
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. atomic_inc_mb
  2. atomic_dec_mb


#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/configfs.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <linux/blkdev.h>
#include <linux/percpu_ida.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
#include <net/sock.h>
#include <net/tcp.h>

#define TARGET_CORE_MOD_VERSION         "v4.1.0"

/* Maximum Number of LUNs per Target Portal Group */
/* Don't raise above 511 or REPORT_LUNS needs to handle >1 page */
#define TRANSPORT_MAX_LUNS_PER_TPG              256
 * By default we use 32-byte CDBs in TCM Core and subsystem plugin code.
 * Note that both include/scsi/scsi_cmnd.h:MAX_COMMAND_SIZE and
 * include/linux/blkdev.h:BLOCK_MAX_CDB as of v2.6.36-rc4 still use
 * 16-byte CDBs by default and require an extra allocation for
 * 32-byte CDBs to because of legacy issues.
 * Within TCM Core there are no such legacy limitiations, so we go ahead
 * use 32-byte CDBs by default and use include/scsi/scsi.h:scsi_command_size()
 * within all TCM Core and subsystem plugin code.
#define TCM_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE                    32
 * From include/scsi/scsi_cmnd.h:SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE, currently
 * defined 96, but the real limit is 252 (or 260 including the header)
/* Used by transport_send_check_condition_and_sense() */
#define SPC_SENSE_KEY_OFFSET                    2
#define SPC_ADD_SENSE_LEN_OFFSET                7
#define SPC_DESC_TYPE_OFFSET                    8
#define SPC_VALIDITY_OFFSET                     10
#define SPC_ASC_KEY_OFFSET                      12
#define SPC_ASCQ_KEY_OFFSET                     13
#define TRANSPORT_IQN_LEN                       224
/* Used by target_core_store_alua_lu_gp() and target_core_alua_lu_gp_show_attr_members() */
#define LU_GROUP_NAME_BUF                       256
/* Used by core_alua_store_tg_pt_gp_info() and target_core_alua_tg_pt_gp_show_attr_members() */
#define TG_PT_GROUP_NAME_BUF                    256
/* Used to parse VPD into struct t10_vpd */
#define VPD_TMP_BUF_SIZE                        254
/* Used by transport_generic_cmd_sequencer() */
#define READ_BLOCK_LEN                          6
#define READ_CAP_LEN                            8
#define READ_POSITION_LEN                       20
#define INQUIRY_LEN                             36
/* Used by transport_get_inquiry_vpd_serial() */
#define INQUIRY_VPD_SERIAL_LEN                  254
/* Used by transport_get_inquiry_vpd_device_ident() */

/* Attempts before moving from SHORT to LONG */
#define PYX_TRANSPORT_WINDOW_CLOSED_WAIT_SHORT  3  /* In milliseconds */
#define PYX_TRANSPORT_WINDOW_CLOSED_WAIT_LONG   10 /* In milliseconds */

#define PYX_TRANSPORT_STATUS_INTERVAL           5 /* In seconds */

/* struct se_dev_attrib sanity values */
/* Default max_unmap_lba_count */
#define DA_MAX_UNMAP_LBA_COUNT                  0
/* Default max_unmap_block_desc_count */
#define DA_MAX_UNMAP_BLOCK_DESC_COUNT           0
/* Default unmap_granularity */
/* Default unmap_granularity_alignment */
/* Default max_write_same_len, disabled by default */
#define DA_MAX_WRITE_SAME_LEN                   0
/* Default max transfer length */
#define DA_FABRIC_MAX_SECTORS                   8192
/* Use a model alias based on the configfs backend device name */
#define DA_EMULATE_MODEL_ALIAS                  0
/* Emulation for Direct Page Out */
#define DA_EMULATE_DPO                          0
/* Emulation for Forced Unit Access WRITEs */
#define DA_EMULATE_FUA_WRITE                    1
/* Emulation for Forced Unit Access READs */
#define DA_EMULATE_FUA_READ                     0
/* Emulation for WriteCache and SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE */
#define DA_EMULATE_WRITE_CACHE                  0
/* Emulation for UNIT ATTENTION Interlock Control */
#define DA_EMULATE_UA_INTLLCK_CTRL              0
/* Emulation for TASK_ABORTED status (TAS) by default */
#define DA_EMULATE_TAS                          1
/* Emulation for Thin Provisioning UNMAP using block/blk-lib.c:blkdev_issue_discard() */
#define DA_EMULATE_TPU                          0
 * Emulation for Thin Provisioning WRITE_SAME w/ UNMAP=1 bit using
 * block/blk-lib.c:blkdev_issue_discard()
#define DA_EMULATE_TPWS                         0
/* Emulation for CompareAndWrite (AtomicTestandSet) by default */
#define DA_EMULATE_CAW                          1
/* Emulation for 3rd Party Copy (ExtendedCopy) by default */
#define DA_EMULATE_3PC                          1
/* No Emulation for PSCSI by default */
#define DA_EMULATE_ALUA                         0
/* Enforce SCSI Initiator Port TransportID with 'ISID' for PR */
#define DA_ENFORCE_PR_ISIDS                     1
/* Force SPC-3 PR Activate Persistence across Target Power Loss */
#define DA_FORCE_PR_APTPL                       0
#define DA_STATUS_MAX_SECTORS_MIN               16
#define DA_STATUS_MAX_SECTORS_MAX               8192
/* By default don't report non-rotating (solid state) medium */
#define DA_IS_NONROT                            0
/* Queue Algorithm Modifier default for restricted reordering in control mode page */
#define DA_EMULATE_REST_REORD                   0

