
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *  Copyright (c) by Jaroslav Kysela <>,
 *                   Creative Labs, Inc.
 *  Definitions for EMU10K1 (SB Live!) chips
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _UAPI__SOUND_EMU10K1_H
#define _UAPI__SOUND_EMU10K1_H

#include <linux/types.h>

 * ---- FX8010 ----

#define EMU10K1_CARD_CREATIVE                   0x00000000
#define EMU10K1_CARD_EMUAPS                     0x00000001

#define EMU10K1_FX8010_PCM_COUNT                8

/* instruction set */
#define iMAC0    0x00   /* R = A + (X * Y >> 31)   ; saturation */
#define iMAC1    0x01   /* R = A + (-X * Y >> 31)  ; saturation */
#define iMAC2    0x02   /* R = A + (X * Y >> 31)   ; wraparound */
#define iMAC3    0x03   /* R = A + (-X * Y >> 31)  ; wraparound */
#define iMACINT0 0x04   /* R = A + X * Y           ; saturation */
#define iMACINT1 0x05   /* R = A + X * Y           ; wraparound (31-bit) */
#define iACC3    0x06   /* R = A + X + Y           ; saturation */
#define iMACMV   0x07   /* R = A, acc += X * Y >> 31 */
#define iANDXOR  0x08   /* R = (A & X) ^ Y */
#define iTSTNEG  0x09   /* R = (A >= Y) ? X : ~X */
#define iLIMITGE 0x0a   /* R = (A >= Y) ? X : Y */
#define iLIMITLT 0x0b   /* R = (A < Y) ? X : Y */
#define iLOG     0x0c   /* R = linear_data, A (log_data), X (max_exp), Y (format_word) */
#define iEXP     0x0d   /* R = log_data, A (linear_data), X (max_exp), Y (format_word) */
#define iINTERP  0x0e   /* R = A + (X * (Y - A) >> 31)  ; saturation */
#define iSKIP    0x0f   /* R = A (cc_reg), X (count), Y (cc_test) */

/* GPRs */
#define FXBUS(x)        (0x00 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f */
#define EXTIN(x)        (0x10 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f */
#define EXTOUT(x)       (0x20 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f physical outs -> FXWC low 16 bits */
#define FXBUS2(x)       (0x30 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f copies of fx buses for capture -> FXWC high 16 bits */
                                        /* NB: 0x31 and 0x32 are shared with Center/LFE on SB live 5.1 */

#define C_00000000      0x40
#define C_00000001      0x41
#define C_00000002      0x42
#define C_00000003      0x43
#define C_00000004      0x44
#define C_00000008      0x45
#define C_00000010      0x46
#define C_00000020      0x47
#define C_00000100      0x48
#define C_00010000      0x49
#define C_00080000      0x4a
#define C_10000000      0x4b
#define C_20000000      0x4c
#define C_40000000      0x4d
#define C_80000000      0x4e
#define C_7fffffff      0x4f
#define C_ffffffff      0x50
#define C_fffffffe      0x51
#define C_c0000000      0x52
#define C_4f1bbcdc      0x53
#define C_5a7ef9db      0x54
#define C_00100000      0x55            /* ?? */
#define GPR_ACCU        0x56            /* ACCUM, accumulator */
#define GPR_COND        0x57            /* CCR, condition register */
#define GPR_NOISE0      0x58            /* noise source */
#define GPR_NOISE1      0x59            /* noise source */
#define GPR_IRQ         0x5a            /* IRQ register */
#define GPR_DBAC        0x5b            /* TRAM Delay Base Address Counter */
#define GPR(x)          (FXGPREGBASE + (x)) /* free GPRs: x = 0x00 - 0xff */
#define ITRAM_DATA(x)   (TANKMEMDATAREGBASE + 0x00 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x7f */
#define ETRAM_DATA(x)   (TANKMEMDATAREGBASE + 0x80 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x1f */
#define ITRAM_ADDR(x)   (TANKMEMADDRREGBASE + 0x00 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x7f */
#define ETRAM_ADDR(x)   (TANKMEMADDRREGBASE + 0x80 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x1f */

