
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 * Most architectures have straight copies of the x86 code, with
 * varying levels of bug fixes on top. Usually it's a good idea
 * to use this generic version instead, but be careful to avoid
 * ABI changes.
 * New architectures should not provide their own version.

#include <asm/termbits.h>
#include <asm/ioctls.h>

struct winsize {
        unsigned short ws_row;
        unsigned short ws_col;
        unsigned short ws_xpixel;
        unsigned short ws_ypixel;

#define NCC 8
struct termio {
        unsigned short c_iflag;         /* input mode flags */
        unsigned short c_oflag;         /* output mode flags */
        unsigned short c_cflag;         /* control mode flags */
        unsigned short c_lflag;         /* local mode flags */
        unsigned char c_line;           /* line discipline */
        unsigned char c_cc[NCC];        /* control characters */

/* modem lines */
#define TIOCM_LE        0x001
#define TIOCM_DTR       0x002
#define TIOCM_RTS       0x004
#define TIOCM_ST        0x008
#define TIOCM_SR        0x010
#define TIOCM_CTS       0x020
#define TIOCM_CAR       0x040
#define TIOCM_RNG       0x080
#define TIOCM_DSR       0x100
#define TIOCM_CD        TIOCM_CAR
#define TIOCM_RI        TIOCM_RNG
#define TIOCM_OUT1      0x2000
#define TIOCM_OUT2      0x4000
#define TIOCM_LOOP      0x8000

/* ioctl (fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &result) where result may be as below */


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */