 *                              This option is of type __u32.
 *                              Alternatively SO_BINDTODEVICE can be used.
 * @CAIFSO_REQ_PARAM:           Used to set the request parameters for a
 *                              utility channel. (maximum 256 bytes). This
 *                              option must be set before connecting.
 * @CAIFSO_RSP_PARAM:           Gets the response parameters for a utility
 *                              channel. (maximum 256 bytes). This option
 *                              is valid after a successful connect.
 * This enum defines the CAIF Socket options to be used on a socket
 * of type PF_CAIF.
enum caif_socket_opts {
        CAIFSO_LINK_SELECT      = 127,
        CAIFSO_REQ_PARAM        = 128,
        CAIFSO_RSP_PARAM        = 129,

#endif /* _LINUX_CAIF_SOCKET_H */

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