#define SE_INQUIRY_BUF                          1024
#define SE_MODE_PAGE_BUF                        512
#define SE_SENSE_BUF                            96

/* struct se_hba->hba_flags */
enum hba_flags_table {
        HBA_FLAGS_INTERNAL_USE  = 0x01,
        HBA_FLAGS_PSCSI_MODE    = 0x02,

/* struct se_lun->lun_status */
enum transport_lun_status_table {

/* struct se_portal_group->se_tpg_type */
enum transport_tpg_type_table {

/* Special transport agnostic struct se_cmd->t_states */
enum transport_state_table {
        TRANSPORT_NO_STATE      = 0,
        TRANSPORT_NEW_CMD       = 1,
        TRANSPORT_COMPLETE      = 6,

/* Used for struct se_cmd->se_cmd_flags */
enum se_cmd_flags_table {
        SCF_SUPPORTED_SAM_OPCODE        = 0x00000001,
        SCF_TRANSPORT_TASK_SENSE        = 0x00000002,
        SCF_EMULATED_TASK_SENSE         = 0x00000004,
        SCF_SCSI_DATA_CDB               = 0x00000008,
        SCF_SCSI_TMR_CDB                = 0x00000010,
        SCF_FUA                         = 0x00000080,
        SCF_SE_LUN_CMD                  = 0x00000100,
        SCF_BIDI                        = 0x00000400,
        SCF_SENT_CHECK_CONDITION        = 0x00000800,
        SCF_OVERFLOW_BIT                = 0x00001000,
        SCF_UNDERFLOW_BIT               = 0x00002000,
        SCF_SEND_DELAYED_TAS            = 0x00004000,
        SCF_ALUA_NON_OPTIMIZED          = 0x00008000,
        SCF_ACK_KREF                    = 0x00040000,
        SCF_COMPARE_AND_WRITE           = 0x00080000,
        SCF_COMPARE_AND_WRITE_POST      = 0x00100000,
        SCF_CMD_XCOPY_PASSTHROUGH       = 0x00200000,

/* struct se_dev_entry->lun_flags and struct se_lun->lun_access */
enum transport_lunflags_table {
        TRANSPORT_LUNFLAGS_NO_ACCESS            = 0x00,
        TRANSPORT_LUNFLAGS_READ_ONLY            = 0x02,
        TRANSPORT_LUNFLAGS_READ_WRITE           = 0x04,

 * Used by transport_send_check_condition_and_sense()
 * to signal which ASC/ASCQ sense payload should be built.
typedef unsigned __bitwise__ sense_reason_t;