#define A_ITRAM_DATA(x) (TANKMEMDATAREGBASE + 0x00 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0xbf */
#define A_ETRAM_DATA(x) (TANKMEMDATAREGBASE + 0xc0 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x3f */
#define A_ITRAM_ADDR(x) (TANKMEMADDRREGBASE + 0x00 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0xbf */
#define A_ETRAM_ADDR(x) (TANKMEMADDRREGBASE + 0xc0 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x3f */
#define A_ITRAM_CTL(x)  (A_TANKMEMCTLREGBASE + 0x00 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0xbf */
#define A_ETRAM_CTL(x)  (A_TANKMEMCTLREGBASE + 0xc0 + (x)) /* x = 0x00 - 0x3f */

#define A_FXBUS(x)      (0x00 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x3f FX buses */
#define A_EXTIN(x)      (0x40 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f physical ins */
#define A_P16VIN(x)     (0x50 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f p16v ins (A2 only) "EMU32 inputs" */
#define A_EXTOUT(x)     (0x60 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x1f physical outs -> A_FXWC1 0x79-7f unknown   */
#define A_FXBUS2(x)     (0x80 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x1f extra outs used for EFX capture -> A_FXWC2 */
#define A_EMU32OUTH(x)  (0xa0 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f "EMU32_OUT_10 - _1F" - ??? */
#define A_EMU32OUTL(x)  (0xb0 + (x))    /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f "EMU32_OUT_1 - _F" - ??? */
#define A3_EMU32IN(x)   (0x160 + (x))   /* x = 0x00 - 0x3f "EMU32_IN_00 - _3F" - Only when .device = 0x0008 */
#define A3_EMU32OUT(x)  (0x1E0 + (x))   /* x = 0x00 - 0x0f "EMU32_OUT_00 - _3F" - Only when .device = 0x0008 */
#define A_GPR(x)        (A_FXGPREGBASE + (x))

/* cc_reg constants */
#define CC_REG_NORMALIZED C_00000001
#define CC_REG_BORROW   C_00000002
#define CC_REG_MINUS    C_00000004
#define CC_REG_ZERO     C_00000008
#define CC_REG_SATURATE C_00000010
#define CC_REG_NONZERO  C_00000100

/* FX buses */
#define FXBUS_PCM_LEFT          0x00
#define FXBUS_PCM_RIGHT         0x01
#define FXBUS_PCM_LEFT_REAR     0x02
#define FXBUS_PCM_RIGHT_REAR    0x03
#define FXBUS_MIDI_LEFT         0x04
#define FXBUS_MIDI_RIGHT        0x05
#define FXBUS_PCM_CENTER        0x06
#define FXBUS_PCM_LFE           0x07
#define FXBUS_PCM_LEFT_FRONT    0x08
#define FXBUS_PCM_RIGHT_FRONT   0x09
#define FXBUS_MIDI_REVERB       0x0c
#define FXBUS_MIDI_CHORUS       0x0d
#define FXBUS_PCM_LEFT_SIDE     0x0e
#define FXBUS_PCM_RIGHT_SIDE    0x0f
#define FXBUS_PT_LEFT           0x14
#define FXBUS_PT_RIGHT          0x15

/* Inputs */
#define EXTIN_AC97_L       0x00 /* AC'97 capture channel - left */
#define EXTIN_AC97_R       0x01 /* AC'97 capture channel - right */
#define EXTIN_SPDIF_CD_L   0x02 /* internal S/PDIF CD - onboard - left */
#define EXTIN_SPDIF_CD_R   0x03 /* internal S/PDIF CD - onboard - right */
#define EXTIN_ZOOM_L       0x04 /* Zoom Video I2S - left */
#define EXTIN_ZOOM_R       0x05 /* Zoom Video I2S - right */
#define EXTIN_TOSLINK_L    0x06 /* LiveDrive - TOSLink Optical - left */
#define EXTIN_TOSLINK_R    0x07 /* LiveDrive - TOSLink Optical - right */
#define EXTIN_LINE1_L      0x08 /* LiveDrive - Line/Mic 1 - left */
#define EXTIN_LINE1_R      0x09 /* LiveDrive - Line/Mic 1 - right */
#define EXTIN_COAX_SPDIF_L 0x0a /* LiveDrive - Coaxial S/PDIF - left */
#define EXTIN_COAX_SPDIF_R 0x0b /* LiveDrive - Coaxial S/PDIF - right */
#define EXTIN_LINE2_L      0x0c /* LiveDrive - Line/Mic 2 - left */
#define EXTIN_LINE2_R      0x0d /* LiveDrive - Line/Mic 2 - right */

