
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/types.h>

typedef union sigval {
        int sival_int;
        void __user *sival_ptr;
} sigval_t;

 * This is the size (including padding) of the part of the
 * struct siginfo that is before the union.
#define __ARCH_SI_PREAMBLE_SIZE (3 * sizeof(int))

#define SI_MAX_SIZE     128
#ifndef SI_PAD_SIZE
#define SI_PAD_SIZE     ((SI_MAX_SIZE - __ARCH_SI_PREAMBLE_SIZE) / sizeof(int))

#ifndef __ARCH_SI_UID_T
#define __ARCH_SI_UID_T __kernel_uid32_t

 * The default "si_band" type is "long", as specified by POSIX.
 * However, some architectures want to override this to "int"
 * for historical compatibility reasons, so we allow that.
#ifndef __ARCH_SI_BAND_T
#define __ARCH_SI_BAND_T long

#ifndef __ARCH_SI_CLOCK_T
#define __ARCH_SI_CLOCK_T __kernel_clock_t



typedef struct siginfo {
        int si_signo;
        int si_errno;
        int si_code;

        union {
                int _pad[SI_PAD_SIZE];

                /* kill() */
                struct {
                        __kernel_pid_t _pid;    /* sender's pid */
                        __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;   /* sender's uid */
                } _kill;

                /* POSIX.1b timers */
                struct {
                        __kernel_timer_t _tid;  /* timer id */
                        int _overrun;           /* overrun count */
                        char _pad[sizeof( __ARCH_SI_UID_T) - sizeof(int)];
                        sigval_t _sigval;       /* same as below */
                        int _sys_private;       /* not to be passed to user */
                } _timer;

                /* POSIX.1b signals */
                struct {
                        __kernel_pid_t _pid;    /* sender's pid */
                        __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;   /* sender's uid */
                        sigval_t _sigval;
                } _rt;

                /* SIGCHLD */
                struct {
                        __kernel_pid_t _pid;    /* which child */
                        __ARCH_SI_UID_T _uid;   /* sender's uid */
                        int _status;            /* exit code */
                        __ARCH_SI_CLOCK_T _utime;
                        __ARCH_SI_CLOCK_T _stime;
                } _sigchld;

                /* SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGBUS */
                struct {
                        void __user *_addr; /* faulting insn/memory ref. */
                        int _trapno;    /* TRAP # which caused the signal */
                        short _addr_lsb; /* LSB of the reported address */
                } _sigfault;

                /* SIGPOLL */
                struct {
                        __ARCH_SI_BAND_T _band; /* POLL_IN, POLL_OUT, POLL_MSG */
                        int _fd;
                } _sigpoll;

                /* SIGSYS */
                struct {
                        void __user *_call_addr; /* calling user insn */
                        int _syscall;   /* triggering system call number */
                        unsigned int _arch;     /* AUDIT_ARCH_* of syscall */
                } _sigsys;
        } _sifields;
} __ARCH_SI_ATTRIBUTES siginfo_t;

/* If the arch shares siginfo, then it has SIGSYS. */
#define __ARCH_SIGSYS

 * How these fields are to be accessed.
#define si_pid          _sifields._kill._pid
#define si_uid          _sifields._kill._uid
#define si_tid          _sifields._timer._tid
#define si_overrun      _sifields._timer._overrun
#define si_sys_private  _sifields._timer._sys_private
#define si_status       _sifields._sigchld._status
#define si_utime        _sifields._sigchld._utime
#define si_stime        _sifields._sigchld._stime
#define si_value        _sifields._rt._sigval
#define si_int          _sifields._rt._sigval.sival_int
#define si_ptr          _sifields._rt._sigval.sival_ptr
#define si_addr         _sifields._sigfault._addr
#define si_trapno       _sifields._sigfault._trapno
#define si_addr_lsb     _sifields._sigfault._addr_lsb
#define si_band         _sifields._sigpoll._band
#define si_fd           _sifields._sigpoll._fd
#ifdef __ARCH_SIGSYS
#define si_call_addr    _sifields._sigsys._call_addr
#define si_syscall      _sifields._sigsys._syscall
#define si_arch         _sifields._sigsys._arch

#ifndef __KERNEL__
#define __SI_KILL       0
#define __SI_TIMER      0
#define __SI_POLL       0
#define __SI_FAULT      0
#define __SI_CHLD       0
#define __SI_RT         0
#define __SI_MESGQ      0
#define __SI_SYS        0
#define __SI_CODE(T,N)  (N)

 * si_code values
 * Digital reserves positive values for kernel-generated signals.
#define SI_USER         0               /* sent by kill, sigsend, raise */
#define SI_KERNEL       0x80            /* sent by the kernel from somewhere */
#define SI_QUEUE        -1              /* sent by sigqueue */
#define SI_TIMER __SI_CODE(__SI_TIMER,-2) /* sent by timer expiration */
#define SI_MESGQ __SI_CODE(__SI_MESGQ,-3) /* sent by real time mesq state change */
#define SI_ASYNCIO      -4              /* sent by AIO completion */
#define SI_SIGIO        -5              /* sent by queued SIGIO */
#define SI_TKILL        -6              /* sent by tkill system call */
#define SI_DETHREAD     -7              /* sent by execve() killing subsidiary threads */

#define SI_FROMUSER(siptr)      ((siptr)->si_code <= 0)
#define SI_FROMKERNEL(siptr)    ((siptr)->si_code > 0)