enum tcm_sense_reason_table {
#define R(x)    (__force sense_reason_t )(x)
        TCM_NO_SENSE                            = R(0x00),
        TCM_NON_EXISTENT_LUN                    = R(0x01),
        TCM_UNSUPPORTED_SCSI_OPCODE             = R(0x02),
        TCM_INCORRECT_AMOUNT_OF_DATA            = R(0x03),
        TCM_UNEXPECTED_UNSOLICITED_DATA         = R(0x04),
        TCM_SERVICE_CRC_ERROR                   = R(0x05),
        TCM_SNACK_REJECTED                      = R(0x06),
        TCM_SECTOR_COUNT_TOO_MANY               = R(0x07),
        TCM_INVALID_CDB_FIELD                   = R(0x08),
        TCM_INVALID_PARAMETER_LIST              = R(0x09),
        TCM_UNKNOWN_MODE_PAGE                   = R(0x0b),
        TCM_WRITE_PROTECTED                     = R(0x0c),
        TCM_CHECK_CONDITION_ABORT_CMD           = R(0x0d),
        TCM_CHECK_CONDITION_NOT_READY           = R(0x0f),
        TCM_RESERVATION_CONFLICT                = R(0x10),
        TCM_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE                = R(0x11),
        TCM_OUT_OF_RESOURCES                    = R(0x12),
        TCM_PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH_ERROR         = R(0x13),
        TCM_MISCOMPARE_VERIFY                   = R(0x14),
#undef R

enum target_sc_flags_table {
        TARGET_SCF_BIDI_OP              = 0x01,
        TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF             = 0x02,
        TARGET_SCF_UNKNOWN_SIZE         = 0x04,

/* fabric independent task management function values */
enum tcm_tmreq_table {
        TMR_ABORT_TASK          = 1,
        TMR_ABORT_TASK_SET      = 2,
        TMR_CLEAR_ACA           = 3,
        TMR_CLEAR_TASK_SET      = 4,
        TMR_LUN_RESET           = 5,
        TMR_TARGET_WARM_RESET   = 6,
        TMR_TARGET_COLD_RESET   = 7,

/* fabric independent task management response values */
enum tcm_tmrsp_table {
        TMR_FUNCTION_FAILED             = 0,
        TMR_FUNCTION_COMPLETE           = 1,
        TMR_TASK_DOES_NOT_EXIST         = 2,
        TMR_LUN_DOES_NOT_EXIST          = 3,
        TMR_FUNCTION_REJECTED           = 5,

 * Used for target SCSI statistics
typedef enum {
} scsi_index_t;

struct se_cmd;

struct t10_alua_lba_map_member {
        struct list_head lba_map_mem_list;
        int lba_map_mem_alua_state;
        int lba_map_mem_alua_pg_id;

struct t10_alua_lba_map {
        u64 lba_map_first_lba;
        u64 lba_map_last_lba;
        struct list_head lba_map_list;
        struct list_head lba_map_mem_list;

struct t10_alua {
        /* ALUA Target Port Group ID */
        u16     alua_tg_pt_gps_counter;
        u32     alua_tg_pt_gps_count;
        /* Referrals support */
        spinlock_t lba_map_lock;
        u32     lba_map_segment_size;
        u32     lba_map_segment_multiplier;
        struct list_head lba_map_list;
        spinlock_t tg_pt_gps_lock;
        struct se_device *t10_dev;
        /* Used for default ALUA Target Port Group */
        struct t10_alua_tg_pt_gp *default_tg_pt_gp;
        /* Used for default ALUA Target Port Group ConfigFS group */
        struct config_group alua_tg_pt_gps_group;
        struct list_head tg_pt_gps_list;

struct t10_alua_lu_gp {
        u16     lu_gp_id;
        int     lu_gp_valid_id;
        u32     lu_gp_members;
        atomic_t lu_gp_ref_cnt;
        spinlock_t lu_gp_lock;
        struct config_group lu_gp_group;
        struct list_head lu_gp_node;
        struct list_head lu_gp_mem_list;

struct t10_alua_lu_gp_member {
        bool lu_gp_assoc;
        atomic_t lu_gp_mem_ref_cnt;
        spinlock_t lu_gp_mem_lock;
        struct t10_alua_lu_gp *lu_gp;
        struct se_device *lu_gp_mem_dev;
        struct list_head lu_gp_mem_list;

struct t10_alua_tg_pt_gp {
        u16     tg_pt_gp_id;
        int     tg_pt_gp_valid_id;
        int     tg_pt_gp_alua_supported_states;
        int     tg_pt_gp_alua_pending_state;
        int     tg_pt_gp_alua_previous_state;
        int     tg_pt_gp_alua_access_status;
        int     tg_pt_gp_alua_access_type;
        int     tg_pt_gp_nonop_delay_msecs;
        int     tg_pt_gp_trans_delay_msecs;
        int     tg_pt_gp_implicit_trans_secs;
        int     tg_pt_gp_pref;
        int     tg_pt_gp_write_metadata;
        u32     tg_pt_gp_members;
        atomic_t tg_pt_gp_alua_access_state;
        atomic_t tg_pt_gp_ref_cnt;
        spinlock_t tg_pt_gp_lock;
        struct mutex tg_pt_gp_md_mutex;
        struct se_device *tg_pt_gp_dev;
        struct config_group tg_pt_gp_group;
        struct list_head tg_pt_gp_list;
        struct list_head tg_pt_gp_mem_list;
        struct se_port *tg_pt_gp_alua_port;
        struct se_node_acl *tg_pt_gp_alua_nacl;
        struct delayed_work tg_pt_gp_transition_work;
        struct completion *tg_pt_gp_transition_complete;