/* Outputs */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_L      0x00 /* AC'97 playback channel - left */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_R      0x01 /* AC'97 playback channel - right */
#define EXTOUT_TOSLINK_L   0x02 /* LiveDrive - TOSLink Optical - left */
#define EXTOUT_TOSLINK_R   0x03 /* LiveDrive - TOSLink Optical - right */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_CENTER 0x04 /* SB Live 5.1 - center */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_LFE    0x05 /* SB Live 5.1 - LFE */
#define EXTOUT_HEADPHONE_L 0x06 /* LiveDrive - Headphone - left */
#define EXTOUT_HEADPHONE_R 0x07 /* LiveDrive - Headphone - right */
#define EXTOUT_REAR_L      0x08 /* Rear channel - left */
#define EXTOUT_REAR_R      0x09 /* Rear channel - right */
#define EXTOUT_ADC_CAP_L   0x0a /* ADC Capture buffer - left */
#define EXTOUT_ADC_CAP_R   0x0b /* ADC Capture buffer - right */
#define EXTOUT_MIC_CAP     0x0c /* MIC Capture buffer */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_REAR_L 0x0d /* SB Live 5.1 (c) 2003 - Rear Left */
#define EXTOUT_AC97_REAR_R 0x0e /* SB Live 5.1 (c) 2003 - Rear Right */
#define EXTOUT_ACENTER     0x11 /* Analog Center */
#define EXTOUT_ALFE        0x12 /* Analog LFE */

/* Audigy Inputs */
#define A_EXTIN_AC97_L          0x00    /* AC'97 capture channel - left */
#define A_EXTIN_AC97_R          0x01    /* AC'97 capture channel - right */
#define A_EXTIN_SPDIF_CD_L      0x02    /* digital CD left */
#define A_EXTIN_SPDIF_CD_R      0x03    /* digital CD left */
#define A_EXTIN_OPT_SPDIF_L     0x04    /* audigy drive Optical SPDIF - left */
#define A_EXTIN_OPT_SPDIF_R     0x05    /*                              right */ 
#define A_EXTIN_LINE2_L         0x08    /* audigy drive line2/mic2 - left */
#define A_EXTIN_LINE2_R         0x09    /*                           right */
#define A_EXTIN_ADC_L           0x0a    /* Philips ADC - left */
#define A_EXTIN_ADC_R           0x0b    /*               right */
#define A_EXTIN_AUX2_L          0x0c    /* audigy drive aux2 - left */
#define A_EXTIN_AUX2_R          0x0d    /*                   - right */

/* Audigiy Outputs */
#define A_EXTOUT_FRONT_L        0x00    /* digital front left */
#define A_EXTOUT_FRONT_R        0x01    /*               right */
#define A_EXTOUT_CENTER         0x02    /* digital front center */
#define A_EXTOUT_LFE            0x03    /* digital front lfe */
#define A_EXTOUT_HEADPHONE_L    0x04    /* headphone audigy drive left */
#define A_EXTOUT_HEADPHONE_R    0x05    /*                        right */
#define A_EXTOUT_REAR_L         0x06    /* digital rear left */
#define A_EXTOUT_REAR_R         0x07    /*              right */
#define A_EXTOUT_AFRONT_L       0x08    /* analog front left */
#define A_EXTOUT_AFRONT_R       0x09    /*              right */
#define A_EXTOUT_ACENTER        0x0a    /* analog center */
#define A_EXTOUT_ALFE           0x0b    /* analog LFE */
#define A_EXTOUT_ASIDE_L        0x0c    /* analog side left  - Audigy 2 ZS */
#define A_EXTOUT_ASIDE_R        0x0d    /*             right - Audigy 2 ZS */
#define A_EXTOUT_AREAR_L        0x0e    /* analog rear left */
#define A_EXTOUT_AREAR_R        0x0f    /*             right */
#define A_EXTOUT_AC97_L         0x10    /* AC97 left (front) */
#define A_EXTOUT_AC97_R         0x11    /*      right */
#define A_EXTOUT_ADC_CAP_L      0x16    /* ADC capture buffer left */
#define A_EXTOUT_ADC_CAP_R      0x17    /*                    right */
#define A_EXTOUT_MIC_CAP        0x18    /* Mic capture buffer */

