
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *      Linux INET6 implementation 
 *      Authors:
 *      Pedro Roque             <>     
 *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *      as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 *      2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


#include <linux/types.h>

#define RTF_DEFAULT     0x00010000      /* default - learned via ND     */
#define RTF_ALLONLINK   0x00020000      /* (deprecated and will be removed)
                                           fallback, no routers on link */
#define RTF_ADDRCONF    0x00040000      /* addrconf route - RA          */
#define RTF_PREFIX_RT   0x00080000      /* A prefix only route - RA     */
#define RTF_ANYCAST     0x00100000      /* Anycast                      */

#define RTF_NONEXTHOP   0x00200000      /* route with no nexthop        */
#define RTF_EXPIRES     0x00400000

#define RTF_ROUTEINFO   0x00800000      /* route information - RA       */

#define RTF_CACHE       0x01000000      /* cache entry                  */
#define RTF_FLOW        0x02000000      /* flow significant route       */
#define RTF_POLICY      0x04000000      /* policy route                 */

#define RTF_PREF(pref)  ((pref) << 27)
#define RTF_PREF_MASK   0x18000000

#define RTF_LOCAL       0x80000000

struct in6_rtmsg {
        struct in6_addr         rtmsg_dst;
        struct in6_addr         rtmsg_src;
        struct in6_addr         rtmsg_gateway;
        __u32                   rtmsg_type;
        __u16                   rtmsg_dst_len;
        __u16                   rtmsg_src_len;
        __u32                   rtmsg_metric;
        unsigned long           rtmsg_info;
        __u32                   rtmsg_flags;
        int                     rtmsg_ifindex;

#define RTMSG_NEWDEVICE         0x11
#define RTMSG_DELDEVICE         0x12
#define RTMSG_NEWROUTE          0x21
#define RTMSG_DELROUTE          0x22

#define IP6_RT_PRIO_USER        1024
#define IP6_RT_PRIO_ADDRCONF    256

#endif /* _UAPI_LINUX_IPV6_ROUTE_H */

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