struct t10_alua_tg_pt_gp_member {
        bool tg_pt_gp_assoc;
        atomic_t tg_pt_gp_mem_ref_cnt;
        spinlock_t tg_pt_gp_mem_lock;
        struct t10_alua_tg_pt_gp *tg_pt_gp;
        struct se_port *tg_pt;
        struct list_head tg_pt_gp_mem_list;

struct t10_vpd {
        unsigned char device_identifier[INQUIRY_VPD_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_LEN];
        int protocol_identifier_set;
        u32 protocol_identifier;
        u32 device_identifier_code_set;
        u32 association;
        u32 device_identifier_type;
        struct list_head vpd_list;

struct t10_wwn {
        char vendor[8];
        char model[16];
        char revision[4];
        char unit_serial[INQUIRY_VPD_SERIAL_LEN];
        spinlock_t t10_vpd_lock;
        struct se_device *t10_dev;
        struct config_group t10_wwn_group;
        struct list_head t10_vpd_list;

struct t10_pr_registration {
        /* Used for fabrics that contain WWN+ISID */
#define PR_REG_ISID_LEN                         16
        /* PR_REG_ISID_LEN + ',i,0x' */
#define PR_REG_ISID_ID_LEN                      (PR_REG_ISID_LEN + 5)
        char pr_reg_isid[PR_REG_ISID_LEN];
        /* Used during APTPL metadata reading */
#define PR_APTPL_MAX_IPORT_LEN                  256
        unsigned char pr_iport[PR_APTPL_MAX_IPORT_LEN];
        /* Used during APTPL metadata reading */
#define PR_APTPL_MAX_TPORT_LEN                  256
        unsigned char pr_tport[PR_APTPL_MAX_TPORT_LEN];
        u16 pr_aptpl_rpti;
        u16 pr_reg_tpgt;
        /* Reservation effects all target ports */
        int pr_reg_all_tg_pt;
        /* Activate Persistence across Target Power Loss */
        int pr_reg_aptpl;
        int pr_res_holder;
        int pr_res_type;
        int pr_res_scope;
        /* Used for fabric initiator WWPNs using a ISID */
        bool isid_present_at_reg;
        u32 pr_res_mapped_lun;
        u32 pr_aptpl_target_lun;
        u32 pr_res_generation;
        u64 pr_reg_bin_isid;
        u64 pr_res_key;
        atomic_t pr_res_holders;
        struct se_node_acl *pr_reg_nacl;
        struct se_dev_entry *pr_reg_deve;
        struct se_lun *pr_reg_tg_pt_lun;
        struct list_head pr_reg_list;
        struct list_head pr_reg_abort_list;
        struct list_head pr_reg_aptpl_list;
        struct list_head pr_reg_atp_list;
        struct list_head pr_reg_atp_mem_list;

struct t10_reservation {
        /* Reservation effects all target ports */
        int pr_all_tg_pt;
        /* Activate Persistence across Target Power Loss enabled
         * for SCSI device */
        int pr_aptpl_active;
#define PR_APTPL_BUF_LEN                        8192
        u32 pr_generation;
        spinlock_t registration_lock;
        spinlock_t aptpl_reg_lock;
         * This will always be set by one individual I_T Nexus.
         * However with all_tg_pt=1, other I_T Nexus from the
         * same initiator can access PR reg/res info on a different
         * target port.
         * There is also the 'All Registrants' case, where there is
         * a single *pr_res_holder of the reservation, but all
         * registrations are considered reservation holders.
        struct se_node_acl *pr_res_holder;
        struct list_head registration_list;
        struct list_head aptpl_reg_list;

