
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. llc_conn_ev
  2. llc_conn_space

#ifndef LLC_C_EV_H
#define LLC_C_EV_H
 * Copyright (c) 1997 by Procom Technology,Inc.
 *               2001 by Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
 * This program can be redistributed or modified under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed without any warranty or implied warranty
 * of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.

#include <net/sock.h>

/* Connection component state transition event qualifiers */
/* Types of events (possible values in 'ev->type') */
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_SIMPLE          1
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_PRIM            3
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_PDU             4      /* command/response PDU */
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_ACK_TMR         5
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_P_TMR           6
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_REJ_TMR         7
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TYPE_BUSY_TMR        8

#define NBR_CONN_EV                5
/* Connection events which cause state transitions when fully qualified */

#define LLC_CONN_EV_CONN_REQ                             1
#define LLC_CONN_EV_CONN_RESP                            2
#define LLC_CONN_EV_DATA_REQ                             3
#define LLC_CONN_EV_DISC_REQ                             4
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RESET_REQ                            5
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RESET_RESP                           6
#define LLC_CONN_EV_LOCAL_BUSY_DETECTED                  7
#define LLC_CONN_EV_LOCAL_BUSY_CLEARED                   8
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_BAD_PDU                           9
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_DISC_CMD_Pbit_SET_X              10
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_DM_RSP_Fbit_SET_X                11
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_FRMR_RSP_Fbit_SET_X              12
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_X                 13
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_X_UNEXPD_Ns       14
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_X_INVAL_Ns        15
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_X                 16
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_X_UNEXPD_Ns       17
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_X_INVAL_Ns        18
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_CMD_Pbit_SET_X               19
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_RSP_Fbit_SET_X               20
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_CMD_Pbit_SET_X               21
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_RSP_Fbit_SET_X               22
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_CMD_Pbit_SET_X                23
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_RSP_Fbit_SET_X                24
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_SABME_CMD_Pbit_SET_X             25
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_UA_RSP_Fbit_SET_X                26
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_CMD_Pbit_SET_X               27
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_RSP_Fbit_SET_X               28
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_YYY                          29
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_ZZZ_CMD_Pbit_SET_X_INVAL_Nr      30
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_ZZZ_RSP_Fbit_SET_X_INVAL_Nr      31
#define LLC_CONN_EV_P_TMR_EXP                           32
#define LLC_CONN_EV_ACK_TMR_EXP                         33
#define LLC_CONN_EV_REJ_TMR_EXP                         34
#define LLC_CONN_EV_BUSY_TMR_EXP                        35
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_CMD_Pbit_SET_1               36
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_CMD_Pbit_SET_0               37
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_0_UNEXPD_Ns       38
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_0_UNEXPD_Ns       39
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_1_UNEXPD_Ns       40
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_1_UNEXPD_Ns       41
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_0                 42
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_0                 43
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_CMD_Pbit_SET_1                 44
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_CMD_Pbit_SET_0                45
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_RSP_Fbit_SET_0                46
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_RSP_Fbit_SET_1                47
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RR_CMD_Pbit_SET_1                48
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_CMD_Pbit_SET_0               49
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_RSP_Fbit_SET_0               50
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_RSP_Fbit_SET_1               51
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_RNR_CMD_Pbit_SET_1               52
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_CMD_Pbit_SET_0               53
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_RSP_Fbit_SET_0               54
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_CMD_Pbit_SET_1               55
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_I_RSP_Fbit_SET_1                 56
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_REJ_RSP_Fbit_SET_1               57
#define LLC_CONN_EV_RX_XXX_RSP_Fbit_SET_1               58
#define LLC_CONN_EV_TX_BUFF_FULL                        59

#define LLC_CONN_EV_INIT_P_F_CYCLE                      100
 * Connection event qualifiers; for some events a certain combination of
 * these qualifiers must be TRUE before event recognized valid for state;
 * these constants act as indexes into the Event Qualifier function
 * table
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_DATA_FLAG_EQ_1           1
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_DATA_FLAG_EQ_0           2
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_DATA_FLAG_EQ_2           3
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_P_FLAG_EQ_1              4
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_P_FLAG_EQ_0              5
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_P_FLAG_EQ_Fbit           6
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_REMOTE_BUSY_EQ_0         7
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_RETRY_CNT_LT_N2          8
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_RETRY_CNT_GTE_N2         9
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_S_FLAG_EQ_1             10
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_S_FLAG_EQ_0             11
#define LLC_CONN_EV_QFY_INIT_P_F_CYCLE          12

struct llc_conn_state_ev {
        u8 type;
        u8 prim;
        u8 prim_type;
        u8 reason;
        u8 status;
        u8 ind_prim;
        u8 cfm_prim;

static __inline__ struct llc_conn_state_ev *llc_conn_ev(struct sk_buff *skb)
        return (struct llc_conn_state_ev *)skb->cb;

typedef int (*llc_conn_ev_t)(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
typedef int (*llc_conn_ev_qfyr_t)(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);

int llc_conn_ev_conn_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_data_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_disc_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rst_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_local_busy_detected(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_local_busy_cleared(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_bad_pdu(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_disc_cmd_pbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_dm_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_frmr_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_cmd_pbit_set_x_inval_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                             struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_x_unexpd_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                              struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_x_inval_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                             struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rej_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_sabme_cmd_pbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_ua_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_xxx_cmd_pbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_xxx_rsp_fbit_set_x(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_zzz_cmd_pbit_set_x_inval_nr(struct sock *sk,
                                               struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_zzz_rsp_fbit_set_x_inval_nr(struct sock *sk,
                                               struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_p_tmr_exp(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_ack_tmr_exp(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rej_tmr_exp(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_busy_tmr_exp(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_sendack_tmr_exp(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
/* NOT_USED functions and their variations */
int llc_conn_ev_rx_xxx_cmd_pbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_xxx_rsp_fbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_cmd_pbit_set_0_unexpd_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                              struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_cmd_pbit_set_1_unexpd_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                              struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_cmd_pbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_cmd_pbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_0_unexpd_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                              struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_1_unexpd_ns(struct sock *sk,
                                              struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_i_rsp_fbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rr_cmd_pbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rr_cmd_pbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rr_rsp_fbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rr_rsp_fbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rnr_cmd_pbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rnr_cmd_pbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rnr_rsp_fbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rnr_rsp_fbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rej_cmd_pbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rej_cmd_pbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rej_rsp_fbit_set_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_rej_rsp_fbit_set_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_rx_any_frame(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_tx_buffer_full(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_init_p_f_cycle(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);

/* Available connection action qualifiers */
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_data_flag_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_data_flag_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_data_flag_eq_2(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_p_flag_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_last_frame_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_last_frame_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_p_flag_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_p_flag_eq_f(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_remote_busy_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_remote_busy_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_retry_cnt_lt_n2(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_retry_cnt_gte_n2(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_s_flag_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_s_flag_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_cause_flag_eq_1(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_cause_flag_eq_0(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_conn(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_disc(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_failed(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_remote_busy(struct sock *sk,
                                            struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_refuse(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_conflict(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
int llc_conn_ev_qlfy_set_status_rst_done(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);

static __inline__ int llc_conn_space(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
        return atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) + skb->truesize <
               (unsigned int)sk->sk_rcvbuf;
#endif /* LLC_C_EV_H */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */