
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


/* taskstats.h - exporting per-task statistics
 * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2006
 *           (C) Balbir Singh,   IBM Corp. 2006
 *           (C) Jay Lan,        SGI, 2006
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


#include <linux/types.h>

/* Format for per-task data returned to userland when
 *      - a task exits
 *      - listener requests stats for a task
 * The struct is versioned. Newer versions should only add fields to
 * the bottom of the struct to maintain backward compatibility.
 * To add new fields
 *      a) bump up TASKSTATS_VERSION
 *      b) add comment indicating new version number at end of struct
 *      c) add new fields after version comment; maintain 64-bit alignment

#define TASKSTATS_VERSION       8
#define TS_COMM_LEN             32      /* should be >= TASK_COMM_LEN
                                         * in linux/sched.h */

struct taskstats {

        /* The version number of this struct. This field is always set to
         * TAKSTATS_VERSION, which is defined in <linux/taskstats.h>.
         * Each time the struct is changed, the value should be incremented.
        __u16   version;
        __u32   ac_exitcode;            /* Exit status */

        /* The accounting flags of a task as defined in <linux/acct.h>
         * Defined values are AFORK, ASU, ACOMPAT, ACORE, and AXSIG.
        __u8    ac_flag;                /* Record flags */
        __u8    ac_nice;                /* task_nice */

        /* Delay accounting fields start
         * All values, until comment "Delay accounting fields end" are
         * available only if delay accounting is enabled, even though the last
         * few fields are not delays
         * xxx_count is the number of delay values recorded
         * xxx_delay_total is the corresponding cumulative delay in nanoseconds
         * xxx_delay_total wraps around to zero on overflow
         * xxx_count incremented regardless of overflow

        /* Delay waiting for cpu, while runnable
         * count, delay_total NOT updated atomically
        __u64   cpu_count __attribute__((aligned(8)));
        __u64   cpu_delay_total;

        /* Following four fields atomically updated using task->delays->lock */

        /* Delay waiting for synchronous block I/O to complete
         * does not account for delays in I/O submission
        __u64   blkio_count;
        __u64   blkio_delay_total;

        /* Delay waiting for page fault I/O (swap in only) */
        __u64   swapin_count;
        __u64   swapin_delay_total;

        /* cpu "wall-clock" running time
         * On some architectures, value will adjust for cpu time stolen
         * from the kernel in involuntary waits due to virtualization.
         * Value is cumulative, in nanoseconds, without a corresponding count
         * and wraps around to zero silently on overflow
        __u64   cpu_run_real_total;

        /* cpu "virtual" running time
         * Uses time intervals seen by the kernel i.e. no adjustment
         * for kernel's involuntary waits due to virtualization.
         * Value is cumulative, in nanoseconds, without a corresponding count
         * and wraps around to zero silently on overflow
        __u64   cpu_run_virtual_total;
        /* Delay accounting fields end */
        /* version 1 ends here */

        /* Basic Accounting Fields start */
        char    ac_comm[TS_COMM_LEN];   /* Command name */
        __u8    ac_sched __attribute__((aligned(8)));
                                        /* Scheduling discipline */
        __u8    ac_pad[3];
        __u32   ac_uid __attribute__((aligned(8)));
                                        /* User ID */
        __u32   ac_gid;                 /* Group ID */
        __u32   ac_pid;                 /* Process ID */
        __u32   ac_ppid;                /* Parent process ID */
        __u32   ac_btime;               /* Begin time [sec since 1970] */
        __u64   ac_etime __attribute__((aligned(8)));
                                        /* Elapsed time [usec] */
        __u64   ac_utime;               /* User CPU time [usec] */
        __u64   ac_stime;               /* SYstem CPU time [usec] */
        __u64   ac_minflt;              /* Minor Page Fault Count */
        __u64   ac_majflt;              /* Major Page Fault Count */
        /* Basic Accounting Fields end */

        /* Extended accounting fields start */
        /* Accumulated RSS usage in duration of a task, in MBytes-usecs.
         * The current rss usage is added to this counter every time
         * a tick is charged to a task's system time. So, at the end we
         * will have memory usage multiplied by system time. Thus an
         * average usage per system time unit can be calculated.
        __u64   coremem;                /* accumulated RSS usage in MB-usec */
        /* Accumulated virtual memory usage in duration of a task.
         * Same as acct_rss_mem1 above except that we keep track of VM usage.
        __u64   virtmem;                /* accumulated VM  usage in MB-usec */

        /* High watermark of RSS and virtual memory usage in duration of
         * a task, in KBytes.
        __u64   hiwater_rss;            /* High-watermark of RSS usage, in KB */
        __u64   hiwater_vm;             /* High-water VM usage, in KB */

        /* The following four fields are I/O statistics of a task. */
        __u64   read_char;              /* bytes read */
        __u64   write_char;             /* bytes written */
        __u64   read_syscalls;          /* read syscalls */
        __u64   write_syscalls;         /* write syscalls */
        /* Extended accounting fields end */

        /* Per-task storage I/O accounting starts */
        __u64   read_bytes;             /* bytes of read I/O */
        __u64   write_bytes;            /* bytes of write I/O */
        __u64   cancelled_write_bytes;  /* bytes of cancelled write I/O */

        __u64  nvcsw;                   /* voluntary_ctxt_switches */
        __u64  nivcsw;                  /* nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches */

        /* time accounting for SMT machines */
        __u64   ac_utimescaled;         /* utime scaled on frequency etc */
        __u64   ac_stimescaled;         /* stime scaled on frequency etc */
        __u64   cpu_scaled_run_real_total; /* scaled cpu_run_real_total */

        /* Delay waiting for memory reclaim */
        __u64   freepages_count;
        __u64   freepages_delay_total;

 * Commands sent from userspace
 * Not versioned. New commands should only be inserted at the enum's end
 * prior to __TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX

enum {
        TASKSTATS_CMD_UNSPEC = 0,       /* Reserved */
        TASKSTATS_CMD_GET,              /* user->kernel request/get-response */
        TASKSTATS_CMD_NEW,              /* kernel->user event */


enum {
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_UNSPEC = 0,      /* Reserved */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_PID,             /* Process id */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_TGID,            /* Thread group id */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_STATS,           /* taskstats structure */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_AGGR_PID,        /* contains pid + stats */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_AGGR_TGID,       /* contains tgid + stats */
        TASKSTATS_TYPE_NULL,            /* contains nothing */


enum {


/* NETLINK_GENERIC related info */


#endif /* _LINUX_TASKSTATS_H */

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