struct se_tmr_req {
        /* Task Management function to be performed */
        u8                      function;
        /* Task Management response to send */
        u8                      response;
        int                     call_transport;
        /* Reference to ITT that Task Mgmt should be performed */
        u32                     ref_task_tag;
        void                    *fabric_tmr_ptr;
        struct se_cmd           *task_cmd;
        struct se_device        *tmr_dev;
        struct se_lun           *tmr_lun;
        struct list_head        tmr_list;

enum target_prot_op {
        TARGET_PROT_NORMAL      = 0,
        TARGET_PROT_DIN_INSERT  = (1 << 0),
        TARGET_PROT_DOUT_INSERT = (1 << 1),
        TARGET_PROT_DIN_STRIP   = (1 << 2),
        TARGET_PROT_DOUT_STRIP  = (1 << 3),
        TARGET_PROT_DIN_PASS    = (1 << 4),
        TARGET_PROT_DOUT_PASS   = (1 << 5),

                        TARGET_PROT_DIN_STRIP | TARGET_PROT_DOUT_STRIP | \

enum target_prot_type {

enum target_core_dif_check {
        TARGET_DIF_CHECK_GUARD  = 0x1 << 0,
        TARGET_DIF_CHECK_APPTAG = 0x1 << 1,
        TARGET_DIF_CHECK_REFTAG = 0x1 << 2,

struct se_dif_v1_tuple {
        __be16                  guard_tag;
        __be16                  app_tag;
        __be32                  ref_tag;

struct se_cmd {
        /* SAM response code being sent to initiator */
        u8                      scsi_status;
        u8                      scsi_asc;
        u8                      scsi_ascq;
        u16                     scsi_sense_length;
        /* Delay for ALUA Active/NonOptimized state access in milliseconds */
        int                     alua_nonop_delay;
        /* See include/linux/dma-mapping.h */
        enum dma_data_direction data_direction;
        /* For SAM Task Attribute */
        int                     sam_task_attr;
        /* Used for se_sess->sess_tag_pool */
        unsigned int            map_tag;
        /* Transport protocol dependent state, see transport_state_table */
        enum transport_state_table t_state;
        unsigned                cmd_wait_set:1;
        unsigned                unknown_data_length:1;
        /* See se_cmd_flags_table */
        u32                     se_cmd_flags;
        u32                     se_ordered_id;
        /* Total size in bytes associated with command */
        u32                     data_length;
        u32                     residual_count;
        u32                     orig_fe_lun;
        /* Persistent Reservation key */
        u64                     pr_res_key;
        /* Used for sense data */
        void                    *sense_buffer;
        struct list_head        se_delayed_node;
        struct list_head        se_qf_node;
        struct se_device      *se_dev;
        struct se_dev_entry   *se_deve;
        struct se_lun           *se_lun;
        /* Only used for internal passthrough and legacy TCM fabric modules */
        struct se_session       *se_sess;
        struct se_tmr_req       *se_tmr_req;
        struct list_head        se_cmd_list;
        struct completion       cmd_wait_comp;
        struct kref             cmd_kref;
        struct target_core_fabric_ops *se_tfo;
        sense_reason_t          (*execute_cmd)(struct se_cmd *);
        sense_reason_t          (*execute_rw)(struct se_cmd *, struct scatterlist *,
                                              u32, enum dma_data_direction);
        sense_reason_t (*transport_complete_callback)(struct se_cmd *);

        unsigned char           *t_task_cdb;
        unsigned char           __t_task_cdb[TCM_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
        unsigned long long      t_task_lba;
        unsigned int            t_task_nolb;
        unsigned int            transport_state;
#define CMD_T_ABORTED           (1 << 0)
#define CMD_T_ACTIVE            (1 << 1)
#define CMD_T_COMPLETE          (1 << 2)
#define CMD_T_SENT              (1 << 4)
#define CMD_T_STOP              (1 << 5)
#define CMD_T_DEV_ACTIVE        (1 << 7)
#define CMD_T_REQUEST_STOP      (1 << 8)
#define CMD_T_BUSY              (1 << 9)
        spinlock_t              t_state_lock;
        struct completion       t_transport_stop_comp;

        struct work_struct      work;

        struct scatterlist      *t_data_sg;
        struct scatterlist      *t_data_sg_orig;
        unsigned int            t_data_nents;
        unsigned int            t_data_nents_orig;
        void                    *t_data_vmap;
        struct scatterlist      *t_bidi_data_sg;
        unsigned int            t_bidi_data_nents;

        struct list_head        state_list;
        bool                    state_active;

        /* old task stop completion, consider merging with some of the above */
        struct completion       task_stop_comp;