/* Audigy constants */
#define A_C_00000000    0xc0
#define A_C_00000001    0xc1
#define A_C_00000002    0xc2
#define A_C_00000003    0xc3
#define A_C_00000004    0xc4
#define A_C_00000008    0xc5
#define A_C_00000010    0xc6
#define A_C_00000020    0xc7
#define A_C_00000100    0xc8
#define A_C_00010000    0xc9
#define A_C_00000800    0xca
#define A_C_10000000    0xcb
#define A_C_20000000    0xcc
#define A_C_40000000    0xcd
#define A_C_80000000    0xce
#define A_C_7fffffff    0xcf
#define A_C_ffffffff    0xd0
#define A_C_fffffffe    0xd1
#define A_C_c0000000    0xd2
#define A_C_4f1bbcdc    0xd3
#define A_C_5a7ef9db    0xd4
#define A_C_00100000    0xd5
#define A_GPR_ACCU      0xd6            /* ACCUM, accumulator */
#define A_GPR_COND      0xd7            /* CCR, condition register */
#define A_GPR_NOISE0    0xd8            /* noise source */
#define A_GPR_NOISE1    0xd9            /* noise source */
#define A_GPR_IRQ       0xda            /* IRQ register */
#define A_GPR_DBAC      0xdb            /* TRAM Delay Base Address Counter - internal */
#define A_GPR_DBACE     0xde            /* TRAM Delay Base Address Counter - external */

/* definitions for debug register */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_ZC                  0x80000000      /* zero tram counter */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_SATURATION_OCCURED  0x02000000      /* saturation control */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_SATURATION_ADDR     0x01ff0000      /* saturation address */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_SINGLE_STEP         0x00008000      /* single step mode */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_STEP                0x00004000      /* start single step */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_CONDITION_CODE      0x00003e00      /* condition code */
#define EMU10K1_DBG_SINGLE_STEP_ADDR    0x000001ff      /* single step address */

/* tank memory address line */
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#define TANKMEMADDRREG_ADDR_MASK 0x000fffff     /* 20 bit tank address field                    */
#define TANKMEMADDRREG_CLEAR     0x00800000     /* Clear tank memory                            */
#define TANKMEMADDRREG_ALIGN     0x00400000     /* Align read or write relative to tank access  */
#define TANKMEMADDRREG_WRITE     0x00200000     /* Write to tank memory                         */
#define TANKMEMADDRREG_READ      0x00100000     /* Read from tank memory                        */

struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_info {
        unsigned int internal_tram_size;        /* in samples */
        unsigned int external_tram_size;        /* in samples */
        char fxbus_names[16][32];               /* names of FXBUSes */
        char extin_names[16][32];               /* names of external inputs */
        char extout_names[32][32];              /* names of external outputs */
        unsigned int gpr_controls;              /* count of GPR controls */

#define EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION_NONE            0
#define EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION_TABLE100        1
#define EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION_BASS            2
#define EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION_TREBLE          3
#define EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION_ONOFF           4

struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_control_gpr {
        struct snd_ctl_elem_id id;              /* full control ID definition */
        unsigned int vcount;            /* visible count */
        unsigned int count;             /* count of GPR (1..16) */
        unsigned short gpr[32];         /* GPR number(s) */
        unsigned int value[32];         /* initial values */
        unsigned int min;               /* minimum range */
        unsigned int max;               /* maximum range */
        unsigned int translation;       /* translation type (EMU10K1_GPR_TRANSLATION*) */
        const unsigned int *tlv;