 * SIGILL si_codes
#define ILL_ILLOPC      (__SI_FAULT|1)  /* illegal opcode */
#define ILL_ILLOPN      (__SI_FAULT|2)  /* illegal operand */
#define ILL_ILLADR      (__SI_FAULT|3)  /* illegal addressing mode */
#define ILL_ILLTRP      (__SI_FAULT|4)  /* illegal trap */
#define ILL_PRVOPC      (__SI_FAULT|5)  /* privileged opcode */
#define ILL_PRVREG      (__SI_FAULT|6)  /* privileged register */
#define ILL_COPROC      (__SI_FAULT|7)  /* coprocessor error */
#define ILL_BADSTK      (__SI_FAULT|8)  /* internal stack error */
#define NSIGILL         8

 * SIGFPE si_codes
#define FPE_INTDIV      (__SI_FAULT|1)  /* integer divide by zero */
#define FPE_INTOVF      (__SI_FAULT|2)  /* integer overflow */
#define FPE_FLTDIV      (__SI_FAULT|3)  /* floating point divide by zero */
#define FPE_FLTOVF      (__SI_FAULT|4)  /* floating point overflow */
#define FPE_FLTUND      (__SI_FAULT|5)  /* floating point underflow */
#define FPE_FLTRES      (__SI_FAULT|6)  /* floating point inexact result */
#define FPE_FLTINV      (__SI_FAULT|7)  /* floating point invalid operation */
#define FPE_FLTSUB      (__SI_FAULT|8)  /* subscript out of range */
#define NSIGFPE         8

 * SIGSEGV si_codes
#define SEGV_MAPERR     (__SI_FAULT|1)  /* address not mapped to object */
#define SEGV_ACCERR     (__SI_FAULT|2)  /* invalid permissions for mapped object */
#define NSIGSEGV        2

 * SIGBUS si_codes
#define BUS_ADRALN      (__SI_FAULT|1)  /* invalid address alignment */
#define BUS_ADRERR      (__SI_FAULT|2)  /* non-existent physical address */
#define BUS_OBJERR      (__SI_FAULT|3)  /* object specific hardware error */
/* hardware memory error consumed on a machine check: action required */
#define BUS_MCEERR_AR   (__SI_FAULT|4)
/* hardware memory error detected in process but not consumed: action optional*/
#define BUS_MCEERR_AO   (__SI_FAULT|5)
#define NSIGBUS         5

 * SIGTRAP si_codes
#define TRAP_BRKPT      (__SI_FAULT|1)  /* process breakpoint */
#define TRAP_TRACE      (__SI_FAULT|2)  /* process trace trap */
#define TRAP_BRANCH     (__SI_FAULT|3)  /* process taken branch trap */
#define TRAP_HWBKPT     (__SI_FAULT|4)  /* hardware breakpoint/watchpoint */
#define NSIGTRAP        4

 * SIGCHLD si_codes
#define CLD_EXITED      (__SI_CHLD|1)   /* child has exited */
#define CLD_KILLED      (__SI_CHLD|2)   /* child was killed */
#define CLD_DUMPED      (__SI_CHLD|3)   /* child terminated abnormally */
#define CLD_TRAPPED     (__SI_CHLD|4)   /* traced child has trapped */
#define CLD_STOPPED     (__SI_CHLD|5)   /* child has stopped */
#define CLD_CONTINUED   (__SI_CHLD|6)   /* stopped child has continued */
#define NSIGCHLD        6

 * SIGPOLL si_codes
#define POLL_IN         (__SI_POLL|1)   /* data input available */
#define POLL_OUT        (__SI_POLL|2)   /* output buffers available */
#define POLL_MSG        (__SI_POLL|3)   /* input message available */
#define POLL_ERR        (__SI_POLL|4)   /* i/o error */
#define POLL_PRI        (__SI_POLL|5)   /* high priority input available */
#define POLL_HUP        (__SI_POLL|6)   /* device disconnected */
#define NSIGPOLL        6

 * SIGSYS si_codes
#define SYS_SECCOMP             (__SI_SYS|1)    /* seccomp triggered */
#define NSIGSYS 1

 * sigevent definitions
 * It seems likely that SIGEV_THREAD will have to be handled from 
 * userspace, libpthread transmuting it to SIGEV_SIGNAL, which the
 * thread manager then catches and does the appropriate nonsense.
 * However, everything is written out here so as to not get lost.
#define SIGEV_SIGNAL    0       /* notify via signal */
#define SIGEV_NONE      1       /* other notification: meaningless */
#define SIGEV_THREAD    2       /* deliver via thread creation */
#define SIGEV_THREAD_ID 4       /* deliver to thread */

 * This works because the alignment is ok on all current architectures
 * but we leave open this being overridden in the future
#define __ARCH_SIGEV_PREAMBLE_SIZE      (sizeof(int) * 2 + sizeof(sigval_t))

#define SIGEV_MAX_SIZE  64
                / sizeof(int))

typedef struct sigevent {
        sigval_t sigev_value;
        int sigev_signo;
        int sigev_notify;
        union {
                int _pad[SIGEV_PAD_SIZE];
                 int _tid;

                struct {
                        void (*_function)(sigval_t);
                        void *_attribute;       /* really pthread_attr_t */
                } _sigev_thread;
        } _sigev_un;
} sigevent_t;

#define sigev_notify_function   _sigev_un._sigev_thread._function
#define sigev_notify_attributes _sigev_un._sigev_thread._attribute
#define sigev_notify_thread_id   _sigev_un._tid


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