        /* backend private data */
        void                    *priv;

        /* Used for lun->lun_ref counting */
        int                     lun_ref_active;

        /* DIF related members */
        enum target_prot_op     prot_op;
        enum target_prot_type   prot_type;
        u8                      prot_checks;
        u32                     prot_length;
        u32                     reftag_seed;
        struct scatterlist      *t_prot_sg;
        unsigned int            t_prot_nents;
        sense_reason_t          pi_err;
        sector_t                bad_sector;
        bool                    prot_pto;

struct se_ua {
        u8                      ua_asc;
        u8                      ua_ascq;
        struct se_node_acl      *ua_nacl;
        struct list_head        ua_nacl_list;

struct se_node_acl {
        char                    initiatorname[TRANSPORT_IQN_LEN];
        /* Used to signal demo mode created ACL, disabled by default */
        bool                    dynamic_node_acl;
        bool                    acl_stop:1;
        u32                     queue_depth;
        u32                     acl_index;
#define MAX_ACL_TAG_SIZE 64
        char                    acl_tag[MAX_ACL_TAG_SIZE];
        /* Used for PR SPEC_I_PT=1 and REGISTER_AND_MOVE */
        atomic_t                acl_pr_ref_count;
        struct se_dev_entry     **device_list;
        struct se_session       *nacl_sess;
        struct se_portal_group *se_tpg;
        spinlock_t              device_list_lock;
        spinlock_t              nacl_sess_lock;
        struct config_group     acl_group;
        struct config_group     acl_attrib_group;
        struct config_group     acl_auth_group;
        struct config_group     acl_param_group;
        struct config_group     acl_fabric_stat_group;
        struct config_group     *acl_default_groups[5];
        struct list_head        acl_list;
        struct list_head        acl_sess_list;
        struct completion       acl_free_comp;
        struct kref             acl_kref;

struct se_session {
        unsigned                sess_tearing_down:1;
        u64                     sess_bin_isid;
        enum target_prot_op     sup_prot_ops;
        struct se_node_acl      *se_node_acl;
        struct se_portal_group *se_tpg;
        void                    *fabric_sess_ptr;
        struct list_head        sess_list;
        struct list_head        sess_acl_list;
        struct list_head        sess_cmd_list;
        struct list_head        sess_wait_list;
        spinlock_t              sess_cmd_lock;
        struct kref             sess_kref;
        void                    *sess_cmd_map;
        struct percpu_ida       sess_tag_pool;

struct se_device;
struct se_transform_info;
struct scatterlist;

struct se_ml_stat_grps {
        struct config_group     stat_group;
        struct config_group     scsi_auth_intr_group;
        struct config_group     scsi_att_intr_port_group;

struct se_lun_acl {
        char                    initiatorname[TRANSPORT_IQN_LEN];
        u32                     mapped_lun;
        struct se_node_acl      *se_lun_nacl;
        struct se_lun           *se_lun;
        struct list_head        lacl_list;
        struct config_group     se_lun_group;
        struct se_ml_stat_grps  ml_stat_grps;

struct se_dev_entry {
        bool                    def_pr_registered;
        /* See transport_lunflags_table */
        u32                     lun_flags;
        u32                     mapped_lun;
        u32                     total_cmds;
        u64                     pr_res_key;
        u64                     creation_time;
        u32                     attach_count;
        u64                     read_bytes;
        u64                     write_bytes;
        atomic_t                ua_count;
        /* Used for PR SPEC_I_PT=1 and REGISTER_AND_MOVE */
        atomic_t                pr_ref_count;
        struct se_lun_acl       *se_lun_acl;
        spinlock_t              ua_lock;
        struct se_lun           *se_lun;
        struct list_head        alua_port_list;
        struct list_head        ua_list;

struct se_dev_attrib {
        int             emulate_model_alias;
        int             emulate_dpo;
        int             emulate_fua_write;
        int             emulate_fua_read;
        int             emulate_write_cache;
        int             emulate_ua_intlck_ctrl;
        int             emulate_tas;
        int             emulate_tpu;
        int             emulate_tpws;
        int             emulate_caw;
        int             emulate_3pc;
        int             pi_prot_format;
        enum target_prot_type pi_prot_type;
        enum target_prot_type hw_pi_prot_type;
        int             enforce_pr_isids;
        int             force_pr_aptpl;
        int             is_nonrot;
        int             emulate_rest_reord;
        u32             hw_block_size;
        u32             block_size;
        u32             hw_max_sectors;
        u32             fabric_max_sectors;
        u32             optimal_sectors;
        u32             hw_queue_depth;
        u32             queue_depth;
        u32             max_unmap_lba_count;
        u32             max_unmap_block_desc_count;
        u32             unmap_granularity;
        u32             unmap_granularity_alignment;
        u32             max_write_same_len;
        u32             max_bytes_per_io;
        struct se_device *da_dev;
        struct config_group da_group;