/* old ABI without TLV support */
struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_control_old_gpr {
        struct snd_ctl_elem_id id;
        unsigned int vcount;
        unsigned int count;
        unsigned short gpr[32];
        unsigned int value[32];
        unsigned int min;
        unsigned int max;
        unsigned int translation;

struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_code {
        char name[128];

        DECLARE_BITMAP(gpr_valid, 0x200); /* bitmask of valid initializers */
        __u32 __user *gpr_map;          /* initializers */

        unsigned int gpr_add_control_count; /* count of GPR controls to add/replace */
        struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_control_gpr __user *gpr_add_controls; /* GPR controls to add/replace */

        unsigned int gpr_del_control_count; /* count of GPR controls to remove */
        struct snd_ctl_elem_id __user *gpr_del_controls; /* IDs of GPR controls to remove */

        unsigned int gpr_list_control_count; /* count of GPR controls to list */
        unsigned int gpr_list_control_total; /* total count of GPR controls */
        struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_control_gpr __user *gpr_list_controls; /* listed GPR controls */

        DECLARE_BITMAP(tram_valid, 0x100); /* bitmask of valid initializers */
        __u32 __user *tram_data_map;      /* data initializers */
        __u32 __user *tram_addr_map;      /* map initializers */

        DECLARE_BITMAP(code_valid, 1024); /* bitmask of valid instructions */
        __u32 __user *code;               /* one instruction - 64 bits */

struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_tram {
        unsigned int address;           /* 31.bit == 1 -> external TRAM */
        unsigned int size;              /* size in samples (4 bytes) */
        unsigned int *samples;          /* pointer to samples (20-bit) */
                                        /* NULL->clear memory */

struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_pcm_rec {
        unsigned int substream;         /* substream number */
        unsigned int res1;              /* reserved */
        unsigned int channels;          /* 16-bit channels count, zero = remove this substream */
        unsigned int tram_start;        /* ring buffer position in TRAM (in samples) */
        unsigned int buffer_size;       /* count of buffered samples */
        unsigned short gpr_size;                /* GPR containing size of ringbuffer in samples (host) */
        unsigned short gpr_ptr;         /* GPR containing current pointer in the ring buffer (host = reset, FX8010) */
        unsigned short gpr_count;       /* GPR containing count of samples between two interrupts (host) */
        unsigned short gpr_tmpcount;    /* GPR containing current count of samples to interrupt (host = set, FX8010) */
        unsigned short gpr_trigger;     /* GPR containing trigger (activate) information (host) */
        unsigned short gpr_running;     /* GPR containing info if PCM is running (FX8010) */
        unsigned char pad;              /* reserved */
        unsigned char etram[32];        /* external TRAM address & data (one per channel) */
        unsigned int res2;              /* reserved */


#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_INFO        _IOR ('H', 0x10, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_info)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_CODE_POKE   _IOW ('H', 0x11, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_code)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_CODE_PEEK   _IOWR('H', 0x12, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_code)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_TRAM_SETUP  _IOW ('H', 0x20, int)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_TRAM_POKE   _IOW ('H', 0x21, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_tram)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_TRAM_PEEK   _IOWR('H', 0x22, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_tram)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_PCM_POKE    _IOW ('H', 0x30, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_pcm_rec)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_PCM_PEEK    _IOWR('H', 0x31, struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_pcm_rec)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_PVERSION    _IOR ('H', 0x40, int)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_STOP        _IO  ('H', 0x80)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_CONTINUE    _IO  ('H', 0x81)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_SINGLE_STEP _IOW ('H', 0x83, int)
#define SNDRV_EMU10K1_IOCTL_DBG_READ    _IOR ('H', 0x84, int)

/* typedefs for compatibility to user-space */
typedef struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_info emu10k1_fx8010_info_t;
typedef struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_control_gpr emu10k1_fx8010_control_gpr_t;
typedef struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_code emu10k1_fx8010_code_t;
typedef struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_tram emu10k1_fx8010_tram_t;
typedef struct snd_emu10k1_fx8010_pcm_rec emu10k1_fx8010_pcm_t;

#endif /* _UAPI__SOUND_EMU10K1_H */

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