struct se_port_stat_grps {
        struct config_group stat_group;
        struct config_group scsi_port_group;
        struct config_group scsi_tgt_port_group;
        struct config_group scsi_transport_group;

struct se_lun {
#define SE_LUN_LINK_MAGIC                       0xffff7771
        u32                     lun_link_magic;
        /* See transport_lun_status_table */
        enum transport_lun_status_table lun_status;
        u32                     lun_access;
        u32                     lun_flags;
        u32                     unpacked_lun;
        atomic_t                lun_acl_count;
        spinlock_t              lun_acl_lock;
        spinlock_t              lun_sep_lock;
        struct completion       lun_shutdown_comp;
        struct list_head        lun_acl_list;
        struct se_device        *lun_se_dev;
        struct se_port          *lun_sep;
        struct config_group     lun_group;
        struct se_port_stat_grps port_stat_grps;
        struct completion       lun_ref_comp;
        struct percpu_ref       lun_ref;

struct se_dev_stat_grps {
        struct config_group stat_group;
        struct config_group scsi_dev_group;
        struct config_group scsi_tgt_dev_group;
        struct config_group scsi_lu_group;

struct se_device {
#define SE_DEV_LINK_MAGIC                       0xfeeddeef
        u32                     dev_link_magic;
        u16                     dev_rpti_counter;
        /* Used for SAM Task Attribute ordering */
        u32                     dev_cur_ordered_id;
        u32                     dev_flags;
#define DF_CONFIGURED                           0x00000001
#define DF_FIRMWARE_VPD_UNIT_SERIAL             0x00000002
#define DF_EMULATED_VPD_UNIT_SERIAL             0x00000004
#define DF_USING_UDEV_PATH                      0x00000008
#define DF_USING_ALIAS                          0x00000010
        u32                     dev_port_count;
        /* Physical device queue depth */
        u32                     queue_depth;
        /* Used for SPC-2 reservations enforce of ISIDs */
        u64                     dev_res_bin_isid;
        /* Pointer to transport specific device structure */
        u32                     dev_index;
        u64                     creation_time;
        atomic_long_t           num_resets;
        atomic_long_t           num_cmds;
        atomic_long_t           read_bytes;
        atomic_long_t           write_bytes;
        /* Active commands on this virtual SE device */
        atomic_t                simple_cmds;
        atomic_t                dev_ordered_id;
        atomic_t                dev_ordered_sync;
        atomic_t                dev_qf_count;
        int                     export_count;
        spinlock_t              delayed_cmd_lock;
        spinlock_t              execute_task_lock;
        spinlock_t              dev_reservation_lock;
        unsigned int            dev_reservation_flags;
#define DRF_SPC2_RESERVATIONS                   0x00000001
#define DRF_SPC2_RESERVATIONS_WITH_ISID         0x00000002
        spinlock_t              se_port_lock;
        spinlock_t              se_tmr_lock;
        spinlock_t              qf_cmd_lock;
        struct semaphore        caw_sem;
        /* Used for legacy SPC-2 reservationsa */
        struct se_node_acl      *dev_reserved_node_acl;
        /* Used for ALUA Logical Unit Group membership */
        struct t10_alua_lu_gp_member *dev_alua_lu_gp_mem;
        /* Used for SPC-3 Persistent Reservations */
        struct t10_pr_registration *dev_pr_res_holder;
        struct list_head        dev_sep_list;
        struct list_head        dev_tmr_list;
        struct workqueue_struct *tmr_wq;
        struct work_struct      qf_work_queue;
        struct list_head        delayed_cmd_list;
        struct list_head        state_list;
        struct list_head        qf_cmd_list;
        struct list_head        g_dev_node;
        /* Pointer to associated SE HBA */
        struct se_hba           *se_hba;
        /* T10 Inquiry and VPD WWN Information */
        struct t10_wwn          t10_wwn;
        /* T10 Asymmetric Logical Unit Assignment for Target Ports */
        struct t10_alua         t10_alua;
        /* T10 SPC-2 + SPC-3 Reservations */
        struct t10_reservation  t10_pr;
        struct se_dev_attrib    dev_attrib;
        struct config_group     dev_group;
        struct config_group     dev_pr_group;
        struct se_dev_stat_grps dev_stat_grps;
#define SE_DEV_ALIAS_LEN 512            /* must be less than PAGE_SIZE */
        unsigned char           dev_alias[SE_DEV_ALIAS_LEN];
#define SE_UDEV_PATH_LEN 512            /* must be less than PAGE_SIZE */
        unsigned char           udev_path[SE_UDEV_PATH_LEN];
        /* Pointer to template of function pointers for transport */
        struct se_subsystem_api *transport;
        /* Linked list for struct se_hba struct se_device list */
        struct list_head        dev_list;
        struct se_lun           xcopy_lun;
        /* Protection Information */
        int                     prot_length;

struct se_hba {
        u16                     hba_tpgt;
        u32                     hba_id;
        /* See hba_flags_table */
        u32                     hba_flags;
        /* Virtual iSCSI devices attached. */
        u32                     dev_count;
        u32                     hba_index;
        /* Pointer to transport specific host structure. */
        void                    *hba_ptr;
        struct list_head        hba_node;
        spinlock_t              device_lock;
        struct config_group     hba_group;
        struct mutex            hba_access_mutex;
        struct se_subsystem_api *transport;

struct scsi_port_stats {
       u64     cmd_pdus;
       u64     tx_data_octets;
       u64     rx_data_octets;

struct se_port {
        u16             sep_rtpi;
        int             sep_tg_pt_secondary_stat;
        int             sep_tg_pt_secondary_write_md;
        u32             sep_index;
        struct scsi_port_stats sep_stats;
        /* Used for ALUA Target Port Groups membership */
        atomic_t        sep_tg_pt_secondary_offline;
        /* Used for PR ALL_TG_PT=1 */
        atomic_t        sep_tg_pt_ref_cnt;
        spinlock_t      sep_alua_lock;
        struct mutex    sep_tg_pt_md_mutex;
        struct t10_alua_tg_pt_gp_member *sep_alua_tg_pt_gp_mem;
        struct se_lun *sep_lun;
        struct se_portal_group *sep_tpg;
        struct list_head sep_alua_list;
        struct list_head sep_list;

struct se_tpg_np {
        struct se_portal_group *tpg_np_parent;
        struct config_group     tpg_np_group;

struct se_portal_group {
        /* Type of target portal group, see transport_tpg_type_table */
        enum transport_tpg_type_table se_tpg_type;
        /* Number of ACLed Initiator Nodes for this TPG */
        u32                     num_node_acls;
        /* Used for PR SPEC_I_PT=1 and REGISTER_AND_MOVE */
        atomic_t                tpg_pr_ref_count;
        /* Spinlock for adding/removing ACLed Nodes */
        spinlock_t              acl_node_lock;
        /* Spinlock for adding/removing sessions */
        spinlock_t              session_lock;
        spinlock_t              tpg_lun_lock;
        /* Pointer to $FABRIC_MOD portal group */
        void                    *se_tpg_fabric_ptr;
        struct list_head        se_tpg_node;
        /* linked list for initiator ACL list */
        struct list_head        acl_node_list;
        struct se_lun           **tpg_lun_list;
        struct se_lun           tpg_virt_lun0;
        /* List of TCM sessions associated wth this TPG */
        struct list_head        tpg_sess_list;
        /* Pointer to $FABRIC_MOD dependent code */
        struct target_core_fabric_ops *se_tpg_tfo;
        struct se_wwn           *se_tpg_wwn;
        struct config_group     tpg_group;
        struct config_group     *tpg_default_groups[7];
        struct config_group     tpg_lun_group;
        struct config_group     tpg_np_group;
        struct config_group     tpg_acl_group;
        struct config_group     tpg_attrib_group;
        struct config_group     tpg_auth_group;
        struct config_group     tpg_param_group;

struct se_wwn {
        struct target_fabric_configfs *wwn_tf;
        struct config_group     wwn_group;
        struct config_group     *wwn_default_groups[2];
        struct config_group     fabric_stat_group;

static inline void atomic_inc_mb(atomic_t *v)

static inline void atomic_dec_mb(atomic_t *v)

#endif /* TARGET_CORE_BASE_H */

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